Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. So I'm imagining others is not true in the absolute? Only relative to a specific state of consciousness? Which is what I tried to tell Leo but he keeps saying that as an absolute Truth. But the absolute Truth can't be "said". Well you made a thread asking if total awakening means you will live every life to infinity.. So are you just speculating? Did you have a direct experience of such things?
  2. Awesome. Now it's time to change the name from to insanalized. Net.
  3. Here we go.. Come on Leo this is crazy talk.. you've got memories.. You can't wish others out of your life if they are just your imagination.. So what good is what you said above?
  4. @Dodo OK so you will just keep repeating these mantras like a robot without engaging in an actual discussion? Aight then.
  5. @Dodo I don't even know what you're talking about bro.. Stephen was disabled to the degree that he couldn't move his effing neck.. Or Just take a quick visit to the nearest children's cancer hospital or wait until you suffocate from covid... Then come tell me about your love.
  6. Stephen hawking was atheist based on psychological reasons not scientific reasons. You can't just be that intelligent and knowledgeable and deny God with such superficiality. On the other side you can't blame him.. Imagine that God created you to live life disabled in such a horrible way as him.. You would have every reason to believe that if God existed he would be the actual embodiment of the word cuck.
  7. @Javfly33 it's counterintuitive. There is nothing to lose because there is nothing to hold on to in the first place. You try!
  8. @Javfly33 perhaps you can cure your fear of losing out by realizing you will inevitably and no matter what lose every single dam thing you are afraid to lose
  9. It will cure your nihilism. Vegan is funny af lol
  10. Check this out. I found this thread of VeganAwake.. Interesting read.. Full of him quoting himself and stripping meaning purpose value from everything even from the stripping.
  11. 1 I want to be able to like and dislike posts and threads. 2 perhaps having roles for members. Kind of like a ranking or points given to members. Not necessary but cool. 3 fixing the quotation function and the notification functions. 4 no privilege for mods to edit their posts without a note that it's been edited. 5 Leo should work on the way he treats members sometimes rather disrespectfully as if they were sheeps in his farm.
  12. why are you talking to an idea that you are imagining? Any point? I'm just looking for plain explanation of what you meant by you're already flying. I guess I lt was metaphorical.
  13. @Javfly33 so which one is it.. You are looking through someone here's eyes or someone here is just an idea you're imagining just like that tree?.?
  14. @mandyjw Sure kissing her will feel like flying ?... It's all a matter of perspective.. No longer hard-nosed under the spell jk lol
  15. LOL. Well if that was the case I don't mind kissing her.. But she didn't say shut up and kiss me.. She said sit down and fly
  16. OK it seems you leave it up to me to read your mind and figure out what do you mean exactly by that.. Since you don't want to explain it. No worries. Why are you talking to an imagination? Solipsists always exit the chat after this question. I hope you don't.
  17. I mean if he did try to spread that covid is a hoax.. This is really a dangerous misinformation that he is spreading here.. And it deserves the ban (if that was the reason).
  18. Well guess what we are doing exactly what we are here for.. Can't be otherwise can it?
  19. Seriously? Is that supposed to have a poetic spiritual meaning that I need to figure out because I don't seem to be flying here!
  20. How cute! .. What if I drop the idea without looking at a bird in the sky? ?
  21. @blandana if you can't see something.. Does that mean it doesn't exist? If yes why? If no why?
  22. Well these are kinda abstract questions.. Truth is simply whatever you have direct experience of or certain knowledge of. Is everything just appearances (solipsism style) ?? I have no direct experience or knowledge of the definitive answer to this question. You seem to have lots of questions.. Watch Leo's content.. It's all about answering such questions. Also you need to think for yourself and not take someone else's words for it.
  23. If awakening is a state.. Then you need another state called awaken from it.. But since delusion doesn't exist (because it is delusion).. All that exists is different degrees of Truth.. No falsehood.