Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Nahm it doesn't take too much intelligence to recognize this "thought narrative" trap you are pointing to. It's mostly done for learning and communicating . We are having a conversation on an online forum. I know that's not what's actually happening but it is what's actually happening from a certain pov which seems to be pleasant and easy for the the collective mind. Everything you ever say is also thought. So why are you placing much importance on thoughts about the invalidity of thoughts rather than thoughts about the validity of thoughts? Either all is meaningless thoughts or don't Cherry pick. If you going to cherry pick choose what's compatible with direct experience. Then comes what you call inspecting direct experience or investigating reality. There is a body here. Period. "I don't just use my mind.. I use my senses also". Saying there is no body is...... what do you mean there is no body and no teeth? I can see them. Maybe the labeling is going too far. And you can't open your mouth if you don't label. But we are communicating.
  2. This is not a post. So I can't respond the Nahm's logic is unbearable lol jk I have to agree tho that everything is thought expect food and water and air (survival) lol.
  3. Ofcourse there is a body functioning. We have to agree on a certain way to describe what's going on. If you are going to toss away everything as thought narrative (not actually happening) we can't have a convo. I can also say that thought narrative is not really thought narrative lol. So do you agree that the "thought narrative of being a self is necessary for the body to survive"? I don't have to put every word into quotes right lol? What you are trying to say has some validity into it. Do you mean it just that language is not the territory or something else? Because obviously there is a teeth and a Me and a you and a universe etc.. Only that these things are not the labels themselves right? "if you don't think nothing ever happened" in a way is true and in a way is bullshit.
  4. Language is mental masturbation. So it's not just about spirituality and metaphysical subjects. As soon as you open your mouth and call a chair a chair you are already lost in fantasy And disconnected from actuality.
  5. I agree. Yes you are right. There already is no self and yet the body somehow functions consistently. But I don't think it will function well if even the sense of being a self dissolved like for example when someone is drunk.
  6. It's not so hard to figure out. Anything just is raw happening. Whatever meanings or "moral of the story" or "underlying message" is something you have to fabricate. It's not "inherently" there in the event. It's something you are constructing after the fact.
  7. @James123 So there is two me? No one have a self. That presupposes a self. It's either there is a separate self inside the organism or there isn't. And it's gonna be the same for your body mind and My body mind. "the sense of self" is necessary tho and it's completely different than there being an "actual" separate self there. Tell me how can you brush your teeth without a sense of self?
  8. This story is inherently empty of meaning. It can be reinterpreted in infinte ways. You project that
  9. @James123 I agree with you. But why have you fragmented yourself as God into Leo and James who appear to have different views on things? I mean you did that playing hide and seek with yourself. Maybe you don't want to awaken. Maybe God doesn't want to face his eternal aloneness and he wants to play. If I'm not awake that's only because i as God want to be asleep. Nothing can happen outside my will. It's a no wining game. Awakening is a joke in a very real sense. You are literally just talking to yourself and trying to awake a separate self that doesn't exist. I'm not trying to be pedantic but these nonduality wars fly over my head. If you truly understand what awakeness means. It is boring to just be oneness. Also what you have to understand both your view and Leo's are perfectly identical. You are saying all sentences are identical because they are nothing. Therfore there isn't really an issue or a conflict. Do you see how YOU are imagining and creating the conflict. That's the gravity of duality. If you yourself was to fully understand and embody your messages you wouldn't talk or say anything. You would just be silent and bask in being.
  10. In a way it's a silly question. You realize that "harmful" is a relative notion. Are you going to eat turkey and burgers in Christmas? Well that's pretty dam harmful you are killing animals to have fun and eat. But see you take this for granted and you don't think of it this way. It's disgusting how we are self centered as humans.
