Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Lol you don't get It. You are me. I am you. We're the same consciousness wearing different masks. If you identify yourself as the meat mask.. Sure your meat mask is defferent from mine. But if you look closer.. You are not the meat mask. You are the consciousness shining within the meat mask. This is easily proven when you go to sleep. The meat is there laying on bed yet "you" are not there so to speak. We are the same. But you can't have access to me. That's what It means for you to be you and for me to be me. If you would have access to me.. You would be me.. Which means you would have to stop being you and be..which Is exactly what me and you are doing right now. Tada! Lol
  2. @Keyhole there isn't any you to have free will. Not really. (brown bear mode activated lol).
  3. Yes exactly. This has been my experience as well. Everything is preordained before you came here. Everything is predetermined. Your character came here to this earth to do what it came here to do. I can assure you.. When you lift up your thumb like this and scratch your forehead.. This has been predetermined before you were even born. So is everything. Little or big. If your destiny is to get hit by a train ten years from now.. You will get hit by a train ten years from now. But you become free from karma by realizing that you are not the character to begin with . You are not the doer. You are not the body. This whole drama this whole show has absolutely nothing to do with you. For you are not the body.. Mind or world. You are just the witness. The witness is always detached and free. The character is ever-bound.
  4. The essence and heart of Philosophy. Why it is so important and how it is linked with spirituality. Does lead to turh. And and why it is not just mental masturbation and pure Abstraction (although it can be) and there is practical consequences for living a high quality life.
  5. @Ananta I find drinking hot drinks working as a lubricant. I feel better after drinking hot tea. My throat is so sore after years of heavy smoking I don't believe it's fixable at this point. But it can get better.
  6. @Heaven ofcourse you will finish fast when it's the first time (ya know what I mean lol). Just rub one out before sex. This way you can last a bit longer. ?
  7. There is two conceptions of God. The omnipresent substratum of existence and the bearded sky daddy. If you mean the latter.. The guy is just isn't there. And even If he is.. He doesn't seem to give a fuck about children dying from hunger. In fact according to all religious doctrines.. It's all according to his plan.
  8. @Ananta thank for the tips Ana ?
  9. Don't know about heavy metals etc. But to cure OCD you have to first identify the OCD thought as an OCD thought. Write them down. Come up with a list of all your OCD thoughts. And then tell yourself whenever you get these thoughts you are not going to react to them. You will just let them arise and go like you are hearing some noises in the streets. Or clouds passing. You can't really control the cloud. You can either react or withhold. If you keep reacting you will get stuck deeper in the thought loops. The only solution is to not react to the OCD thought no matter how intense it is and often it arises. Best luck!
  10. @snowyowl thanks man. No haven't tried any therapy or detoxing yet. I think I should.
  11. What is this nonsense? If I'm a mod.. This thread would've disappeared from existence at the same moment it appeared like quantum telepathy lol . But sure it seems Leo and the mods are far tolerant with nonsense these days than before. ?
  12. Also from reading some of your posts here.. I think you need to heal some trauma. You are always kinda upset about something or someone or some people. You seem to lack acceptance. Not sure if it's for yourself or for others. But you are a bit harsh in your attitudes sometimes whether about Trump or "narcissistic" people (whatever that means) lol. Etc. So be careful with your vibe. If that's how you deal with people in real life that can be the actual reason you attract hatred and trolling. Got nothing to do with your appearance.
  13. Nothing much you can do to them. Just ignore them and cut your relationship with them. Or insult them back first. And then cut out with them. What's important is your own opinion about yourself. And here radical self honesty is required. Do you think you are ugly? Answer that for yourself. If you genuinely don't think so then why should you give a fuck about what people say about your appearance?. If you do think you're ugly.. Do you think That matters? Or that defines who you are as a person? Did anyone choose their appearance? Obviously not. So how is it sensible to mock someone for something they didn't choose. It's like mocking a born blind person for being that way! So even if you are ugly that has zero negative value on you As a person. You know our bodies are just masks we are wearing for a while. Don't let it determine who you are. You can do a surgery and completely change your appearance upside down and become beautiful. Does that change your inner self? No. You are not a merely some skin and flesh.
  14. @Guru Fat Bastard that's true only to the extend you hold it as true. Which is rather short.
  15. @Lyubov How to forgive the worst people in society?.... there is no people!. It comes to mind the story of the Buddha when someone spat on his face one day. and he came the next day asking for forgiveness. Buddha said :“Well, why? You didn’t do anything so how can I excuse you? What did you do? What wrong you have done?” The man replied, “Yesterday I spat in your face!" Buddha replied :" That person is not here now. ". This is really a powerful way to look at it.
  16. There isn't inside the organism an entity that understands stuff and holds this understanding. All smoke in the air. So in fact no body understands anything . Because there is no body home in the first place. #brown bear lol @Shin
  17. Still craving and still coughing and have some pain in my chest especially when sleeping and after meals. Keep in my mind I used to smoke so intense. 7 packs a week is just too much. I know my lungs are deeply affected. I can't run without losing my breath. So it's gonna take some time to recover from all that.
  18. Man my lungs still hurt. I have moments of short breathing while sleeping it's affecting my ability to sleep. I hope this Will get better soon.
  19. @Moksha do you not sleep? Jk lol ?
  20. Free will is a total horseshit . If you pay attention to your experience you will notice that. I like this experiment.. Try to stop your thoughts and movements for just few seconds.. And notice how your body will carry on thinking and moving on its own. It can be a very scary experience. You have zero control over your body. I had a hard time with this realization few months ago. I thought Im losing my mind.