Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Thing is you won't get enlightenment unless you surrender enlightenment as well. So you are on the right direction.
  2. Me? I thought it was you? There is one God and seperate egos? Or one God and one ego? If you say I exist independently from your imagination then your thread debunked. If you say I don't then you are talking to nobody right now. Stop it and go do something productive. God!
  3. @Shiva99 your ego? You own a something called your ego? So there is you on one hand and "your" ego on the other hand? ?? Well find where does your ego exist in the body.. In what organ is it located And cut that organ off. (carefull if you are a male ?lol). But you have to realize you are the ego. So what you are saying you want to kill yourself...
  4. That's a separate issue for another day. If what was said there was false please clarify to me how is that?.
  5. Hmm.. There is no awakened persons.. Awakening is from the person not to the person. Pfff cliche right? Okay you mean an Awakened body then. Well yeah all bodies are awake if they are not asleep!
  6. OK seriously.. What in the world is "my mind"? I do not own a mind. The mind owns what is called "me". And it changes itself every moment obviously.
  7. @zeroISinfinity talking about the infinite one self? You haven't realized yet that nonduality =solipsism? If you assert the existence of any "others" in any literal sense then it's duality. Or explain how can it be nonduality and there is seperate individual awarenesses?
  8. @zeroISinfinity he is jealous prob lmao.
  9. What is happening now is various kinds of forms appearing and disappearing.. Seems like from and into nowhere and for no apparent reason whatsoever. Existence is weird isn't it?
  10. @zeroISinfinity you are cute no homo lol.
  11. LOA and whatnot? Yeah sure just repeat this mantra 1500 times every morning and in few months. . Tada! All that will just pop into your life out of nowhere.. Right? It doesn't work like that bro. If you have a dream go make it happen. Stuff don't happen unless you get off your ass and make them happen. Because guess what? Neither God nor the universe give a crap about you or your dreamboard.
  12. @Red-White-Light how do you know?????? Ever been in that "higher level of consciousness" before? No? Then how do you know? Yes? Then why you didn't manifest a million dollars?
  13. it brings me to tears because of how much sense it makes. do not watch if you do not want enlightenment lol
  14. LOL I knew it ?. If you do have a relative answer to that would appreciate it because obviously every single word is a thought so that doesn't say much.
  15. @Nahm does anything exist except thoughts? Or I should say is there something which is not thoughts that these thoughts are trying to capture or represent (whether it succeeds or fails is another issue)? Why do thoughts exist if they are delusional useless distractions? Ps. If you told me that "exist" "capture" "represent" "delusional" "useless" are thoughts I'm gonna block you lmao jk ?
  16. Bro do you realize he is dead now lmao? Chill out.
  17. I agree. Creating our own goal without losing sight that's its just our creation.
  18. @WaveInTheOcean @Guru Fat Bastard ❤️? @Nak Khid for me I don't care about what he was.. I only care about what he says.
  19. @beastcookie how many hours you meditate daily ✖️ how many years you've been doing self-inquiry ➕ how many videos you watch daily (Leo's videos). Now take the square root for that... OK LOL seriously.. First define what do you mean exactly by level of consciousness and then you can measure it accurately accordingly. Maybe it's something that can't be quantified.
  20. OK thanks. Wil watch that and see what the hustle is about lol ❤️
  21. So there's an "it" or there isn't? Because if there is then this doesn't make sense.. And if there isn't then this doesn't make sense also! Or there is and there isn't? Lol it's so paradoxical
  22. @VeganAwake I have a question.. You say the self is illusory.. Or the identification with a separate self that exists somewhere behind the eyes is illusion. If so.. Why there is a sense of self at all?. I mean if there's no ego then why there is ego? Lol you get what I'm saying? . If "I" is illusory then why it seems like "I" am the most real and consistent thing ever? It's basically the center of my whole existence.
  23. @James123 congrats bro. Now it's time to chop some wood and carry some water lol.