Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. What you intuite? What does your deepest deepest deepest intuitions tell you? Is the source of all creation truly a God or a devil? @Frenk
  2. I mean no one really knows if you don't mean the metaphorical hell.. If you mean an actual chamber full of lava that you gonna stay in it for eternity to suffer unimaginable levels of pain for an infinite amount of time. But just something that comes to mind according to Abrahamic religions (Judaism.. Christianity.. Islam) this is supposed to be the judgment of an all loving all wise infinitely intelligent infinitely good God for your "wrong" deeds in this irrelevant preordained universe.....!!!!!!! Smells like bullshit .
  3. LOL how do you know? Isn't that just a belief? You have no direct experience of reincarnation.
  4. Speaking personally.. When I investigate this deep enough.. This is the last thing I want as an ego.. To be immortal.. Wow what a hellish thing!. Think about it.. The only reason you can tolerate this life is because of the possibility of your death in the future.. The possibility of annihilation at some point.. That you experience a glimpse of during deep sleep. That's the only way you can tolerate the mass of existence.. By realizing there's an opposite side to that coin. Living forever as the same finite self is what hell is. Imagine that you will keep living this same life as this little human organism on this earth on this universe exactly as it is FOREVER.. That would drive you out of your goddam mind crazy bored suicidal (but there is no suicide you are stuck lol). Seriously this is the worst possible torture. I never understood how immortality could be a good thing.. The best thing about life is it fucking ends. Maybe If you live a new life from scratch after wiping your memory clean and you start fresh as if it is the first time you ever existed.. That would be a reasonable alternative.
  5. Yes because the eternal has no name because it is all names!
  6. First of all.. Good and evil are relative and this is kindergarten stuff.. If you eat an animal that's good for you because you nourish your body but it's bad for the animal since you kill it and it obviously doesn't want to die and wants to survive just like you. Secondly.. Who said God is "good"? How do you know that? Don't try to fit the world with your beliefs.. Try to fit your beliefs with the reality of the world. Obviously there is a lot of evil shit going on in this world.. And if that's the creation of God.. Then so it is.. God is obviously not "good".. At least not how you conventionally think of "Goodness". This have to do with rationalization backwards.. "God is loving and good therefore we must reinterpret all the evil shit in the world to somehow magically be actually" love " lol what kind of nonsense is that? . The world is filled with evil shit.. Conditions that has different qualities.. Infinite diversity.. Therefore any one simple label or attribute giving to God is false.. Obviously God is manifesting on every aspect of creation.. Therefore God has infinite qualities.. He is love and hate and evil and shit and rot and cringe and funny and beautiful and ugly and x and y and z.. If you just take one single quality and write with a capital letter and spread it to include all the apparently radical different manifestations.. You are simply delusional.
  7. @kagaria LOL
  8. Ludwig Wittgenstein's duck /rabbit. You can either see the rabbit or see the duck.. You can either see one of them or the other at a time.. You can't see the two simultaneously and realize that they are actually identical at once.. Only in a linear process of going through one and then other.. And then having the Insight "oh its not a rabbit OR a duck.. It's both simultaneously and only one of them relative to a certain perspective". If this is understood.. Basically you don't have to read a single word in epistemology looking for the truth in this OR that. Not- two. Reality Is the rabbit - duck!!
  9. I only jerk off in the dark.. Because what if I accidentally saw my dick?..mess with me that gay shit dude lol
  10. While this might seem like stage blue absolutism.. It's an updated version you could say. Heaven and hell are not somehere else.. They are your life.. Your life is heaven and hell simultaneously. However you create your reality. The external world is nothing but a reflection and manifestation of the internal... In fact that boundary is not even there.. It's one field of creation. When you are aligned with the internal.. The external will turn into heaven. When you are not aligned with are in fight with yourself.. You create your own suffering by not accepting yourself. By not accepting how flawed you are you create more suffering and tension. The fight with yourself will always end up by you losing!! Stop fighting yourself. Stop fighting the world.
  11. The symbolism of heaven and hell. It's religious nonsense? I don't think so. It is indeed a fantasy. In the present moment you wouldn't call your experience heavenly or hellish.. It's somewhere in the middle. Life has all kinds of opposites that compliment each other. One of them couldn't exist without the other. Up and down.. Good and bad.. Light and darkness.. Happiness and misery.. Pleasure and pain etc. The same creative power that created the beautiful stars and rainbows.. The sunset.. The birds the trees and the breeze.. The nature the sea.. This same creative Powe is able to create an infinitely beautiful reality that feels like an endless orgasm.. Yes it is. This same creative power that creeated the starving stomach ..the cancer.. The plague..the pain of being burned or bleeding to death.. The pain of being eaten alive.. Who made all this horrible stuff? The same creative power. The same creative power is able to create an infinitely painful reality that feels like being burned forever.. Hell. Nothing could prevent reality from manifesting hell or heaven .. And since the source is not separate.. You could manifest it. If you are not careful you might very well create hell.. If you follow the inner compass you are heading towards heaven. Metaphorical or not.. Happiness was Never a metaphor.. And pain was never and can never be an illusion. Because illusions do not exist. I laugh my ass off whenever I hear a faint of an argument about reality being illusory.. Here it is dummy.. If you have eyes to look.. Look. If you have ears to hear.. Hear. What else matters but happiness?? If you have tasted the beauty that this creative power is able to create.. . And you have tasted the pain that it is able to create as well.... You gotta figure out your way to heaven. Everyone is different. Your heaven is not my heaven.. Since its fantasy but it's real!. The only purpose of life if any is to actualize YOUR heaven.
