Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Actually you don't know that. You don't know if my green is your green. We just assume that we mean the same thing. Different perspectives ARE appearances within your own perspective! You are locked within your own bubble. You don't know anything else. You are just speculating that others also have their own perspectives. Make a fine distinction between what is direct experience and what is belief and you won't be confused.
  2. Just use the search function. Type "solipsism". Already discussed? Lol we almost don't discuss anything else here lol ? That's right. You are seeing the tree and your friend. You have no access to anything else namely whether your friend also sees the tree or not. . That's all of reality for you. That's said.. Your friend also sees the tree. But that's true for him if he even Exists lol. The point is it is not true for you. Got it?
  3. Anothers idealism vs objectivism mega thread lol.. Who's in lol? ? @bensenbiz There is literally only you And your experience of the world and whatever you think about it.
  4. Agreed. Although we can still explain things relatively.
  5. Haha yes I'm experiencing so much synchronicity these days too. I guess it's related to LOA. Some say your mind becomes sensitive to the signals that are being frequently occurring in your brain.
  6. It is not important or unimportant. It just doesn't exist.
  7. @Gesundheit it seems like you are being skeptical just for the sake of it. You are not skeptical enough tho. Skepticism taken to it's ultimate conclusion goes full circle and eats itself. Have you been skeptical about your own skepticism? No lol. Of course it happens. But only up to few seconds ahead and then you go back to normal perception. It's not that you can anticipate the future.. But the whole event seems as if it happened before precisely as it is happening now. @Carl-Richard @Nahm @Moksha cool stories guys!! Thanks for sharing.
  8. @Nahm haha I'm a total cringe at times lol . Oh come on say something of actual substance instead of trying to poetically get around the question lol.
  9. And breathing from the stomach.. And letting perspectives that doesn't resonate with feeling go
  10. Yeah true. Man if I started dreaming stuff into existence while awake.. Imagine what kind of mess that would be lol. 'Device' is a thought jk . Nice perspective btw. But asking more about direct manifestation. No process involved. Just like dreams.
  11. I get you now. This actually makes sense. ?
  12. This shows that you probably didn't experience any deja vu in your life. The thing lasts for dam seconds. Seconds! When are you going to record lol?. Besides when it happens you get this weird feeling of "I saw this before" and you are shocked.. And nothing else comes to your mind.
  13. Because it happens so quickly. Deja vu usually lasts few seconds.
  14. Wdym? Explain further. Can't prove it you. It's subjective experience.
  15. ........ No I can. That's what deja vu means. You are not going to argue about what "I" can and can't aren't you? Yeah?
  16. Ofcourse deja vu is a confusion. Meaning the event didn't actually happen twice. You just feel like it happened before. My question is why do you feel like it? Why does this confusion happen? As I said sometimes I can tell what people are going to do and they do it. How do you explain that? Again it's "delusional" in the sense that there isn't "actually" a correlation. Or shouldn't be. The example was the most common type. When you are too focused on something you start noticing it around. Idk maybe your mind becomes more sensitive to the signal. True. You can make it easier for me if you want
  17. @Shin well if you care about purpose.. Stop trying to destroy the notion and the validity of your memories. You need to remember your purpose after all. No memories no purpose
  18. Interesting. I think you are right although from a third person perspective deep sleep and dreams seem to happen within the waking world.
  19. I get what you mean. But stop trying to deconstruct your memories. You might reach a point of confusion where you can't remember what you did a minute ago. This will affect your ability to function. You will think you've gone insane. It's no longer an intellectual game. Stay away from these inquiries unless you are serious about awakening. A half assed awakening is equal to insanity. A Complete awakening is beyond sanity and insanity.
  20. Check out skepticforum. Awesome forum if you are philosophically minded.