Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. So the organism is conditioned to form an identity... Let's say a new born grows up In the woods by himself with zero external conditioning.. Do you think he will grow an ego? And idk do animals have an ego?
  2. Well if we agree there is no you it's compatible to conclude that there shouldn't seem like there is a you.. Right?
  3. @BlackMaze Write it on the dream board and it's done. @Nahm
  4. But who is the "you" that needs to survive? I think we are talking about the body here. So the ego is necessary for the body to survive. But then you are secretly admiting here that "you" are the body. What if the entire universe was created last Thursday, along with all of your memories? What if it was created in the last hour? Or maybe it's all being created right now in the present moment. Does it really matter? It does and it doesn't. My question wasn't particularly about how do we know when it was created.. I asked how can you trust a memory? Ofcourse there is no "how" you just trust it. But I meant you have no method to verify that yesterday memories really happened.. So how can you trust it undoubtedly? And this Is a rather important function of your survival and function in society.
  5. Yes things had to happen in a certain way. I know that everything is predetermined. This I became conscious of. However I disagree that bad things happen for a "good" reason. Good and bad are concepts.
  6. Who is the "you" that get a different view of the "ego"? Awe this is a tricky. You assume there is a you that have a ego.. The ego IS what is being referred to as "you".
  7. Interesting perspective. I think there is some truth to it.
  8. Yes I mean what Is the source of the "I" thought? Why does it arise in the first place if it's not pointing to anything real? For most people they simply believe "I am the body obviously what else can I be"?
  9. are you asking if there is a 2nd objective reality beyond the 1st subjective reality? Well take a look.. Is the 1st reality couched within the 2nd or the 2nd is couched within the 1st.. Or are they actually one and the same?
  10. I prefer to stay away from delusions as much as I can. When I experience suffering there sure exists a desire to sooth onself with a metaphysical plan or divine plan "oh this is all for the greatest good this must happen because look xzy etc". I honestly don't buy any conceptual explanation for reality or any part of reality at this point. When you are experiencing suffering.. There is just the experience of suffering... No matter how sensical your story of "why the suffering is happening" it is still a story. Something that YOU are making up. Interesting story btw.
  11. Why do humans feel the need to explain suffering away? To come up with a story that suffering must be for the greatest good (whatsoever that means)? Why can't we just accept that suffering exists and is apparently completely pointless?
  12. Does having ten million dollars in your bank account =having "nothing" in your bank account? It's often misunderstood what is the real meaning of "form is emptiness and emptiness is form".
  13. Mimicking Leo's pfp. I need a bald head tho
  14. How do you know there exists anything else (other POVs) than what you are conscious of atm? Isn't that just a baseless belief? Is it even possible to know that? After all will you ever experience anything else but your own POV?
  15. Reality is indifferent. The universe doesn't know evil. Evil only exists in your skull. Forget about "why all loving God allow this" these types of abstract questions have no answer . Any mental gymnastics can be tossed away easily.
  16. Yes totally agree. I've hit rock bottom I'm considering isolating myself so I can quit. It's a bit extreme but extreme proplems require extreme solutions I guess. Will get rid of all cigarettes in the house.
  17. Yes I'm not postponing it. I'm totally in. But it's disappointing how. Weeks of discipline could just end by moment of weakness. I actually think about isolating myself so I can stop.
  18. I had a similar experience a week ago in a dream. And I asked about confirmation in here. Did you become conscious that all infinite potential will become actual? Once can certainly imagine infinte scenarios.. But does it necessarily have to be manifested in a alternative reality.
  19. Beautiful and insightful as always thanks for sharing and good luck in your journey man.
  20. @Mvrs are you saying we shouldn't trust our memories anymore?
  21. @BlackMaze there is no "when I feel like it" man. This is an absolute necessity. I cannot continue like this im raping (sorry) my health. Yet all this doesn't seem to make me stop. I have other reasons that I believe are making it difficult for me but I won't get into them here to not make this too abstract.
  22. I guess I do it subconsciously. After years of do it automatically I find my hands automatically slip into the cigarette pack and takes one to smoke it.