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Do you need a body? You can exist without a body. You do that in deep sleep and you don't seem annoyed at all. But this body seems to bring you a trouble after a trouble isn't it?
Someone here replied to DecemberFlower's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh It means exactly that! From the universe's POV it makes no difference if you kill a bunch of people or feed them. The ultimate outcome is always the same. But see you think there is a difference because you have an ego and biased judgment etc. Your consciousness is not pure enough. So the only obstacle to recognize that fear is love is your selfishness. Level of consciousness. You think compassion is better than hatred? Ofcourse it isn't. Objectively speaking it isn't. They are equal. Only because of your egoic survival agenda is there a difference. And that is the obstacle to recognize this "unconditional love" which folks talk about. -
Someone here replied to DecemberFlower's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@DecemberFlower where do you find absolute and relative? It's all one. because "Love" is unconditional it cannot exclude fear. So it allows it to be as part of itself. About your embodied love.. It boils down to your level of consciousness. Are you conscious enough to recognize that there is nothing to fear? When you are you will see that even fear is part of perfection. It's kinda paradoxical as it should be. -
Someone here replied to DecemberFlower's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Relax. fear is love. -
Why you don't see God????? First of all.. Recognize that you take this present moment for granted. Recognize the miracle right before your eyes that you take completely for granted. Because you think it came from a past via a mechanism somehow from somewhere at some when. All these are groundless. =the present moment is completely mysterious and unexplainable. It just is what it is. You think it's not fresh it's not the "first" present moment. But it is. Also you take it for granted because you have some nice bullshit stories that explain it away. You think you are living on a earth.. In some solar system.. In some universe.in some multiverse.. . In God knows where. but you don't recognize that this infinite regress is indeed infinite. Which means you are again "nowhere". Just now here. Going in nature can be quite insightful. If you pet some trees. You can notice the connection between everything. You can see how these trees are literally yourself. Try to say hi to the trees as you walk past them. People will call you nutcase but say hi to them too . Try to notice everything as yourself. It's easier to try this exercise in nature. Plants. Trees. Animals. Sea etc because these things are beautiful and attractive. Try to feel into the beauty of them and notice that this is YOUR beauty. This is your creation. This is YOU Period. Now imagine If you can train this capacity to include the whole universe. Such that you cough love into everything. literally every piece of existence is yourself. It's one thing to hear this or to understand this and it's different to actually grasp this in your own experience via your own method. Do whatever it takes to get there but you gotta get there.
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Before "I" was born.. I AM. -
Someone here replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong! About what happened to "him"..... This takes us to the question "who am I"?. What is your father really? He is just one limited finite expression of the infinite. So as the story goes.. the one infinite being is appearing and taking on all these apparently different forms. But it's all play in disguise. The sun and the moon are literally the same being .. God. So your father didn't really go anywhere. He is in everthing around you. Now just the illusion of being a finite individual finally is broken. The mask is taken away so to speak. . And he realized his true identity. One. Boundless. Infinity. Which is never born and will never die. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. Every statement is true and false simultaneously Because it can be interpreted differently. This is called relativity. Leo has a nice juicy episode about it. Check it out! Not sure where are you going with this hair splitting and picking on words. We could go on like this forever. Oh yeah it is ofcourse. Yet it can be reframed and described in an infinite number of ways. Exactly. This applies to the "separate self" as well. It's for you to figure out. Itself. In a form of a psychedelic or a Guru or meditation practice etc These things exist. They just do not exist independently but they do exist. I mean like "come on" lol -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh this is false. Since there is no difference between not knowing and knowing. Egoically speaking.. You know nothing. Cuz we can't find the entity that we attach "knowledge" to. But the body can still remember where is the car keys? . But since the illusion is reality. It is possible to know. Meditation is an illusion.. yet it wakes you up. Psychedelics is an illusion.. yet it wakes you up. Science is an illusion.. yet it creates 5 meo dmt which wakes you up Leo has made critiques of science and rationality in the past because its symbolic and does not represent the truth - which fine thats right. Yet this symbolic delusion created a symbolic concept called chemistry.. which created psychedelics.. which wakes you the fuck up! -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
?♂️ Dude your views are extremely limited. No self is not the answer to everything. -
Someone here replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have no conscious control over sensory data. Meaning I can't wish you out of existence if I want. Therefore these appearances are held within my consciousness because that's the only way to experience a world. That doesn't mean these appearances in my experience are the only thing that there is. I make a distinction between the small you(ego) and the big you (God) . The small you and it's perceptions are held within the big you but the big you extends beyond just what is accessible via the small. Nope! Go ahead and wish this screen out of your consciousness if your consciousness is all that there is. I don't know. See this is tricky. You don't even know if right now you are so called "dreaming" or in the "real world". Precisely because there is no distinction. You can't appeal to that comparison in the first place. Dream is just a metaphor. Reality is NOT a dream my dear. Dream is just a limited configuration within reality. You can't define or capture infinity in a limited way. What do you mean by "me"? I am consciousness. Not that there is a me who is conscious. This brings us back to your earliest point about "others". Others are also consciousness. They are not "conscious". But that doesn't mean they are not conscious. It's really just a technically difference. Better to say that awareness is always so.. everlasting in everpresent nothingness.. either dreaming.. or in a state of dreamless sleep. Dreamless sleep is the closest you will come to the possibility of “no awareness". When you are not aware you believe that youe awareness will pop up again right? Because there is something outside of your consciousness that is holding it. Which is what consciousness is. See there is a distinction between consciousness (reality itself) and "your" little human limited consciousness. Don't delude yourself. All time? You mean forever? It’s hard to answer this question because there is no such thing as time.. so what exactly is "forever" referring to? -
Someone here replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is false. Other people are conscious. Me and you and your mom are like virtual partitions in the present moment. God has a split personality disorder and is living life through multiple times at the same time!!. There is something outside of your consciousness. But there is nothing outside of consciousness. -
@Gesundheit your welcome!