  11. @James123 Leo is you you are debating with yourself about views of Awakening. Lol jk If you don't think there is no you and Leo and wonderland. Just you as nothing
  12. What it will lead you to is being. Being is irreducible mystery. The present moment is completely unknown. It's just being. And what is being? THIS. What else can you say about it really? God is a good pointer to the mystical nature of reality. The thing is most people use science and language to cover up the radical and total mystery of existence but it always fall short. The bottom line is reality is direct being. by explaining it in terms of the previous causes we my miss the overall mystery of "why is there something rather than nothing" by saying "well this present moment came from the big bang". But see this doesn't explain a Goddam thing. Cuz where did this fucking big bang come from? At some point you gotta accept being is eternal and it didn't come from anywhere. Imagine if you take this present moment and say "this present moment is eternal and it didn't come from anywhere and its not anything I think it is. It just is what it is". That would be as far as human knowledge can go lol.
  13. I feel you. What's happening is exactly what's happening. You are seeing it right now. The proplem is you can't get more direct than direct. So any answer is going to be indirect conceptual description. Which is really not "it". Just embrace the unknowingness and mystery of it all and see where does that ultimately lead you.
  14. Mahasamadhi is a religious belief. It's even worse than "physical death". At least you can go out there and see creatures falling dead. But so called "mahasamadhi" is literally just a story some hindu old dead men told you and you Believe in it.
  15. Well that's what this subforum is for. Don't know what else do you expect.
  16. No one knows. Most people are not even conscious enough to realize death is a belief. To find out go die. Anything else is just stories and mental masturbation. @electroBeam Wrong tag.
  17. @electroBeam death is as real as a unicorn. You Believe you are a human being that was born and going to die. This is a just possible because of thought process. You can raise your consciousness to realize now is forever. Death is just a belief. It's never going to happen because it's in the future. And the future is one hell of a fucking fiction.
  18. @electroBeam lol so you are afraid of death. I thought you were woke enough to realize death is imaginary?
  19. What truth are you afraid of? Can you be specific? NDE's they say they see white light and a tunnel. I don't know what's the significance of this.
  20. Well as it turns out these things are not so simple. How many people(even so called spiritual people) do you know actually are conscious of the Truth or have peace and no suffering in their life? Just one of these issues is worth hours of discussion. One can say that everlasting peace and freedom from suffering is not even possible or realistic as an objective. What is suffering really? Is it bad? Should we avoid it at all Costs? How are you going to learn and grow without suffering? How are you going to survive if fear of suffering didn't prevent you from avoiding pain? As It turns out suffering is as important as happiness in your life. You see without suffering you would become soft and your whole life will collapse. Because you are too much of a soft ass to endure discipline (I'm not addressing you personally I'm talking in general lol) You see it's not so simple. Here where contemplation and using the mind takes place. Sorry to break it to to you but reality is infinitely complex and tricky. Nothing is obvious and nothing is simple.
  21. @electroBeam you talk about how you are gaming yourself. You realized you are God and you are dreaming everything including me and this forum. If I'm just your own mind talking to you.. Why are you still playing the game? Why are you talking to yourself? You see no solipsist takes his solipsism seriously. If he did he would just shut the f*** up cuz hey there is no one but me here so what's the point of talking to dream ghost lol. What you are sharing here is NOT IT. Keep up your quest.
  22. @electroBeam And btw when you die remember you are not going anywhere. You will be right here. Before birth after birth and after death are exactly the same place. Everywhere is the same place. Everywhere is already nowhere. Just close your eyes and imagine stripping existence from all forms. That's what death is. It's identical to life. Your body will go cycling in nature.. A sperm and egg will meet and you will be back right here. There is no where to go baby. God is full time eternal job.
  23. @electroBeam I'm being honest with you cuz it might be helpful. But you are about as delusional as you can get in this thread. Just insane nihilism is all I'm hearing. stop spreading nonsense and encouraging suicide as the "point of life". "They don't resonate "because This forum is filled with intelligent people. You are not fooling anyone here. "the point of life" is clearly nothing but however you want. It's not an object that you discover. It's a subjective made up. The point of life is relative. It's a fabrication. So it might be the point of your life. But that doesn't mean it's the point of my life. Actually it's perfectly obvious that life is pointless. So even to say "happiness" "love" Yada Yada is still not correct. You talk about radical honesty and being a true seeker.. Well have the courage to admit that the actual point of life is ofcourse nothing but a subjective opinion. And that physical death might be just the point of YOUR perhaps "not smooth" life.