Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I learned to not plan and to live in the moment. It gives greater peace of mind and it is more realistic also if we are honest about it all. I mean think back when you were planning for 2020 and then comes covid and basically ruins the whole year lol. Planning can be useful tho. But no plans for this year.
  2. @BlackMaze again the whole point is that you are not real. Who is it that have or doesn't have free will? You ofcourse. But the whole point is that "you" is just a thought not an entity. So the whole question becomes meaningless.
  3. @BlackMaze ofcourse enlightenment won't get you rid of addiction. How to stop smoking? Well Smoking is an action. You stop the action by stopping the action. Tada lol. There is no how. There is a how when it comes to how to do X. But when it's how to NOT do X.. You just don't do it lol. Ofcourse easier said than done. I myself am binge smoking these days. Could have helped myself lol Also when you become enlightened you realize free will is hogwash. There isn't a doer for your deeds just in the same way you don't control your breath or heart beats or that monkey that is constantly rambling in your mind. The body mind will still have to function. You just hope that it functions well lol.
  4. @BlackMaze this is not to sound pedantic but the correct understanding is "you" never become enlightened. If you read my comment I said it's the dissolving of that sense of self. you as a separate individual entity literally do not exist. This is not a word game. This is meant literally not metaphorically. You can practice self-inquiry and verify this. What is left after you shed the misconception of what you really are is what enlightenment is. Which is already your natural state as pure consciousness. Has nothing to do with smoking or addiction in general lol. There two separate things lol.
  5. @arlin don't multi-task. Finish what you have started or don't start. For example you open one of those 4 hours actualized episodes and you make sure to stick around and watch it all at one shot. Make it a habit. With everything else ofcourse. Untill it becomes second nature.
  6. Yes ofcourse totally possible. What era are you living in ffs?
  7. @zeroISinfinity infinite Love is a good pointer. But who you really are or what "this" is can't really be named. Don't be ridiculous. Lol
  8. Enlightenment is your real nature. Your natural state as you are. Look at how a child behave. That's really it. Or an animal. Enlightenment is returning to your natural animalistic state and getting rid of your human bullshit as much as you can. All your agendas. Your shoulds and should nots. Your ideas about what's right or wrong or how life should be . Your sense of control. Your sense of separate self. Your sense of being a thing at all.
  9. "The tao that can be said is not the eternal tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. " -Lao Tzu. Note :but also it is since it is everything. It has no name precisely because it IS all names. Luckily you don't need a pointer to point to the only thing that there is. The pointer is what's being pointed at and isn't it simultaneously. This sums this issue up properly.
  10. There is no you but you still have to live as if there is a you. The good news is there is no you to do it so you don't have to worry about it.
  11. @electroBeam between me and you.. There is only me. Take away the me.. So only you remain.
  12. @73809 there is no you. No one is there to do it. Take a look at your mind. No one is there thinking thoughts and separate from them. It's fucked up how the mind works. The truth is "you" can't do anything. Cuz there isn't any "you" in the middle of it all. When we say "surrender to xyz".. The assumption is there is a "you" that "should" or "can" do the surrender.. Which ofcourse there isn't. Surrendering to thoughts vs resistance is itself a thought. You can take a look at your mind and verify what I'm talking about.
  13. I don't mind living forever if it means reincarnating after cleaning all my memories and making it "seem like" I'm starting from scratch. But if you mean living this life with my accumulated experiences and It just keeps going forever.. That would be hell. Agreed in a certain sense There is just nothing fun about life after you are 35 lol ?
  14. No because it's God's will. Complain all day long if you want to. Or enlighten up and accept. There is more wisdom in swimming with the flow than swimming against it. ?
  15. @zeroISinfinity there is still questions left but no questioner.
  16. This is just how things are. All forms are getting created and destroyed constantly. This is the very mechanism of reality itself. Nothing lasts every single thing will get destroyed. Only the formless godhead is everlasting. I know this sounds too abstract to you. But really you have to train yourself to think metaphysically and deeply about these issues. Ultimately evil does not really exist. Out there somewhere . it's a function of your ego mind. Suffering is what makes you avoid dangerous situations that is threatening to your survival. If living creatures stopped feeling pain.. The entire living species will go extinct. If you stopped suffering.. You will die quickly . And you won't be here asking about suffering. Be careful don't oversimplify this things. There are many layers of self deception here. It all basically boils down to selfishness. You are complaining about poor kids dying from hunger. But what are you going to feed those kids..?another Living creatures ofcourse. You see?
  17. @Keyhole this is a copy paste answer from Leo where I asked him why does God create so much suffering when he is all perfect... As it turns out.. Precisely because God is all loving and all perfect he cannot exclude suffering from the equation. That would be a bias. But God is completely selflessness. Can't be biased Leo : " Consciousness likes to dream. That's what it does. Why would there be any limits upon what one can dream? The nature of dreaming is that it's unlimited. You are still judging good vs bad. From the POV of Infinite Consciousness all dreams are valid, interesting, and part of the whole. God is not going to exclude stuff nor eliminate stuff just because a human doesn't like it. You can't really appreciate how unlimited and powerful Consciousness is unless you experience some of the nightmares it can dream up. Your question is basically the age-old question of: If God exists, why would he allow evil? To which the answer is, God sees no evil, but you do since you are attached to finite forms. Reality is far too profound of a thing to make logic sense to a finite and fearful human mind. To understand God you must surrender all your judgments and attachments. God is infinite imagination, but you are asking God to be something less than that because it makes you uncomfortable. Well, sorry, but God has bigger priorities than you personal comfort"
  18. Yeah you could think of it this way. But my general point still applies.
  19. @Gesundheit look .. Caring and not caring is something you as a human can do.. Right? Does a rock care or not care?
  20. I mean it's neutral. It doesn't care. The universe certainly doesn't care if you die from cancer today does it?
  21. OK for the sake of argument.. Let's say we are literally made out of pixels..there is a computer running real life behind the scenes somewhere... Now what is the computer made out of? If there is a computer running real life.. What is running the computer? Another computer? Computers all the way down? What is the ultimate ground substance that of reality? You should see that reality can't be anything else but groundless consciousness floating in nothingness.
  22. What is God part two. A total bomb. Makes you understand all of reality
  23. @BakeJeyner thanks for sharing your experience. Although you didn't really address my question directly. I think you haven't had a direct insight to what I'm asking about. I need to reread OP again
  24. Yeah I don't really understand what you are saying. Let's say I imagine a world in my mind.. Does this world exist "somewhere" as actually? Is this what does it mean to say that reality is unlimited?
  25. LOL if you stopped lying completely you would be dead.