Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. There is no objective truth. There is only a hallucinated truth. Individually or collectively. Ex. Is the sun moving or stationary? Actually it's neither and both. It's only one or the other relative to who is hallucinating it.
  2. Yes for you. The world has no inherent color. You are hallucinating your entire life.
  3. @Mikael89 I wouldn't be so shocked if it turns out the earth is flat.. Or if it turns out the earth is a fucking triangle resting over a turtle resting over an elephant. It won't make my reality more weird and mysterious than it already is. And keeping up with this rigid ass skepticism.. You haven't actually gone out there and looked at the earth from above to verify that it's a ball.. So until you do that be honest and just say I don't have a clue.
  4. That's a nice transition. I suffered from OCD at some point in My life as well. And now it has me thinking.. Isn't thinking itself a form of OCD? You described it as "hearing voices in my head".. We constantly hear voices in our head 24/7 right? So what distinguishes OCD from normal mental background commentary?. My point is when I view most of these so called mental disorders.. I see them perfectly "normal" from nondual perspective given how I now understand the self and the mind and how thoughts work. The illusion of "personality" etc.
  5. I agree. it's kinda illegal to be insane no? ?
  6. @Mikael89 You are confusing the context of experience with experience itself. Your interpretation of experience could be false. But experience itself is never false by defintion. The experience of falsehood is itself not false. Experience of delusion is itself not delusion. Dig that?
  7. Nothing and everything. First grade stuff ?
  8. Then it's flat. For you. Then it's moving. For you. Impossible. And hilarious. If you did experience them.. How can they not be "true".. What does true mean for you? Matching your thinking or the fact that it is present to your direct experience?
  9. @Nahm love you too man. I really wish I could easily understand your thoughts.
  10. @Mikael89 experience is prior to your trust.
  11. @Nahm I didn't understand. Perhaps you should try to put yourself in the shoes of the person who is reading your message.. Your messages are always kinda like you talking to yourself.. You use phrases and ways of conveying that maybe only you yourself can understand. Appreciate your input and patience tho.
  12. I'm not sure if I understand correctly(as always lol) .. You mean if I'm not experiencing it directly how can I understand it (mental illness)?
  13. The real 4 noble truths tho... 1 life is suffering. 2 life is suffering because of desire. 3 it is possible for life not to be suffering. 4 the end of suffering is the end of desire.
  14. .Buddhism in a nutshell. The four noble truths.. 1 life sucks. 2 life sucks because you are an idiot. 3 it is possible for life not to suck if you stop being an idiot. 4 you stop being an idiot by wanting nothing. Desiring nothing.
  15. Except when it's Leo : you are just not conscious of the truth. Stick some 5-Meo-DMT up your butt
  16. Yes. Totally agree. Makes sense. @Martin123
  17. Now all you have to do is imagine Leo saying that to you. Thanks bye. ? It's funny you spend a lifetime trying to figure out who the fuck are you.. And then comes a peep telling you I know exactly who are you lol. Give me a fucking break. Go accomplish 1% of what Leo has accomplished son.. Only then you might get an idea.
  18. Well it is about you.. There is no objective facts out there that you are neutrally conveying.. You don't describe the Leo.. You describe the Leo that appears to you. So yeah it has to do with you and your expectations. I have a question what is wrong if a spiritual teacher acts arrogant? What is "wrong" with arrogance? Why is being humble "better" than being arrogant? Although you are making a naive generalization. A statement or two just for the kicks and the lols are being mistaken for a persona.
  19. What's the point? @Martin123 So Leo has some downsides? Sure as heck.. Ofcourse he is a human (also God but hey)? Maybe the mistake is from your side and your perfectionist expectations. Do you think Leo doesn't go the the bathroom? Do you have an expectation that eckhart tolle never gets upset in the traffic? Do you believe Rupert Spira never had a sexual thought? . I don't even see Leo going that much off the script. So maybe you should work on your expectations of what should awakened masters be like and act like.
  20. I have a sense that those cocky statements that Leo say from time to time are not authentic.. It's not his authentic self.. You can tell from watching him he is pretty polite and nice person.. But come on he has to say some funny.. Cocky.. Perhaps arrogant.. Perhaps dirty stuff sometimes. The controversial opinion are inevitable as well. Right or wrong is relative keep that in mind. Not gonna leave without saying.. Perhaps if you guys realize there is no Leo..?
  21. from the view point of the present moment... The past doesn't exist except as a story that is being told in the present moment. The present moment is inescapable. Because literally there is nothing but NOW. What is not-now is just a concept appearing in NOW. Not sure how does that fit with memories. But as I said you don't need to worry too much about whether your memory is real or not.. Who cares? Your memories could be fake meaning they represent a false past that didn't happen.. But your memory is always true as a thought in the now. The problem only arises when you take a thought to be more than it is. A memory is a thought. As long as it is helping you making sense of yourself as this organism that's navigating its way through space and time.. Then it's a true memory.. If a memory gets you confused or questioning your identity.. Then I would worry about whether this memory actually happened or someone else has planted it on me. This whole concept of fake memory doesn't seem so much of an epistemological issue to me.. Compare it to the problem of fake present lol..How do you know the present itself is not fake?. And the answer to such questions is really.. There is no difference between fake and real.
  22. Yeah sure.. Seems like you have an uncertainty fetish. The trick is you can't ever differentiate.. You just gotta fake that you can and move along. Or stay in your place forever trying to split a a nanometer that you can't even see.