Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Dodo "Dudo" look... All this Ramana maharshi stuff that I taught you I know very well There is no contradiction between what you're saying and chasing after a mystical experience.. Or any kind of peak experience for that matter.its not like you should give up everything to be a mature spiritual person.. Let me ask you this.. Do you care about eating good food? Why so? Just be the changeless Self beyond the space-time bruh?.. Don't chase after tasty food... Don't marry.. Don't buy nice clothes etc..... How do you like that? ?
  2. Breaking news.. The universe might end this very second..that's a fact. You can't prove that everything won't just disappear boom gone this very second. No you can't. You want to believe it can't. But it most certainly can. What the fuck is holding everything together anyways?.. Just a creepy thought. Pulling it out of my stuffy subconscious. And be sure you can find thousands of such creepy thoughts. When you understand this you might want to consider to let go of a lot of bullshit that you think you know.
  3. No worries. Although it's not against the forum rules if we did it outside the forum lol. Will check it out. Thanks.
  4. If you still think there is a "should" or a one right way or another that you gotta or can install to direct the river of life.. You haven't Self-realized yet. If you are realized you would know it's all just happening spontaneously. There is no secret forumla or magical teaching to how you should live your life or how things should go. Things just go. Before Self-realization you are under the illusion that you are driving the boat.. After Self-realization you realize that you are just laying on a piece of wood floating on the middle of a fast river. To go with the flow is still a teaching that implies a duality. There is no other possibility than to go with the flow. After Self-realization there is no action step. It just can't be explained. You become one with everything and merge with the happening of life without interference or trying to impose your own ideas of what should happen and what should not. Before Self-realization there is life and a question about what to do in life. After Self-realization there is just life.
  5. Anything you can't see hear touch smell taste right now is a fairy tale.
  6. Then it's not going to happen. You don't need to force yourself to eat a delicious ice cream. If you are hungry you naturally seek eating. You don't need to philosophize about it. Don't look for a why. And don't fake a desire. It has to be genuine. Do out of genuine love. Or don't do and don't care.
  7. Anything outside this present moment exactly as it is.. Is just a myth.
  8. Still a bit complicated.. First go establish yourself in the discovery that you are not doing it.. It is doing you.. Not in the driver seat so to speak.. And enjoy the trip. With unconditional acceptance and letting go.
  9. It doesn't work by" you" or by " why". Transcend these fictions and look how it really works. You assume that you work by reason and logic..that's not true.. You work by energy.. You are no different than the sun.. Plants.. Rain Summer and winter.. It's a natural happening.. Life has energy and it expresses itself through these different forms. One of which is this flesh computer called you. If you have energy and desire.. You don't need a why. It will just express itself because there is no other possibility. Kinda like when you are holding your shit.. It has to come out of you. It's inevitable and sorry for the shitty example lol. If you don't have energy.. You will jerkoff to the idea of meaninglessness.
  10. If it's ok for you to be abusive with me because you've been abused.. Why is it not OK for me to be abusive with you? . I don't like double standards. Person's pain? Yeah there is a place for that. We've got a emotional problem's section. But don't expect others to be nice with you when you go on puking your own psychological complexes on others. Consider also that humans are greedy toxic creatures by design and we have proven that throughout history. And it's proven with your daily interactions in the human rat race . Picking up on each other's fault. If you don't want others to pick on your faults then don't start picking on others faults.
  11. Idk I don't care. All I know it was a disgusting read. He is the one needs to first go fix his own toxic and arrogant tone that he is projecting onto others.
  12. @Preety_India I think he did express himself very clearly along 15 freaking pages. Each post is at least 50 words or so. And he does not sound like an autistic child who doesn't know what he is talking about. It's clear he is allowed to be harsh and abusive.. Dismiss others and make them embarrassed and justify it as "setting boundaries" and "being real". But others can't disagree with him or even try to point him out to his own errors even gently or we are being abusive... What the fuck?
  13. It's funny...the guy is either a troll or is completely blind to his own abusive and disrespectful behavior.. He doesn't even respect mods and is constantly trying with embarrassing anyone who disagrees with him with disgusting mental gymnastics. And then he talks about others being abusive. I'm sorry but he is just fooling around and it's obvious and I don't know why anyone is still giving him attention. He is just wasting time playing a clever little game.
  14. Nooooooooooooooooooo You was a great example of projecting one's own shit onto others.
  15. @LastThursday Well actually it can't be reversed.. Who is this "you" that has free will or has no free will?.. If it's nonexistent then there is no question left. Now don't get this wrong.. Obviously you appear to be a this body or somehow an entity inside this body looking at the world. And this will continue to be the apparent experience. But it's not actually the case. I don't like abstract theoretical approach.. Especially to this question of free will it took me a long time to get in terms with it. You can practically figure out the defentive answer to the free will question.. once and for all. Just sit down and try to completely still your body..that means no thoughts no actions no internal or external movements.. You will quickly discover that you can't. The body will do something automatically. A thought will arise. A feeling. A movement. A tingle. A blink. A breath. Etc. That's it the body is just running automatically. There is no separate agency creating this. And to your pragmatic approach.. Unfortunately even that is not in your control. To take responsibility or to not take responsibility. To Believe in free will or to Believe in determinism. That assumes these two choices are exceptional from the free will dillema at hand. As if you can't choose anything except that you can choose whether you believe in choice or not. ?. Anyways just sharing my thoughts on the topic. Because I'm super interested in it as well. Great journal btw. I enjoy your writings a lot ❤️
  16. @Sandeep Reddy just get a girlfriend.
  17. This can't be further from my imagined truth.
  18. @Vittorio I can't get my hands on some psychedelics. Please PM me if you can help me out .
  19. @LastThursday you don't have free will because you don't exist as separate self.
  20. Direct being doesn't exist as long as you think "you" exist. get rid of the experiencer. Seeing is sight. Hearing is sound. The feeler of feelings is a feeling. There is no experiencer experiencing experience. Collapse that duality and what is left is direct being.
  21. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Appreciate it. I guess I will go for an isolation retreat. Perhaps I will try a sensory deprivation room. Silent meditation combined with shamanic breathing and some chanting.