Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Nahm it's not much of ending the verbal existence of questions.. But seeing through them such that there is no difference anymore between a question and a fart ?
  2. @Mikael89 The more you try to fix it the more you strengthen the belief that it's broken ?
  3. @RedLine The point is all understanding is partial. The ultimate understanding is formless. To become conscious of all is to just be here and now with silent mind.. With no questions. You are the one who spins the wheel of questions.. If you don't spin it.. It will stop. And you will be left with clarity. Only in silence.
  4. Points are sharp. Ouch. You must stay away from points
  5. There will always be farts as well. Ever noticed that there is no difference in value between a question and a fart? It's only an energetic difference.. But you seem to take your questions more seriously than your farts. To awaken is to take your farts more seriously than your questions. ?
  6. Ofcourse which is why it's not ultimately true. Which is also why nothing that can be said is ultimately true. Which is why you should be silent. And which is why you shouldn't be silent if you like.
  7. You is a duality. Your mind is a duality. Control is a duality. Duality is a duality. Anytime.
  8. @Zigzag Idiot beautiful ? Don't do it then. What's the problem?
  9. Ofcourse it's not. But it's not the opposite of that either ?
  10. In a sense you should.. For the purposes of this thread lol. But then again it doesn't matter ?
  11. @Member there is nothing wrong with whatever questions you have or whatever concept of enlightenment you have.. If you think what I'm saying is against whatever you think is true .. You don't get it yet. What I'm saying already includes what you think and transcends it. You don't need to stop asking questions. People will keep asking questions. But you can realize that the answers to your questions are the substance of your questions.
  12. @Mikael89 can you say anything or ask any questions without creating a distinction? See now you are creating a duality between duality and nonduality. See you are just spinning the fucking wheels again . You don't get it yet.
  13. Stop it dude. You will never figure reality out or put it into boxes that describes how it works. It works directly through sheer magic. And without steps or distinctions. When =there is no time. It's always now. You =there is no you. Read this message =no one is reading.. The message IS. To understand =there is no under-standing. Only appearance. When it's imagined to be frozen in time it appears as if there is a you that undergoes a process of a understanding. You're forgetting yourself = Jesus christ.. the you and the yourself is the most funny duality there is. This limited form=there is nothing limited. Because there is nothing separate.
  14. These are all wrong questions. There is no you as something separate from reality. Period. Reality is one whole. This whole situation is reality happening. There is no "should" or "I" or "myself".
  15. @electroBeam Ofcourse it's not possible to contemplate without assumptions or preconceived notions. If you start from scratch you will end with scratch. You have to assume that you know something..there has to be a given of some kind.. And you don't know the other side and try to make the ends meet. It's always a deception.. Because the truth is all questions are based on false assumptions. Or these assumptions are not inherent in reality. So when you contemplate a question keep in mind that it's always going to be a partial answer.. And will always be based on unquestioned assumptions. If you don't assume anything you can't even formulate a question. Lol. So you either accept non-answer to a no questions..or you accept a partial answer that you know is not the whole story.
  16. To add something.. Contemplating death will automatically lead you to discover your true identity... Death is simply the end of a form.. If you are watching a movie.. The movie dies when it ends.. This day will die when it ends.. The death of this body is simply the end of this body.. If you reincarnate in another body.. The death of that body is the end of that body.... And any form will end.. By it's very nature as a form it's limited.. It has a beginning and end... So the only thing that can't end and therefore can't die is the formless.. It won't end because it didn't begin. And that's who you are.
  17. You will only know when you die. Period.
  18. Fears. What are you afraid of? I'm gonna expose and explore some of your and my deepest fears.. Full on exposure.. Full nude.. No cosmetics.. Don't read if there you have emotional sensitivity or you get easily traumatized... Lol Are you afraid from the idea of falling forever.. An endless free fall? Or maybe you are afraid from the idea of being stuck inside a room with no doors.. Just four walls.. You stuck between four walls.. For eternity? What about the idea of these four walls starting to get tighter and tighter untill they crush your body into pieces? But then you will die.. That might be a refuge.. How about the four walls getting so tight just enough to make you almost crushed.. But not fully yet.. Such that you can't move and will be stuck like that... Forever? How about being conscious inside darkness forever? Losing your sight? Are you afraid of going blind? Are you afraid of the idea of hell.. Being stuck inside a lava chamber burning and suffering unimaginable amounts of pain forever? You are afraid of pain basically.. Right? All kinds of pain.. How about all kinds of pain possible all at once for endless time.. Are you afraid of that? As a sure have some castration anxiety no? As a female you are afraid of breast cancer right? You are afraid of infertility right? As a child you are afraid of losing your parents in a car accident no? As a grown are afraid to die alone or to spend your last years with the company of no one? Are you afraid of regret? Of failure ? Of realizing at your death bed that you did it all wrong? That you fucked up big time? And that there is no going back? What else are you afraid of? Infinite more things.. Right? You scared little flimsy being. No wonder you look so lost.
  19. Well if I'm trolling then your whole thread you've been trolling as well because I just said exactly what you've been saying over and over. You are talking to a concept and imagination right now trying to tell him that he is a concept and imagination.. You are Infinitely hilarious bro. No solipsist actually takes his philosophy seriously.. If you literally believe you are the only conscience.. It must follow that you stop talking to everyone because you are fully aware that we are literally just a bunch of dream characters or NPC zombies. The very fact that you are talking to others on this forum disproves your entire subject. Take care.