Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I once stared at a wall for 10 hours straight (without doing anything else ).
  2. @Princess Arabia I'm answering your question .pertaining to your question the answer is definitely nothing . All these other nonsense answers are just that. Including your own cute answer.
  3. There cannot be neither in the first place .both are fantastic hypothesis..could be thought of or imagined..but do not have an actual existence .
  4. "Searching for absolute grounds in an infinite reality " do you see anything impossible in this line of reasoning? No two specks of dust in the entire universe are alike .
  5. If it was possible ..Leo would've "spotted " me looooong time ago No but seriously..honestly..and sincerely..I do think that I am the only awake person in the entire fucking world. Come spend a day with me or PM me and let's have a phone or WhatsApp call..and see how "done " I'm with life.
  6. Let's seriously compare our dreams at night with the waking state ..I had an interesting dream last night..because I met with my spiritual guru in it and we were talking about separation (as in is the world dual or nondual?).I don't remember much of the talk but I remember a very interesting statement he said ..he said "there is really ..really..REALLY no such thing as "you ". And then I woke up . It was 4 AM. That dream was insanely vivid and impactful.. To the point I couldn't believe it was a dream ..I spent half an hour just in total awe and shock ..then I went straight to his Ashram..and he was awake meditating then I asked him if we can have a talk. We've talked about a bunch of complicated spiritual mumbo-jumbo that isn't so important to share but I will dive straight to the meat of the topic .... So basically what happened is I started to question reality .because look..why the hell should I trust my senses ..? Why is touch real ? I touch objects also in a dream . Why is sound real ? I also hear sounds in a dream . Why is taste real ? I also taste food in a dream. What's the difference between my guru in the waking state and in the that vivid ass dream I had ? There is literally no difference whatsoever. Its the same 1st person phenomenological appearance. Same look.same smell.same voice etc. To kinda get you in touch with what I'm trying to say guys sometimes dream about Leo at night right 😉? What's the difference between Leo's bald head in your IPhone and Leo's bald head in your dream ? wrap up..there is literally no difference between a dream and everyday waking life except one thing that "real life " is just longer and more sequential .thats all . That's the only reason you think life is real . Now what if you dreamed of a long ass dream ..? You's what's happening NOW!. Thats literally what life is . Wake up .lol. OK so ..getting back to the point ..I simply want to show you that you can't take this experience you are having right now for granted really..really..REALLY can't trust your waking state more than you can trust a dream . So all of your intellectual knowledge and wisdom accumulation belongs to the garbage can if you want to be as Epistemologically honest and rigorous as possible 🙆. Thanks for reading!
  7. Yeah I see you using these terms like" unlimited void " a lot ..did you derive that from your psychedelic experiences? I mean are you talking from direct experience or from something you've read or heard other spiritual people say ?(hearsay vs direct consciousness sort of distinction).
  8. I agree that the ego is illusory. No antagonism about that . And I agree that my true nature is birthless and deathless as well . But ..It's called "waking up " because that's literally what life is's a dream..and you wake up from it to discover that "nothing ever happened " as you like to say often . 1) they are not liars .do the research. I'm not gonna hand-feed you the evidence. That's not my problem. 2) I actually don't agree that reality is infinite. I'm agnostic about that .you say it's impossible to figure out using the mind but yet are you aware that saying reality is infinite is arrived at using the mind ? (the reasoning is basically that what could limit reality from "outside "? Nothing ..therefore it's endless) . Theologians disagree with that because infinite regress is impossible. So it's not so obvious (to me at least ) that reality is infinite . But it's obvious to me that it's mental .
  9. they CAN and they DO. Sages from all mystical traditions have demonstrated supernatural powers. Jesus supposedly walked on water and cured blindness with sheer delight. Research "Siddhis".
  10. Good one . Look agree that nighttime dreams are 100% generated by you ..but you still can't dream whatever you want .. but notice the same time the dream is exactly created by you and none other than you . Same thing happening right now ..everything is ALREADY what "I "want .it is 100% my creation. The trick is who is this "I"..? It is NOT the ego or the sense of self that you have behind your eyes somewhere. It is the godhead which is who you are and which you as an ego can only have an access to in a radically high state of consciousness.. which you can achieve with psychedelics. and psychonauts do have this ability . And there are highly conscious Yogis who do possess this ability .
