Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Why are you asking me? There it is. It has nothing to do with a good and bad or neutral. It's fundamental to understand that it's not this or that.. It's this and that and neither and either. What am I talking about? Exactly language is pointless to convey this. Paradox is a feature not a bug. Paradox away at your mind and linguistic dichotomies until your mind collapses and then you are left with the territory itself. Not good. Not bad. Not neutral. Just is what it is. Here it is.
  2. You are telling they are speaking from a different dimension not in our shared earth? All dimensions are in the same place so it makes no difference.
  3. Let's take this Atman you keep talking about. Do you realize there isn't any Atmans here? I mean the Indian label "Atman" is not itself the actual (thing) that you are calling it Atman... That is my whole point. A 7 yo child can get this. Not sure what are we debating over. @allislove It's illegal in India.
  4. @allislove no sounding cool here brother. The map is not the territory is all I'm saying which is what Leo says all the time. is love a map or a territory? Are we disagreeing here? Then it's a map (which is the territory) Let it go. It's not the territory. We can't disagree about the territory. The territory is not a definition game. But also it is since it is everything. And thus.. Me denying love is love itself. So what's your issue exactly? I think this forum is about truth not to defend dogmas or beliefs or what we should(there is no should) call the universe.. Atman Brahman Love God etc the universe doesn't have a name. Leave it alone. Too much sounding cool lol.
  5. @iceprincessevery male knows when you nut you go on refractory period. Your testosterone drops along with your dopamine and also your body releases crazy amounts of prolactin which makes you soothed out. Relaxed. In a sense.. Tired. Also this is common sense.. You did jizz that nut out.. Now you have to consume energy to replenish. It's done within few days but also what's the point of Nutting anyways? 9 seconds of tingling feeling and then what exactly? Nothing my dear.
  6. @Nahm Infinite can't know finite. EVOL
  7. lol ? this is more funny than the title of this thread.
  8. Again you are using logic and dichotomies. "This give way to other".. There is no other only this. "can't have birth without death etc" just logic and dichotomies .. This is all logic. What I'm saying has nothing to do with logic. I'm speaking about truth. Direct experience. What is death? A thought. Is it an experience? No. Then it's not true. Over. How is THIS "birth"? Because as I said can you find any past? No. Therefore this is literally the beginningless beginning. This is all.
  9. Quick and short insights. Might be helpful for someone here. Please don't respond to this thread if you are not pure enough lol to recognize the significance of this message. It takes steel stack of balls to spit some raw truth you won't be hearing from anyone else in society except yourself. Because everything here you already know but you can't believe it and I'm just reminding you of it. The universe is playing with you. It's not true that the universe is just some neutral atoms bouncing in a box. The universe doesn't care about you and all that is of course true in a sense. But also..come on.. Deja vu.. Synchronicity and when you read something here or there or when someone explains something to you and it just fucking click so hard. There is something here or someone here (?) watching you or you are watching yourself. It's hard to explain and I'm doing a very poor job right now at explaining and yet you completely get what I'm talking about. And that is exactly what I am talking about. You won't get if from the first read tho. This is the only reality. Here and now. I know it's a dead horse at this point. But literally think about this. .. You think this present moment came from a past?. Well if you only bother to look right now and see that you can't find any past here. Except maybe in your skull (thoughts) which is where again? Here lol. You can only find here here and now now. You are not moving from a past to a present. You are creating (imagining) a past in the present and calling it a past. Just a label "past" made of present ofcourse. Every word is precisely what's happening. I'm being infinitely accurate please focus on every single word and validate what I'm saying. You got it completely backwards. The present didn't come from the past. The past is constantly coming from the present. And where did the present come from? No need to speculate. Let's find out. Look and see. Do you find anywhere else but here for here to come from? No. Therefore literally the answer is the present didn't come from anywhere. The present is God. Here didn't come from there. You don't find you will never find a here and a there. It's always ever here. Here didn't come from there. There is always constantly coming out of here not the other ways around. THIS is the beginning of time. Right now this is God saying let there be light. Not even being cute or exaggerating. Something very radical is being said. You don't need to believe me. Look and see if it's true. What exists? Here. What about yesterday? It's here. The big bang? It's here. As a thought. Forget about your entire past and literally try to grasp that now is completely fresh unbelievable godness that has nothing to do with a past or a big bang or gods or Jesus or Leo or this or that. And notice that here didn't come from somewhere because it's all here. Everything you want to know is right under your nose. You are literally nowhere. You are literally just here and that's it. I am that I am?. But but how do you got here? Where did you get here from? Who told you that you got here from there? Do you find or can you find anywhere else but here for here to come from?. This is the first moment in your life. Yesterday is