Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @OBEler OK brother no worries. Thanks for your concern . But I guess I know my interiorty more than you .(or anybody else for that matter ).
  2. Interesting. But you made some claims without evidence. And that's exactly what a faulty epistemology is . You are assuming there is some kind of difference between what's happening right now and what's happening in a nocturnal dream (not a fundamental one but still)..i ask you do you make such claim? Second of all : you are saying its "difficult " to be sure ...I just lol πŸ˜‚ ..dude are experienced with 5 meo (not sure if you tried Salvia or Mushrooms) but these substance shake your reality upside down ...down side up and throw you into the midst of the's not just "difficult "..unless you are having a lucid dream's IMPOSSIBLE to tell a dream from reality .
  3. The "teaching" is not about the conclusion that life is a dream ..but the questioning and how to actually deconstruct the hell out of your existence .
  4. Oh..It's worse than that . ANYTHING we say or utter is fantasy land . So therefore solipsism also falls short. No worldview can encapsulate reality .However...there is no fundamental difference between Fantasy and reality. Read my thread which I posted . Direct experience can be said to be real because literally you have nothing else but it . At the same time you call a dream illusory when it's perfectly identical to Direct experience in the waking state. That's the mindfuck . It's both real and unreal simultaneously.
  5. @Dodo it's pointless .you are talking about concepts and fantasy while I'm talking direct experience. Not gonna work. Drop the whole inquiry and go grab a drink .
  6. All that shows is that you are conscious of something when it's happening but not when it is yet to be created . Thoughts are not "stored " in some platonic ideal fantasy world and you pull them to your consciousness. That's false . Consciousness imagines a thought out of thin air .
  7. No you have . Right now ..are ..imagining in your thoughts (conscious mind )..the concept of ..unconscious. got it ? Everything relative has an opposite . But the absolute has no opposite. And consciousness is the absolute .because HERE IT IS. You've answered your own question.
  8. There is no such thing as unconscious. You are imagining unconsciousness using consciousness right now .there is no disputing this obvious fact . Just check your direct experience and see what you are actually doing vs what you are conceptualizing about aka imagining.
  9. @Dodo see my thread I posted right now .
  10. Every male in the entire planet thinks with his dick . Especially those who deny so. Libido is the actual god who got you by the balls ..not "Love" or some metaphysical hogwash.
  11. All that and all what Breakingthewall is saying is intellectual games. Not lucidity of your own sovereignty as a solipsistic bubble of Aloneness. 100% direct consciousness .
  12. Dude are you kidding me ? If it was that plain and simple why i can't do it ? And not just me ..all of society is a bunch of addicts to different things of which is the fucking gadget you're using right now . I get what you're trying to say btw. Thanks I guess.
  13. Well..there is no one there but me ..I'm fully conscious of that..nothing else to do..I'm all alone by myself. But seriously..what is called "solipsism " is just the radical extension of nonduality &oneness to its ultimate conclusion. without your consciousness nothing exists .this is an axiom that cannot be denied in a fucking zillion years .
  14. Bullshit. Solipsism is the deepest awakening. You're simply not awake enough. Back to the drawing board.
  15. Or maybe this makes you upset..dunno. For me personally discovering that existence is one big optical illusion is mercy and liberation.
  16. @Osaid you are so goddamn intelligent. Can't compete with you πŸ˜…
  17. Of course the past is illusion. Try pointing to it and see how it goes .you'd be pointing to a memory which is something that takes place in the present. The mindfuck of course is that even the present is illusory. Because it slips through your hands and turn into past continuously. Which I just demonstrated that its illusion. The key Is to realize that all of reality is illusion. Then you are happy 😊 .
  18. Thanks this does sound illuminating and liberating ..but at the end of the day there is a difference between Sadhguru or Ramana Maharshi and a pot addict . I mean let's be real here .."attached to ending attachment is itself the attachment so you are perpetuating it " I get it .but does this actually help practically ? I highly doubt. Although im open to what you're suggesting. Please explain to me ..I gave a concrete example..I literally can start screaming and crying like a toddler if I lost my phone is it that you say there are no tangible things we are attached to ? But I can't stop imagination. Nor is it my actual mindset in life that I have nothing to lose . Maybe I will get to that point by the time I'm 70 years old and already sick and tired of it all. Again..I'm not trying to dismiss what you are saying..I'm just trying to help myself and not fool myself with fantastic unrealistic methods of fixing my problems. Agreed .
  19. Thanks brother . Obviously that's the conundrum. If someone offered me a billion bucks cash ..I'm more than ready to literally kill for it . I know it's sad but that's the funk . I'm still young and honestly I'm not as much experienced in life .so I don't know what should i do generally speaking. But i stumbled upon the possibility of transcendence of all attachment as I was reading into Buddhism. I appreciate all you said but I will boil down my question to this: is Karma real? If I'm attached in this life that means I was attached in a previous life and I'm now paying the price? About the phone thing. I can't even take a walk without putting my headphones and listen to music. But it doesn't end. It's something akin to pornography. The options are endless .and you can't exhaust and watch all the content in one lifetime lol. So you go on clicking on the next porn clip ..hunting for the perfect clip to jerk off to and it never fucking ends . Yes there is a ebb and flow to desire .but that makes it even more demonic and tricky .
  20. Thank you . Helpful advice. This is mind blowing!! Literally!! I've been into this for years but this comment hit like a train. You shattered my ego lady.
  21. @James123 I hope you and your son come out of this rut even stronger. Peace brother πŸ™ Keep us updated btw.
  22. "I'm In pain everyday all day "-Leo that truly broke my heart πŸ˜₯ This thread is for all but for our dear @James123 and our beloved @Leo Gura as well specially . awakened saints from thousands of years ago like buddha for example happen to awaken mostly in hardship. And in fact most people awaken when they are completely broken.. isolated..alone..has lost everything whether that be in the material and emotional sense. It's so a person has no other options BUT to turn inward.. to reflect.. and BUT to look to some type of higher power. That's when our soul peaks through our ego because we've done NOTHING but abuse ourselves through all the trials and tribulations that our higher supreme has put on our pathway...because of our ego our self .the devil as Leo says is YOU .the self .the ego. Its resistance to reality .if you accept reality unconditionally you will be awakened and at peace . Leo shits on this and laugh because of his autoimmune disease or whatever but please Leo don't lose hope. You are a wise person .you should know by now that suffering is nesscary to cut through life's delusions and wake the hell up spiritually. When we allow ourselves to break out of the negative as hell poor me victim roles that EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET HAS SUFFERED IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER..and view life's uncomfortable moments as β€œlessons” that our soul is meant to be given..and meant to grow from.. and be ACTUALLY GRATEFUL for these things.. that's when you know you're on the right track. When you stop judging reality to good and bad because YOU HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE..that's when you're experiencing spiritual awakening. When there's a peace within matter what events seem to take place in your life..and you can see life as beautiful're on your way. Hang in there brother . Much love and best wishes for James and Leo πŸ™