Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. "Real " is reality this thing that's here around me. My question is what is the very substance of Reilly and why does it exist?
  2. Well I don't exist as just awareness. I'm in this body it's obvious. The awareness definitely seem to have a limitation. I'm in this body not your body. What is "real"? I don't know that's my question here.. All I can say is that this stuff here that we call the world "people cars animals etc" that is what I would call "real" but I know that it might an illusion.. That's a possibility.. But still that's the only thing to be sure of.. This stuff is just there in front of me. Yes it's fluxes but it's "there " nevertheless. I wouldn't call it unreal just because it changes constantly.. If i to doubt the existence of what's in front of me and the only thing that exist then the whole discussion would end.. We have to start from a ground.. And my ground is the existence of myself (my mind and body) and the world around me. Notice I didn't jump to conclusions about the nature of the world or the nature of awareness.. I just stated honestly my raw direct experience which I cannot doubt.
  3. Yes I agree. I would say the following are absolute facts : I exist and this world exists and I am aware of it. Which means these things are right now in direct experience they can't be doubted. The nature of experience or anything else is open to discussion.
  4. Would appreciate it if you guide me through this inquiry!.
  5. Well I think that's just a belief it's not based on my direct experience. All I see is the body and mind and the material world and nothing else. I'm open to the possibility of me being some hidden creative power that is imagining this little me and the world just like the real me and the false me inside of a Dream. But I don't have any concrete evidence for that. And the world does seem material and governd by certain laws which I cannot change through my imagination. Which makes me question what's the benefit of believing in something goes against direct experience? That might prevent me from getting good results in life.