Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. It tells me you are confused. At first it was you who is dreaming me.. Now it's me that is dreaming you... Just make up your mind.
  2. @justfortoday agreed people are weird today.. Even in the grocery store they push each other back.
  3. . I'm only going to respond to something on topic. No more nonsense about jokes and shit.
  4. @r0ckyreed I will assume you have no answer to this.
  5. I'm Indian. Sorry I wasn't aware that it's ok to fart in each other's mouths in your country.
  6. What's the distinction between a joke and an insult? Or maybe there is no such distinction. Objectively ?
  7. @r0ckyreed it's all getting abstract. Just give it to me short and precise. Am I a real person? Do I have existence independently from you? If not then there is no difference between me and your coffee table.. So why are you talking to a coffee table right now?
  8. What I'm saying is you can't figure it all out using the mind. Understand that all questions and all answers are partial and in a sense not even "true".. As I said you can't formulate one question without making a mistake (creating a false distinction). So if you seek no mistakes the only way is silence in the present moment. The present moment is not a mistake. The mistake is thinking there is a mistake. And then you go on trying to solve the nonexistent mistakes by creating more mistakes (questions).
  9. @Forestluv "your mom is a fart" "I will fart in your mouth" .. Is it allowed here? Just curious because If it is.. there's no need to report the guy.. Let's just rip him apart with insults. Sounds cool.
  10. Whatever man. Here's the thing the guidelines don't care about your "intentions" ?@Nahm
  11. Those two warning points bruh.. You gave two points to yourself lol.
  12. @dflores321 your whole life to this universe has no more value than one of my farts to my body. Please don't get offended. This information might make you enlightened.
  13. There is energetic difference between a question and a fart.. They feel different. But both are just valueless feelings. But see what would happen if you start seeing your questions the way you see your farts?
  14. At first didn't understand. But very deep.
  15. @Nahm it's not much of ending the verbal existence of questions.. But seeing through them such that there is no difference anymore between a question and a fart ?
  16. @Mikael89 The more you try to fix it the more you strengthen the belief that it's broken ?
  17. @RedLine The point is all understanding is partial. The ultimate understanding is formless. To become conscious of all is to just be here and now with silent mind.. With no questions. You are the one who spins the wheel of questions.. If you don't spin it.. It will stop. And you will be left with clarity. Only in silence.
  18. Points are sharp. Ouch. You must stay away from points
  19. There will always be farts as well. Ever noticed that there is no difference in value between a question and a fart? It's only an energetic difference.. But you seem to take your questions more seriously than your farts. To awaken is to take your farts more seriously than your questions. ?
  20. Ofcourse which is why it's not ultimately true. Which is also why nothing that can be said is ultimately true. Which is why you should be silent. And which is why you shouldn't be silent if you like.
  21. You is a duality. Your mind is a duality. Control is a duality. Duality is a duality. Anytime.
  22. @Zigzag Idiot beautiful ? Don't do it then. What's the problem?
  23. Ofcourse it's not. But it's not the opposite of that either ?