Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Why? What's so wrong with 99% of women? And who do you think you are to judge 50 % of the human race that they are not worthy of you ?
  2. It doesn't matter. Why do you need to figure that out? What is the case is the case and will continue to be the case regardless of what me or you think about it. Truth doesn't need to be figured out precisely because it's truth. If it's hidden and needs to be figured out then it wasn't truth to begin with. Let that sink in.
  3. @James123 Stop looking for the truth in these fancy nondual theories. Stop looking for truth somewhere else. How can you find the truth anywhere else if you fail miserably to see the truth that is in front of you? Illusions don't exist and cannot exist. This is not up to argument. Denying the absolute truth of existence existing in front of you just means you need to visit a doctor. Sorry.
  4. The world is NOT an illusion. It's as real as it can get. The world is absolute truth. Might not be the whole truth but nevertheless it's an aspect of it. Ideas about "Mahasamadhi " is what is indeed an illusion.
  5. Fantasies. How do you know? Ever been "there" before? . Apparently not because you are here now . Just beilefs.
  6. LOL wtf He just wants Mahasamadhi and never coming back to the dream. But the only thing stopping him is he hasn't yet achieved his dream of sleeping with dominant twins.. Even though reality doesn't exist anyways .
  7. @Someone here Simple questions : Awaken to what? What do you think awakening is? Is it a belief? A theory? A philosophy?. Is it solipsism? Is it idealism? Is it moral nihilism? Is it doing whatever you want and calling it love? Is it killing yourself?
  8. @kagaria that was a quote. Those were Leo's words not mine. So maybe ask him. I have no idea how Karma works tbh (or if it's even a thing). Sorry
  9. LOL maybe that's your opinion after all lol. But it's on topic I guess. but I'm just trying to help him@Someone here . In my eyes he is just totally deluding himself with "love love love love" "it's all perfect perfect perfect". Yeah so why not kill myself(he call it mashasamadhi) or do herion or have mindless sex with a bunch of sluts? It's all perfect and love after all isn't it?
  10. Really?? All I hear you talking about is how much you want to die and leave the dream and how much you want to have sex with dominant women. I'm not judging your desires. But that says a lot about your level of awareness. My guess is like you are just taking these spiritual concepts as a coping mechanism for hidden issues inside you. Like you are love and you are loved no matter what you do. That might be true if you are actually conscious of that. But life doesn't work like that bro. It doesn't.
  11. @zeroISinfinity you are just horny. Stop using God and love and bla bla bla and go get some sex. Your case is saddening
  12. Same thing. These distinctions are not as concrete as objective as you imagine it to be. Just words on paper
  13. No worries. I get what you're saying. I'm just commenting on that part of your post about "feeling like it's really the case that everything is already perfect". It's just not a feeling.. Any feeling is temprory. What is perfect can't be a temporary passing feeling. Good luck ?
  14. It will never be "authentically" and " honestly" true because it's already true regardless of what you think about it lol . It's NOT a feeling. It's the sum total of all that exists. You cannot add or subtract anything from absolute perfection to make it "really" perfect . You cannot add anything to infinity. Even you feeling like it's not perfect is part of perfection. As it must. Because it's not "perfection"'s "PERFECTION ". That's the whole trick. You can't do something to become enlightened. You have to just realize that you are already enlightened by realizing that you are full of shit and your whole life was just a big show of acting that you deserve Oscar for it.
  15. Maybe but I think it's too much. This forum is not 4chan or Tumblr. It's supposed to be one of the most high consciousness resources. . It's ok to joke or fool around a little bit. But I'm realizing there is a lot of low quality posts recently. So I ask you politely to stop your bullshit or I will have to report you ?‍♂️@zeroISinfinity
  16. @zeroISinfinity I'm surprised how the mods leave you fooling around like this lol.
  17. @ivankiss sure! It's just human diversity. Different teachers have different styles etc. What some teacher lacks you can find it with another teacher. No one is perfect. And that what makes each person beautiful and unique in their own way.
  18. Watch this episode if you haven't. It both touches your heart and your mind that the purpose of your existence is to become more loving.. More conscious and more selfless. There is really no higher aim you can strive for.
  19. That's what Leo said not me. That was back in 2018. I suppose he integrated more now.