Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. There is no you doing anything. Life is just happening. There is no where to go already. Where are you going to go anyways lol?
  2. This is perfect. You are home. This state is what you are seeking. You don't really want "things" e. g food sex drugs money etc .. You want things so that you stop wanting anything but what is present. What is longed for is the end of longings. And seems like you are achieving it.
  3. @zeroISinfinity Offline he is just an average joe looking for some "fun" ??
  4. This Jed guy is so overrated.
  5. I dream about Leo a lot too. It's simply happens because of the fact that we spend a lot of our waking time seeing Leo's face (watching him talk) that he became an important figure in our subconscious mind. And that's About it. He will keep appearing in your dreams. Sometimes in unrelated situations like maybe seeing him cooking or something. Because dreams are just random hallucinations they don't mean or symbolize nothing.
  6. @zeroISinfinity it sure feels you exist. Will give ya that. But who is really there under the curtain?
  7. It's more fucked up than that. Even you don't exist.
  8. @SirVladimir LOL. it's not hard to see through spiritual sci-fi.
  9. Yeah it's not about the number.. More of the measurements themselves or percentage.. Like how do you even "measure" your "consciousness"? Lol
  10. @SirVladimir ? Only raising your consciousness up to 10 % .. How are people able to keep a straight face when saying such shit?
  11. Yes. Acceptance. Surrender. Gratitude. No matter what the circumstances are.. Accept and let go and let God. The only way to real happiness. Nothing else will do. ❤️
  12. Who really knows? Enlighten up and stop asking impossible meaningless questions.
  13. I have a few question for those who have a good understanding of the ego.. Personality and memory. Awareness and how all these work together and their relationship to personal identity. you are familiar with spirituality and nondual teachings you likely' know' that the sense of individuality or separation is false or illusory. That there isn't an actual separate self inside the organism. Who you think you are is not who you actually are. Who you think are - the ego is literally just a thought. An arising sensation that says "im me here inside this body ". When this thought disappear.. What is left is pure awareness of various perceptions and sensations without any personal relationship to them. Without "my perception and my sensation" identification. My question is.. If there is no you.. Why does it ' seem like ' there is a you..? You can grasp in direct experience that "you" is false identification with thought.. It is not real. Yet it is the most real thing for you. After all what is more real and important to you in your life then yourself? Right? So what exactly is grounding this sense of self? Why does the "I" thought keep arising throughout your whole life even after seeing through the misidentification? And what is the personality ? What makes this body-mind here to have a different personality than that body-mind over there even tho there is no "person" to begin with? What role do memories play in grounding your sense of self? What is the difference between a memory and a thought? Now a whole pack of questions can open up about memory .is the past even real ? No matter where you look you can't find anything but the present and How can we trust our memory if any at all? Etc but I will just stop here. For example your entire life story and who you think you are and how you view yourself and your life is just a thought story.. Mostly memories... But those thoughts are not occurring 24/7.. So once they stop occurring even for a second you are left not knowing who you are and how you got there (interesting huh?). And so what prevents you from losing yourself and going Insane is these stories and memories keep arising to ground your sense of self and reality. Thoughts?
  14. Very good and satisfying answer. Thanks ?
  15. Everytime you go to bed and dream you prove that reality could be any other way you imagine it to be. Why is the waking reality consistent? To answer this question you must answer what IS this waking reality first?
  16. So the organism is conditioned to form an identity... Let's say a new born grows up In the woods by himself with zero external conditioning.. Do you think he will grow an ego? And idk do animals have an ego?
  17. Well if we agree there is no you it's compatible to conclude that there shouldn't seem like there is a you.. Right?
  18. @BlackMaze Write it on the dream board and it's done. @Nahm
  19. But who is the "you" that needs to survive? I think we are talking about the body here. So the ego is necessary for the body to survive. But then you are secretly admiting here that "you" are the body. What if the entire universe was created last Thursday, along with all of your memories? What if it was created in the last hour? Or maybe it's all being created right now in the present moment. Does it really matter? It does and it doesn't. My question wasn't particularly about how do we know when it was created.. I asked how can you trust a memory? Ofcourse there is no "how" you just trust it. But I meant you have no method to verify that yesterday memories really happened.. So how can you trust it undoubtedly? And this Is a rather important function of your survival and function in society.
  20. Yes things had to happen in a certain way. I know that everything is predetermined. This I became conscious of. However I disagree that bad things happen for a "good" reason. Good and bad are concepts.
  21. Who is the "you" that get a different view of the "ego"? Awe this is a tricky. You assume there is a you that have a ego.. The ego IS what is being referred to as "you".
  22. Interesting perspective. I think there is some truth to it.
  23. Yes I mean what Is the source of the "I" thought? Why does it arise in the first place if it's not pointing to anything real? For most people they simply believe "I am the body obviously what else can I be"?
  24. are you asking if there is a 2nd objective reality beyond the 1st subjective reality? Well take a look.. Is the 1st reality couched within the 2nd or the 2nd is couched within the 1st.. Or are they actually one and the same?