@Mindfang413 it's obviously not something and not a nothing. You gotta get past the language barrier and grasp it directly. Trying to name it.. you lose the whole point of it being nameless and undefined. An open mystery.
Why is there something rather than nothing? There isn't! Tada!! So that's the universe's ultimate question. Let's dig into it. And prove that reality doesn't actually exist lol Ponder this : how is it possible that a physical universe made of physical actual "real" matter can exist at all in God's earth? Yeah its impossible. Notice that your experience right now is an impossible phenomenon. Infinity is the impossible made possible as Leo calls it. Might there be no objects at all? Or a possible world where there are no objects at all? Well.. that’s the thing. There are no objects at all.. nor any world. There is. however.. an appearance of objects and a world..which is not at all what it seems to be. Asking why there really are not ACTUAL objects is an understandable question. Contemplating the actuality of an object is similar to wondering if images on a filmstrip are actual objects. An imagination projects these seemingly “actual objects”.. but they don’t have a fixed shape.. they don’t have a location.. they don’t exist in any time.. they don’t have identities.. no inherent purpose.. and are not substantiated through any external objective medium because such a thing is just not possible. Dig it? ... "reality" is NOT Possible. Only awareness of an appearance of reality is possible. . It’s not necessary to think about objects existing or not in relation to “worlds".. There can not be any worlds without objects because a world itself is an object. So it cannot be rightly said that a world can exist without an object..in the basic sense of what we know and define as an object. Moreover.. any world in and of itself is not a singular entity. Even on a barren wasteland planet, there are a multitude of factors that combine to make up a landscape, each factor only maintaining a station due to its relativity to a series of neighboring contributing factors. This brings us to the example of the simple tree. The tree is only a tree due to many many things that are not tree. The soil..the nutrients in the soil.. water..sunlight.. animal activity..seasons.. pollination.. and so on. And so this takes away the possibility that there may be a world with no objects at all, or even a world that contains only abstract objects. If the world is indeed a world, then just by meeting the criteria of being considered a world, then it cannot only contain abstract objects. An abstract world with abstract objects would be a more accurate possibility to consider. Such a world could be in your imagination right now..but to meet the definition of being an actual world..it would have to have the capacity of being experienced. Such a world could be said to exist in your dreams when you sleep at night..because you experience them existentially...yet they are completely abstract.. that is to say..you are not grounded there.. you have not laid down attachments to anchor you there with more density. The methods to awakening is necessarily a destructive road. Our essential essence is what is real. And everything else that is added to this essential nature are false imagination . They are additions. Facades. So in order to find the original essential essence.. it is necessary to negate.. or subtract.. these false imaginations . Let's subtract everything and anything that is not true reality.. that is.. the original essential essence. Ponder this : 1. There could have been finitely many things. 2. For each thing that thing might not have existed. 3. The removal of one thing does not necessitate the introduction of another. 4. Therefore, there could have been no things at all. So how the fuck does any "thing" exist at all? Well that's the whole point. Nothing exists! At all!! No “thing” exists independent of awareness. Things exist only existentially as they are being experienced . So it’s not a matter of things that could have been.. or might not existed. None of these possible concepts matter or have any relevance without an awareness of them They cannot be actualized without such an agency. Taking away an object and not replacing it with anything of itself is incorrect. Any such object is not isolated.. nor does it’s underlying building blocks go anywhere if you take away its appearance. All appearances...fine or dense.. solid or flimsy are made of the same stuff. You could call it energy. Nothing new can be introduced with this.. nor anything taken away. Only projections made out of energy.. take on appearances and fade away. So getting the attention stuck on appearances and then from this snapshot, postulating that you could take away these appearances one by one until you have an empty world. is overlooking the underlying truth. A world cannot ever be considered empty. And taking away objects doesn’t take away anything other then an appearance. A better consideration would be, what would the removal of the energetic morphing substance that takes on the appearance of all things.. What would that leave in it’s absence? Awareness or consciousness. The source of all things. And it doesn't look like anything. It’s not energy. Its not empty. It’s not a void. It’s not an appearance. It’s not comparable to anything in your so called world. . And from this consideration. there is no thing existing anywhere. Consciousness just does what it does.. and it doesn’t rely on any of its manifestations to do what it does. And that's all.
