Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Bro.. If you mean the human avatar. It was born 25 years ago obviously. If you mean nothingness. That was never born. The identification is with human atm ? So universe is just thoughts? What about feeling? Hearing seeing touching? These are not thoughts. Actually thoughts are like a 1% slice of the whole experience. How can you boil it all to thoughts?
  2. @Adamq8 only direct experience man. only when you die (if you die) you will know. Anything else is beliefs mixed with speculation mixed with incomplete evidence.
  3. Bro. I can't understand your perspective. Are you denying that stuff is going on right now? That you are seeing colors and perceiving stuff?.. Please don't get pedantic and say "where is you"? Lol ?... Just down to earth talk please.. Are you denying existence?
  4. But also Its form and fullness.. Two sides of coin? ?
  5. @Mvrs According to scientists.. Our universe was created when two superstrings collided. Our universe is one of an infinite number.. basically a bubble in a soup of pure energy. Our universe is the result of another universe being sucked up into a massive black hole.. and shit out the other end.. all in an endless cycle. So this present moment is both the uncaused beginning and the never ending end. And everything in between.
  6. Sorry bro that doesn't make much sense to me. Unless you don't mean void or blank by "nothing".
  7. You are dead wrong. Everything is a miracle like it or not ? As I said I'm not denying any underlying explanatory tools that are common today in mainstream science. Atoms.. Brains.. Big bangs. Sure all that could be valid. But notice what that is.. You are just replacing this appearance with another. So again the mystery is unresolved by this chain of appearances. We are asking what is appearance directly. I hope I made this clear enough. It can't be answered by nesting one appearance within the other. Only by facing it head on. Again don't explain this appearance in terms of another appearance. Explain it in terms of itself. Can it be done either way?
  8. That's because : 1 you take it for granted. 2 you have preconceived beliefs (you think you already know what's up) 3 you don't question enough. See what you did there. The only way any pragmatic value can exist is if something exists. So this is prior to "points". What is pointless and what's not is relative any case. I find that question deeply fascinating and interesting. Knowing is contextual. You know stuff within the context of existence and that's all valid. But do you know what existence is? Or what being is? This stuff right here?... Do you even understand the question? Lol My point is explaining appearance with other appearance never solves the question of what appearance is to begin with. So when scientists explain this appearance by saying it's generated by the brain.. You still have to explain the brain and so on to infinity.. And even then you didn't explain any thing really. Because we still don't know what appearance is. We are just describing how one appearance generates the other. And that's valid. But It doesn't answer the question in OP.
  9. Sure you need to know where your passport is to live In a society. I'm just saying you don't know what a passport is or what society is or what living is or what you is ?
  10. @Willie The illusion of knowing comes from language and creating conceptual descriptions of the world. Do you know what anything is or do you just give it a label? ?
  11. Wherever you look is yourself. You are reality. You are God. Infinite intelligence. Pure divinity. Pure love. Brahman. The absolute. The everything the nothing. The real the unreal. You are THAT which cannot be spoken.
  12. @Arthur8769 @Arthur8769 sorry but a lot of what you described is totally BS. Awakening is not solipsism. Well as far as I know lol. If I'm to be totally epistemically honest.. I have no idea if there is "other" conscious bubbles out there other than me.. It could be all my dream.. But the fact that I'm typing this comment to you means I chose to believe that you are an aware being or however you wanna put it. If you were all "alone"... What's the point of reaching out and asking figments of your imagination on an imaginary forum for validation and "help"?. I would advice to adopt radical open-mindedness but also radical honesty. Because I'm struggling with the solipsism syndrome as well. This notion that you are "alone" is not something you definitively know. About "love" and divinity. Watch from 55:00 to 106:00
  13. @Gesundheit both order and chaos are projections. Both ways at the same time. I know from experience that everything is predetermined. But it's not "planned". What is anything?
  14. @meow_meow Awesome insight. but it must be earned and fully grasped tho... See Truth comes when you give up on going somewhere. But you'll only have the wisdom to see that after looking everywhere other then nowhere. So go look.. absolutely everywhere for the truth.. and then when you're burnt out.. rest in the now.
  15. @James123 Happy new year bro. And everyone ❤️?
  16. Something to contemplate.. Is 'truth' a belief? A knowledge? A piece of information? A thought? A certain perspective on the world Or does it include more than just that?
  17. You really don't need to bring 'souls' and woo woo beliefs into the equation. We know as a matter of fact that the universe is constantly reincarnating. Transition from one form into another. So all humans are really the same being. The universe taking apparently different forms tho. So that's reincarnation. Every new born is you reincarnating.
  18. Value to work on : Letting go of judgment. Noticing that everything is already perfect instead of constantly chasing to change our experience into a "better" one. It's necessary to adopt a serious spiritual practice to get there. One cannot achieve that through theory alone.a practice That constantly trains you to drop your sense of ego. I like the sufi /Islamic mysticism practices. The constant chanting and prayers and uncontrolled body movements (including rotation) is supposed to give you an experience of losing your sense of self and oneness with your environment. So you are no longer the one who is chanting.. You become the chant itself. You are no longer the body that rotates.. You become the rotating itself. You become one with Allah.
  19. As addition to that.. perfection is not found in the world of change. The ultimate.. Happiness.. Peace freedom.. Love.. Joy.. Perfection.. Etc what all of us deeply crave and is the ultimate aim of all our seeking is NOT found in the relative world. That is to say nothing in the world of time and space.. No object in time and space or feeling or experience no matter how fulfilling it is.. Is going to make you liberated. Because it's also subject to time. To impermanence. To loss. To time and space. Everything in the relative world.. Is relative! If one seeks the absolute one must step outside of time and space... Forget about the world of form all together forget about all your thoughts and judgments and likes and dislikes.. Meditation is the only way to go. Only through total and complete let go of one's sense of self and judgment is it possible to find perfection. The present moment already is perfect and it's never going to be anything else. The mind comes in and spoil that with judgements and fear to keep your ego alive. Which is the barrier to realize that you are already free.. Already perfect. Already whole and complete.
  20. @Godishere I would say the psychedelic experience is different. In the sober state your experience is forced upon you (opposite of your imagination).it might or might not be true from the ultimate perspective (God's pov) I don't know honestly. but you as human are surely not imagining anything into existence. At least in your immediate experience maybe it's different from the zoomed out perspective like dreams. But it's not in your direct experience.
  21. May I ask you how did you arrive at this conclusion?
  22. The most direct path to enlightenment is to simply realize that you are already enlightened. There is no path towards who you already are.
  23. @satyajit solipsism is undebunkable. Which is not to say it's true. When framed as only your subjective experience is certain to exist and you don't have the necessary tools to know the nature of your experience. Simulation theory argument as an example (how do you know you are not in a virtual world). Also Rene descartes' famous evil demon doubt as an example. It's not possible to answer your question definitively. I would say drop the whole inquiry and go do something more worth your time
  24. The nazi is God Because God is everything. Anytime.