Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Reality =real. Unreal =doesn't exist. Do you agree?. Also I don't think there was an issue about oneness and separation. It's interesting topic but it wasn't my original point. My original point was about the existence of objects independent of perception.
  2. I really do wish that you just answer my question rather than giving me obvious explanation of how thoughts arise and go.
  3. You can call everything any name you want it. That's up to you. For me I wanna call it a name that's close to represent what everything actually is. It's not "love" for sure.
  4. I'm not. I don't exist. if even "you " don't exist what an offense to assume that I do?
  5. How do you solve a puzzle or a tough situation in your life? You don't use thoughts?
  6. If reality is unreal (notice how funny this statement is even linguistically) there won't be ego in the first place to handle or not handle anything.
  7. A dream is real. It's just not what it appears to be. That's all. Also Just make up your mind.. Is there a Mario or there isn't? It's just a game at the end but games are real btw!
  8. No it's only real. The ego wants to believe it's both real and unreal to get rid of suffering.
  9. There is the objective reality outside of my senses. If not what am I sensing then?. No they can't be merged into one sense (not really). They are five distinct senses.
  10. Thank you. That says it all. So there is a world out there. Give me a break with this imagination business.
  11. Well I ask you the same question. Why did human beings develop language and concepts and started labeling stuff? Isn't it to label what's already existent? If nothing exists outside of our concepts why did we make up those concepts in the first place? . Who made these concepts? The mind? Does that mean the mind was there even before the concept of "mind" was there?
  12. Here is the whole confusion. The cup doesn't exist as awareness. What does that even mean? . The cup exists as a cup! And you then come and become aware of it in a limited way. When your awareness fades it remains (the cup) untouched. Look at the cup and touch it with your hands. Now close your eyes but keep your hands on it. Just because your visual awareness of the cup disappeared doesn't mean the cup itself disappeared as you can still feel it with your hands. It's just your awareness of sight disappeared not the cup itself.
  13. There will be no cup in your awareness. That's true. But you can't say there will be no cup for someone else because you don't know that.
  14. A glass of water. A table. A chair. LCD screen. My phone. Etc
  15. You are getting lost in thoughts IMO (that's what Maya is btw). I think you have to distinguish between thoughts and concepts and what these thoughts and concepts are pointing to. We didn't make up the concept "physical " out of thin air for no reason. You don't find anything called "physical" in the world. You don't find the concept but you definitely find what is meant by that concept.
  16. That's really weak and confused metaphysics. I can easily say "the cup will be there but you won't see it". It's existence doesn't have to be approved by your awareness. The mistake is you are assuming awareness and existence are equal.
  17. You are not thinking the cup into existence. That's the difference between thoughts and physical objects. Physical objects are existing regardless of your thoughts.
  18. If a truth is ture. It doesn't need to be figured out.
  19. All the sudden there's Meta-Man AND God AND me And each one has its own will? I thought they are one!
  20. You imagined me doing that. Just stop imagining me and I will stop doing it.
  21. No we aren't. If it's all your subjective world why are you trying to convince me? I don't even exist from your pov. And now you will reverse it ofcourse and say that you don't exist and it's all me. Just to see how ridiculous this whole thing is.