Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Can't be done I guess. Or maybe I will disappear after I meditate only. I meditate daily btw. I can't believe you are stuck on meditation and you think it's the end all be all. Meditation won't help me even with how to brush my teeth let alone to understand reality. Now that's a different perspective. You think understanding is all just a waste of time which is ofcourse true and not true. So let's not try to have a monopoly on what's important or how (what method) to achieve it. @electroBeam can't get rid of your tag lol.
  2. That's not esoteric religious language. The esoteric Christian will say that you are the way. The christ I am the way which means you are the way. What you said is the stage blue literal interpretation of the bible. Which is not what people discuss here.
  3. Keep dreaming. Your very same reference to these things as not happening is the very same evidence of there happening. If they are not.. How are you referring to them? @electroBeam good shit bro.
  4. Not not at all. It is what it is and it isn't what it isn't. But also it isn't what it is and it is what it isn't. Because there is and there isn't any is or isn't. How is that of showing the absurdity of language and logic ? So contradiction is just a language game. "absolute have levels is a contradiction" this is just a word game. There is always something beyond anything. Isn't that obvious? But what is beyond wholeness? Can't have that cause we defined it as wholeness. But what wholeness IS.. Is forever and forever and forever. So there is no contradiction if you get it.
  5. He who knows doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know.
  6. I'm not projecting I'm trying to help you brother. Alright I'm being overly sarcastic and pedantic maybe that's not the way. But the juice of what I'm saying is you are making an issue out of a non issue. Everyone is fed up with drama and having to show up every day and fake everything we do but do you got a better plan? Just screw it all and go homeless? Nah doesn't sound nice either
  7. I already did. The message is for you lol. It's not that you never think "oh I shouldn't say" you will probably do to maintain your integrity in society if you care about that at least. But I'm speaking about seeing though it that everything you "should" do you don't really "should" do lol.
  8. He shouldn't do it. Remove this should bullshit from your vocabulary and then live your life and notice how all your proplems will disappear.
  9. Exactly. So why he is imposing that he "shouldn't" engage in drama any more? What value is in not engaging in drama than to engage? But he thinks he "should" not engage. If he just let it unfold sometimes you engage sometimes you don't depending also on your mood. You are not the same person all the time keep that in mind. So he might leave his family now cuz that's his current mood and then regret it later when his not so awake any more. Anyways I delivered my point. Take it or leave it. Peace out.
  10. I'm aware. He thinks that he should obey a certain way of behaving and only then he is a good boy and being true to myself. And I'm saying not at all you shouldn't behave any ways in particular. That's the social programming. That's the conceptual matrix of "should" vs shouldn't. Right vs wrong that he claims to break free from yet he seems stuck at "being true to myself". It has validity within the social norm. But let's not forget it's just a fabrication. Imagine how would you behave if you were the only person on earth? Now compare that to how you behave right now among people and notice the mangtitude of your bullshido to maintain your self image.
  11. @Carl-Richard it's beyond your level of comprehending. I'm pointing out the bullshido of everything we say. Most people are not aware how they are creating their own suffering by imagining that "being true to myself" has any meaning whatsoever. I challenge you to give me any possible meaning of this. Lmao. Flip it upside down turn left right it's just hogwash.
  12. @Persipnei well you said she wants to "leave" me? I interpreted that as she wants to divorce you basically. I guess if it's just some normal householder everyday drama everything should work just fine.
  13. What is being true to yourself? You don't have a self. Where do you find those lines objectively? Like is there a holy book somewhere that says what "being true to myself is"? What is this yourself That you are true to? Do you realize the utter meaninglessness of this statement? Let's laugh at this for a while. Show it to your wife she might forgive and you guys will get again on track lol. (I hope you get the hidden message here)
  14. @Eren Eeager we all know after you nut one out you just lose it for a while. But not too long lol. You should recover within two days max. Also if you are not a horny teenager anymore you really shouldn't be yanking your Johnson anymore your testosterone just stabilize and you are not horny anymore unless you purposely arouse yourself. Just save it for your girl. Also avoid pornograhy completely I don't need to tell ya that and don't bullshit my ass and say it's harmless. Also make sure you eat like a horse if you fap frequently to recover the lost energy. Or just don't fap at all if you are weak.
  15. Alright do you want to eat good food or to eat from garbage? Let go of it all and eat from the garbage or just practice some acting (it's easy btw) and eat good food. That's the raw truth of the situation.
  16. @VeganAwakeOK it seems like you don't know anything else. Appreciate that others do. Peace!
  17. No matter how intelligent the system is its only up to the limitations of the design and the designer. It can't reach outside itself and grasp itself like you can know the content of existence forever but you can't grasp existence itself because you are it.
  18. Look life is a movie. We are all playing our characters. You can engage in the plot and pretend while you are maintaining your awareness of effortless being. It's not like you must abandon society and live in a cave to embody spirituality and liberation. You are what you are at all conditions. Also you don't seem fine about your wife leaving you otherwise why you made this thread? it's a non issue right cuz you don't need anything?
  19. @VeganAwake I also understand what you mean. Same stuff over and over again. Then what? No self no one is doing anything let's just sit on the couch until the end of time? Do you understand anything in reality other than that there is no self inside the body doing anything? Do you know anything else? Are you a robot or something?
  20. @Yuliya you are going to make me cry. I totally feel you and I'm sorry you are going through this. My advice is don't suppress your emotions or feelings. Let it all out and cry as hard as you can. You are not supposed to be tough this is a lie. It's natural to experience sadness when you are supposed to. Secondly comes acceptance. Sometimes the reality is so harsh it seems impossible to accept but this is life. You have no idea how adaptive you are. You have the capacity to accept everything. People when they get cancer they freak out at first then they accept. Some people lose their whole family they get sucidal at first. Eventually you accept. You accept everything. You will get upset for a while. Doesn't matter if it's short or long. Then you will accept and move on.
  21. Haha he is like oh shit here we go again lol LOL bruh they'll ban ya ass
  22. 1 awareness can't be defined. What are you going to define it in terms of when it's all there is? But you don't need to define because you are directly aware that's even better. 2 yes to just feel raw experience without labeling stuff like chair.. Ass etc 3 not necessarily to stop thinking. you can't stop thinking anyways but to just not get lost in conceptual land and to recognize thoughts for what they are.