Why would real I create a unified stream of information that manifests an ego mechanism or any life form. Would there be a desire or out of desperation or perhaps "why" would not be the right question and questions may not be the right way to ponder this truth as this real I is perhaps beyond whys and why nots? I guess that's the real "why" because that's how reality is. Yes.. pure potential (reality) is beyond whys and why nots.. yet it manifests identities that ponder why and why not. The answer isn’t validating.. so identities are not usually satisfied with the explanation.. and keep looking for something more self gratifying. There isn’t any objective reason. All of this is imagined into existence from static potential.. and there is no powerful entity governing it.
Tips for overcoming suffering. From personal experiences and understanding at this point in time. From learning Buddhism and just following the spiritual path for a quite a while. Just wanted to share few concepts. If you can apply them in your life...you can save yourself a lot of otherwise "free" and unnecessary suffering. Drop your expectations. Of yourself and of the world. Stop thinking that the world is other then the way it should be. Remove this "should" from your vocabulary. It doesn't make any logical or illogical sense. The world is always exactly as it "should" be. Because it's unfolding from the start. Not a single atom moves randomly. It's all planned out. Like a script or a movie. Drop all your expectations. All of them. Strive to be okay with whatever is going on. Notice that whatever is happening is exactly what should happen. Stop resisting life. And the easiest way to embody is to quickly become conscious that everything is predestined. When you raise your hands and scratch your head.. That's predetermined. So is everything. So what are you complaining about? You are not free because you aren't separate . you don't exist as an entity in and of itself disconnected from environment. Let go of this nonsense that you are in control. You have absolutely zero control over your life(as a little ego) . The more you become conscious of that more suffering free you will become. You don't control jack shit. You don't control your thoughts.. your actions.. your breath your heart beat.. Your digestion. It's all been done for you. You don't even exist the way you think you are. . You don't control other people or other objects. The sun the moon the solar system the weather etc basically the whole universe including so called your body. It's one seamless inevitable flow Just let it flow. Get out of gods way ffs. Don't seek happiness. See the more you seek the more you reinforce the illusion that something is lacking. What could be lacking in wholeness? What is lacking in perfection? Yet you always believe that something is wrong somewhere. Why you do that? Because that's what motivates you to take action. To accomplish. But it has been my experience as well as your experience that nothing can make you truly happy. No attainment.. no accomplishment, no goal.. no matter how many hoops you jump through.. no matter how well you do in the rat race.. no mater what great product you buy.. or how shiny it is.. or how much better then the neighbor’s it is.. nothing’s going to fix that sense of inadequacy. Cause that sense of not being good enough, cannot be fixed by anything… I won’t even say anything ‘out there’.. I’ll just say any thing. It’s not a thing that’s being wanted; it’s not a thing that’s needed. It’s not a thing that can make you feel adequate.. good enough.. give you worth. Because this sense of worthlessness.. this idea that you are a me that’s not good enough… is not true. So since this lie is a lie.. you can’t solve it. The lie will persist. Nothing can bring down a lie because it can keep lying. It’s not reality. So you can stick something in the hole.. but the hole itself is not really there; it’s a lie. And the only way to be free of being the slave of this lie.. and having your entire life standing for jumping through hoops to try to sooth this sense of inadequacy.. the only way out of this rat race, is to stop telling the lie.. and admit the truth. That this person, this me, who doesn’t compare, who is not as good as he or she should be, is just an idea… is not even who you are… doesn’t even exist in reality.
You already have it. Unless you don't because they locked you in some psych ward.
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@lmfao BS. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Except it's totally knowable. That's what enlightenment is all about. It's a different type of "knowledge" tho. It's direct without intermediate. You can fully know it because you ARE it. Who else can? -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's true. And false ofcourse. we can still dissect it and find nuances and psychological reasons more and More. Its not just "it's the way it is". Also consider relativity. There is no people is an absolute statement. There are no absolute statements in reality. From a very commonly used perspective (which what we all practice) there IS people ofcourse. And it's mind boggling why it never occurred for some of them to question their existence. Since they are constantly confronted with the mystery. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Fran11 well you already know what's the go. Good luck -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your body is not physical tho and this is not a physical reality. That's just a thought. Spiritual vs physical is a duality. Let it go. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@lmfao nailed it. Death is the realization that your life never happened. (as you know it "separate"). -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Fran11 seems like I was quite vague. I need to explain what I meant. Simply you will dissolve into the all. Like how that finite shaped water in the glass dissolved into the lake. It BECAME the lake. Same thing. When you die you will become all of reality. Your ingredients will merge back into the all and so you will become one with the universe. As you already are.