  11. Yes the universe disappeared when you don't look at it .check your direct experience that that's literally the case . Where does it come from ? From YOU project it out of your mind .
  12. Yes it is ofcourse. Close your eyes ..the world goes them again..the world appears again to YOU. Everything is being held in your consciousness. Nothing exists without you being there observing it . No that's not obvious AT ALL.
  13. Its not just a conceptual difference. I'm not playing buzz word games when I call Reality "mental" rather than "physical". It's not just semantics or intellectual masturbation... it is obvious that everything we see is but a projection coming from the mind..not the "brain" nor "conceptual mind ".How to describe what drives this projection? "Mental " seems the appropriate term here.
  14. No that's not what it is ."Physical matter " is something couched within your conscious mind . A dense mental phenomenon. There is nothing outside of your direct experience. No it stems from lacking a more precise inspection of what is actually true.
  15. @Breakingthewall you're not awake sir . Stop wasting your time and my time with concepts. You're literally 24/7 on here stuffing our ears with your trips and your mental gymnastics..yet you don't get that reality is a mind rather than a physical system. Eat some LSD and see for yourself.
  16. Yup. Even modern science has demonstrated a long time ago that atoms are 99.9999% empty space and the substance of reality is consciousness because when you go to the quantum level your consciousness as an observer interfere with the actual particles you observe .
  17. many trips you've tripped on 5 meo and other hallucinogens? If you are so experienced in tripping on psychedelics as you claim then you should know by now that reality is mental. Reality =Infinite Mind or Infinite Imagination. Yet you still believe In physicality (which is just the denser mental state ) and surprisingly enough you still believe that psychedelics fuck with your "brain" as you said earlier. Weird !
  18. OK thanks.. I understand what you are saying ..a question here: is reality itself (whatever it is ..a dream..a simulation..a video game ..Real Life etc ) a mental phenomenon or physical phenomenon? That is it idealism that you believe in or physicalism?
  19. That's called pragmatism. This is not interest in truth for truth's sake . I see you admit eventually that dreams and the waking reality are made of the same substance..which is kinda obvious and it doesn't need that much of intellect to conclude such a thing . I asked you how do you know you are In real life and not in a dream universe and you ignored that part. But I will keep being pushy and I concur that you must give me an answer to this question otherwise the conversation will be branched in infinite threads that are unnecessary as far as I'm concerned.
  20. I have shifted my focus on my spiritual work from chasing "awakening " or "God-Consciousness " to what is called "liberation ". Liberation is the total and complete acceptance of reality as it is .and transcending all fears and needs .and of course the cherry on top of the cake is complete freedom from suffering. That's honestly what I care about in the spiritual path. Leo cares about understanding reality down to every molecule. That's his trip .I'm not concerned with it . My trip is total freedom from absolutely everything including enlightenment or awakening or God-Realization or what have you . And i think that Everyone MUST have his own spirituality. Imo no two people should have the same spiritual path . It must be unique to you . So..with getting clear about my genuine spiritual goals ..I find attachment to good and bad to be the ultimate obstacle. I'm attached to all kinds of shit like a kid in a candy store. And it's a pipe dream to achieve liberation with this kind of intense attachment in me .to give you an example i Just broke my phone last week and I had to spend two day without it before buying a new one . And those two days felt like eternity . I was sooooo fuucking disturbed and out of sorts. Because of how I'm addicted to my smartphone and Internet and technology in general. So my question basically for anyone dealing with something similar..what is the best way to overcome childish attachments to soften my way to spiritual freedom? Thanks !
  21. @Keryo Koffa are you @electroBeam ? Same vibe I get from both of you . Just wondering. Sorry if I'm mistaken. BTW you are incredibly intelligent 🧠
  22. 1)Me being locked up alone in a room my whole life is a dream. 2)me being locked up alone in a room my whole life without sleep-dreaming of people(that whole scenario) is a dream. You are still making slight difference between the waking state and nocturnal dreams .without evidence. You literally don't know in which one you are in right now . Ahaa see? So there is no difference between nighttime dreams and the waking dream except that the latter is more persistent. Which is exactly what I said here :