a thought found today. Always. Every yesterday is always found today and it can't be otherwise. You are stuck in todayness forever. This is the last day of your life. No more days. Just being here in the eternal now. Now in the eternal here. The time is not 6 pm or 6 am anymore. The time is always now. You do not really know anything about anything. Not even joking. Now he is just getting ridiculous?.. I challenge you to verify this. You don't know anything. Not really. And that is all you know. What is he talking about? Well what is knowing for God's sake? Words thoughts concepts maps. Anything else? Anyone? And what are these things exactly? They are exactly the same thing you are trying to know and you don't. Go meta on this. And as I told you.. You don't know a goddam thing. What you have tho is raw unbelievable being exactly precisely as it is showing up in direct experience. Open your mouth and say more and you are immediately fooling yourself. But not me. You will never outsmart reality. It will always outsmart you. Always. Always. You lose. Reality wins. Always. How to win? Realize you are reality not a piece of it. The whole thing. So the thing that is outsmarting you all that time was you. . Don't identify with the mind and its endless questions and reality can't outsmart you any more. Because you are done. You are dead. Hopeless. No mind. The whole matrix is broken through to the degree of (insert explosion here). Here is your answer. This one will hit you like a mother fucker. The answer to all of your questions is the substance out of which your question is made. It is already it. It's done. It's too direct. There is not two. A question and an answer. The answer is literally the question. It's a cosmic joke I told you. There is nothing here to figure out precisely because there are infinite things to figure out. Move on. Have fun. Do something. Or don't. It's over. Direct. Being. This. Is. It. Nothing. Else. Period. Stfu.
  10. Apparently Moksha need this explained. But also Moksha is no one. So no one need this. But if it's not two then that is not problem. Exactly can't run from not two to two because there is not two. So everything i said is again it and not it. Obviously. Also remember it's my common sense not yours..
  11. @Moksha "truth doesn't care about your feelings ". If you don't like the truth that won't make it false. When it's derived at.. from direct experience that there is no separate self.. That is nonduality. We are not saying there is no self.. We are saying there is no separate self. Because all is one. There is no self precisely because all is Self. And there is no other. Because there is no self. And that is Self. It's just one. And what the Self is honestly.. It's not this not that. For some reason I'm the only one here who realize that "Love" is just a word. Here it is.. L o v e. Four litters. That is what love is. From direct experience. On a relative more monkey mindish level.. Love is a human emotion. You love your mom. You love your kids. But you don't love to eat s*** on breakfast. The actual substance out of which reality is made is reality itself . It's not "love". Or any other word. It is what you are seeing it right now. Already. You don't need to label it. It didn't ask you to label it. It's already itself before we fight over what should we label it. Everything I'm saying is common sense yet for some reason I need to explain this over and over again.
  12. I guess you are talking about me here... You don't know me or what I have read obviously or whether "I love myself" . I don't take "drugs" also. I ask you politely to remove this nonsense.
  13. @LastThursday @LastThursday what is death? Contemplate this using direct experience. Not using logical. Or dichotomies. Or human knowledge. Death is... "Something bad that is going to happen to you in the future".. And what is that? A thought happening now. Nothing more. Eh? "yeah but ofcourse im going to die someday" you don't know that. Forget about all your buts and ofcourses. Death is in future. Reread OP. There is no future or yesterday. Quite literally. @electroBeamthank you bro❤️
  14. It's not this or that. It's this and that. Both. no self all self you are alone you are not alone are precisely identical. Blend all your dichotomies.
  15. LOL you will never die. Can you become conscious that your physical death is imaginary? As real as a unicorn? Wishful thinking? A religious belief? I'm asking for a lot but it's true what I'm saying. You need to really toss away what's belief from what's actual. Like really. This is twisted work.
  16. @Gesundheit you are literally saying The point from my question is to not arrive at answer but just to play with concepts. Why on earth should I try to answer your question then?
  17. @VeganAwake Yeah I guess nothing new under the sun. But don't forget now is fresh like a baby. You are really just got born now. I swear lmao. Might seem I'm metaphorical. I meant it.
  18. @Gesundheit I know nothing. Go find out what's true. Peace!
  19. @abrakamowse you're welcome. Glad you found it insightful !
  20. You are trying to give them authority. Who is to decide who's view is valid? You ofcourse. If only you could realize you are them and they are you and so whatever you /them decide is what YOU decide. So both views are correct and false. Isn't that obvious?
  21. @abrakamowse lol you don't have to take it too harsh. I'm clearly just spraying being humorous so it appears more interesting.
  22. @Gesundheit I am you. Stop outsmarting yourself and enlighten up.
  23. Spin away. Spin away. He is giving you the exact correct answer to the question. Reality is a mindfuck. The only way to not get mindfucked when reality is a mindfuck is to delude yourself. You can do that. But then you won't get truth. Cuz turh is the end of everything you think you know. If you think you know how are you going to know? You must not know so that you can know. And both are identical.