Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. No problem with that either. The only problem is you can't do it. It's just a thought. No "you" is thinking thoughts . And holding on to them . Come on take a look and grasp This. It's not so hard lol.
  2. There isn't any you. YOU as the absolute is everything. And anything and no thing. Any line you draw is imaginary and flimsy.. Since where exactly does anything starts and ends? And who is drawing the line if the line is you?. Each moment there is a new me because there is a new "I" thought. And when the "I" thought doesn't arise there is literally no "I" in that condition. You are trying to ground reality. Reality is a groundless insanity.
  3. . Do not read this if you are mentally unstable person. If you are sensitive to existential topics. If you are going through existential crisis or mental illness or just trying to be grounded. What I'm about to share is going to shake and remove the ground underneath you and leave you free falling forever. And there will be no going back. I simply became conscious that reality is infinite forms. Infinite images. Infinite consciousness. Label it however you want. But you get the idea. Imagine right now any possible image.. Anything.. I don't care how crazy it is.. That thing exists. And everything you can possibly imagine exists. And it can happen. If you can imagine it.. It is real. That's the rule. What happened is simply I had the craziest dream I ever had in my life. I can't even describe it visually. It was an infinite forms coming into being and out of being for no reason. An infinite chaos. An infinite explosion and implosion of everything imaginable. It's really hard to describe it. Try to imagine infinte forms being manufactured right now.. Animals cars people hell realms flying spaghetti monsters. Imagine a universe where you are getting tortured forever. Imagine a universe that consists of infinte copies of Leo avatars eating each others. And make sure to imagine the most insane logic-breaking mind shattering image or scenario possible for you to imagine...... And imagine they are actually being actualized. Not just thoughts in your mind. That's what the dream was like! But that was just a dream?.so what? You are missing the obvious .ofcourse it was a dream. You can dream anything. And that's exactly the point. You can dream any fucking thing.. And the kicker is.. the dream IS reality! Reality is capable of imagining anything into being! Dreaming it. Imagine a TV screen that displays whatever image you wish or imagine it to display. That's like what reality is. Needless to say there is no TV screen in this case. The images are literally being imagend in the middle of nowhere. If anyone experienced with psychedelics and other realms have had insights into what I'm talking about. Correct me if I am wrong. I really hope I'm deluded here. But it just can't be unseen at this point.
  4. @Endangered-EGO all you have to do to answer this question of free will is to observe your experience. Go about your day doing what you normally do but just observe yourself carefully. Where do your thoughts and actions come from and how they come about. That's all you need to do and you will get a satisfying answer. For example I'm observing myself typing this Comment and I'm noticing that I'm not doing it. The words are being downloaded into my mind and my fingers are moving. What you think is "you" that is the doer is just a thought. Get rid of the "you" thought for a moment and notice that everything is being done by itself without any you doing anything. It's not that you don't have free will. It's that you don't exist and free will is just a thought. Stuff just happen. Simple.
  5. Stop with your smart assery and get this. THIS is all there is. All your bla bla bla are themselves THIS. Ideas and beliefs and skeptic thoughts about what is not THIS are THIS appearing as that. What death what birth what before what after? Notice these are literally airy fairy tales not any less fictional than Santa clause.
  6. @Gesundheit if you can't distinguish between actuality and concept.. What can I help you? You can't distinguish between the bla bla bla of your mind and what makes your bla bla bla even possible. You can't have bla bla bla without THIS. But you can have THIS without bla bla bla. Choice is yours.
  7. Yes. Truth and infinty are synonymous. Real and unreal are just words pointing to concepts. It's not real or unreal. It's what it is. Nice story. It's not just limited to what you already can see. It's true you can't imagine something that you didn't already see in the world. But notice what you already see in the world is unlimited. So is your imagination.
  8. You can't even distinguish between actuality and your thoughts. You are lost cause.
  9. LOL. It's so easy to get but over(rationality) makes you blind to the obvious. This question what is the substance of everything? So you are thinking the substance is something else.. You have two things.. The thing and what is it made of.. So what did they solve when they say consciousness is made of brains lol.. The point is what is the substance of "thingness" itself. And where are you going to find that elsewhere? Lol it's right under your nose lol.
  10. I don't know. I have no idea whether a new born dreams or not. It doesn't seem like it but who knows? We take a lot of stuff for granted. You think a rock isn't conscious because it doesn't act or react. But maybe that's just an assumption of yours. Maybe a rock is Conscious in its own way. I mean are you seriously going to say that you actually know?
  11. So are you saying there is finite and the infinite cannot know it or are you saying there isn't a finite and it's all the infinite? Then what refers to the finite? Also define your stuff first what Infinite and what finite are you talking about? These are abstract concepts they don't mean the same thing for everyone. Let's not talk about them as if we have an idea what they mean.
  12. This is false. Pay attention to your experience. What is there. Waking state dream state and deep sleep state. Your true state is deep sleep. This what is ultimately real. Both the waking state and the dream state are dreams. Since you have no idea where do any of them come from. You don't have any frame of reference. Do you remember how do you got here? No. It's instantly lights on boom here I am in this body inside this world. Where did this shit come from? There should be void. Well ask yourself where did your dreams come from? They are being imagined inside the void. Same with this experience right now. It's being imagined inside the void. And there is no limits to what can be imagined inside the void. And ofcourse the void is the dream they are not two .
  13. Watch this to get a taste of what I'm talking about
  14. @Nahm I have no "intentions" no nothing. I'm asking genuinely. Maybe I framed it in a way that creates an impression that I'm going to argue back and forth with you. But that's not true. No worries thx.
  15. Yes. You are the dreamer and the dreamt.
  16. I hear this from you a lot. Would you break it down a little bit. I think the finite can't comprehend the infinite as well. Aren't they same at the end? Not two?
  17. Do not argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference between you.
  18. @allislove @Nahm guys honestly if you don't have anything regarding the subject itself that I'm talking about.. Then (won't say it lol). Honestly I'm only interested in hearing from Leo specifically about this topic. I didn't see "infinity". What I saw is that consciousness is a dream machine. shape shifting substance. It can dream/create /manifest literally any fucking thing it wants. Do you get how radical this is?
  19. Yeah yeah you know what bro listen to this joke.. You think you are talking to someone here..meanwhile you are actually talking to emptiness wearing a meat bag with a bunch of conditioned thoughts. You are talking to nobody. Nobody is talking to nobody and they both think they are somebody. Look within ffs you are nothing son. I know you are probably cringing right now.. Yet I swear by lord Shiva this is exactly what is happening right now.
  20. Beautiful and makes sense. The point that trips me up is that I am God ffs.. I'm doing this to myself.. I'm judging my own creation. I guess it's all part of the cosmic joke.
  21. You are assuming there is a continuous consistent "person" who lives In time. I'm literally not the person who joined the forum back in May. Fuck I'm not the same for two moments bro. It sounds I'm being pedantic but this is with all honesty how it works ?
  22. @Leo Gura Would you address this? I want to understand why it is such that consciousness will dream hell if it's infinitely good and infinitely intelligent? Is it being dreamed randomly like consciousness can't help itself but explode all it's potential? Is there not a choice for consciousness to create only a limited section of its capabilities? Why am I a fool as God to create hell and torture myself? What's the point?
  23. What you see is your dream. Whichever way. There is no other. There is only other in the Dream. You are the center of the universe. There is no one but you here . Stop denying it and deal with yourself as God.