  12. Oh yeah
  13. @kagaria the world that doesn't even exist lol ❤️
  14. LOL don't scare me more I'm trying to forget this idea and get rid of it outta my mind. ?
  15. Isn't that mind boggling to an infinite degree that consciousness fucking exists at all?
  16. Solipsism! Oh boy that's a huge one for me lol. This idea started haunting me since I was a child.. I always had this feeling from my early childhood.. That I am actually the only "real" one out there and everyone else are just characters in my dream. Zombies.."cardboard cutouts" in my world. However you wanna call it or think of it. Obviously other people exist as objects of perception in my direct experience.. That's undeniable.. I go out.. I see people everywhere. But are these things" subjects"? Do they have internal self-awareness as I do? Is there someone behind their eyes? It there anybody out there other than me?. The solipsism philosophy doesn't say yes or no to that question contrary to what most people mistakenly misunderstood it.. Solipsism states that one's own mind or subjective experience of the world is the only "certain" thing to exist.. And the existence of other individual minds is "impossible to verify". In other words you are absolutely certain that you are aware right now.. But it's impossible to be certain that I'm (someone here) aware.. In fact why I'm talking to "you"? .. I should say I am aware and "you" are the unsettled mystery. The problem with solipsism is not whether it's objectivey true or not(is it actually the case that I am the only one out there)..but is that it is absolutely true subjectively regardless of that. You are trapped inside your own subjective experience in any case.. So even though I am aware right now from my pov.. From your pov that doesn't matter and there is no such thing.. There is only your awareness.. There is no such thing as "my awareness" in your awareness.. There is only these words in front of you right now and that's the actualilty of what is.. Anything else is just assumptions you add on top of it.."ofcourse there is someone there writing these words.. They couldn't just write themselves lol".. Really?. In your dream.. The entire dream and all the people inside of it..and their actions.. Are nothing but your creation.. They have no Reality of their own outside your imagination.. The only real thing in the dream underneath all the scattered phenomenon is YOU.
  17. Sure. Nothing else matters. Even that doesn't matter unless "you" say it does. Godspeed.
  18. Which is nothing. All Your terminology means absolutely nothing except to you. "Light" ? What on earth is that supposed to mean other than whatever you imagine that means? Same with "frequency" " pure white" "dance" and all the baggage.. There is no path.. No right no knowledge.. No "traps".. No deleued ones and enlightened ones.. No higher no lower.. No questions no answers.. No meanings to words.. No absolute facts independent from the perspective... It's just a dance. It's just whatever it is as it is with or without whatever you think or not think what is actually is or isn't.
  19. This is it. What else would it be lol?
  20. @kireet it's because knowing is an illusion.. A second order phenomenon at best. Being is what is fundamental. Pure being or pure actuality is all that there is. Yet your mind ofcourse is trying to dissect being into subcategories.. One of which is "knowing". But what is knowing made out of other than being itself? So in reality there is no knowing and you never knew anything.. All the time it was just being dressing up like knowing. Knowing is useful in the relative domain nevertheless.. But if you seek to unravel the whole you can't know it.. You can just be it.
  21. Same thing. That's what I said in the previous post. Everyone is judging it from their limited narrow POV.. But to them there is nothing but their POV because they are too selfish.. So even tho it might be true that reality is perfect and inevitable objectively it certainly doesn't feel like it to an individual.. And the proplem is the individual's problem not the objective's problem. The objective (which is God /reality itself) has no problem. Only the ego which thinks its separate from that does.
  22. Well that means that reality is definitely not perfect - loving /goodness from the perspective of an individual ego who are convinced that they are separate from the whole. That's why lots of people deny this "love “notion. And that's one of the most common arguments that people have against God.. They say if" God is love" all good.. All powerful.. All wise.. Infinitely intelligent.. Why didn't he design a perfect reality (for me not for the maximization of love for the whole)?? The world does have some shitty aspect.. It's not all roses and butterflies.. Therfore they conclude. Either there is no God altogether.. Or that God is just an asshole and is far away from those characteristics above.