Well I don't exist as just awareness. I'm in this body it's obvious. The awareness definitely seem to have a limitation. I'm in this body not your body.
What is "real"? I don't know that's my question here.. All I can say is that this stuff here that we call the world "people cars animals etc" that is what I would call "real" but I know that it might an illusion.. That's a possibility.. But still that's the only thing to be sure of.. This stuff is just there in front of me. Yes it's fluxes but it's "there " nevertheless. I wouldn't call it unreal just because it changes constantly.. If i to doubt the existence of what's in front of me and the only thing that exist then the whole discussion would end.. We have to start from a ground.. And my ground is the existence of myself (my mind and body) and the world around me. Notice I didn't jump to conclusions about the nature of the world or the nature of awareness.. I just stated honestly my raw direct experience which I cannot doubt.