Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Well honestly I'm completely comfortable to say that I know absolutely nothing about Jack shit. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Careful with assuming what's true before getting to it.
  2. @Sempiternity Well life is certainly not a dream nor anything you think it is. It just is. Leo's right tho.. You can't draw a firm boundaries between dreams and life.. And that's part of the solipsist confusion that I have.. Is how do you know that your whole life is not one giant ass dream and that you are literally hallucinating the entire fucking universe?.... This doesn't seem answerable to me. It's a tricky fucking devil . So I kinda gave up on that question and resided back to actuality + not knowing.
  3. Why tho? I mean since it exists there has to be a context for its existence. Maybe "why" is meaningless. Ultimately there is no how or why for things and I recently became conscious that reality is just there the way it is minus all explanations. Because there is nothing outside of reality to be the "why". The why is itself. Yet still stuff can be explained relatively. There might be no absolute why but there are plenty of relative whys. Brilliant analogy. Thank you
  4. Isn't there a fundamental difference between the waking reality and dreams? The latter is objective and independently there while dreams are just Your subjective imagination? I mean they do feel the same superficially but don't you believe that the waking world is what's actually "real"? Yeah I guess it's related to the question of how to define anything at all or how does anything exist at all. And that's a correct description. Yes dreams fit the four points. Yet waking reality doesn't fit number 3.
  5. Yeah. It doesn't get any better does it? Lol
  6. Lol you are saying the dream is physically located in the neurons? And how do you see it? The eyes are not located there? And where do you find this change of size..from outside perspective you are just laying in your bed. From objective pov the dream doesn't even happen. It's a hallucination. But unlike with taking psychedelics you see hallucinations in your visual fields merged with physical reality.. But in the case of dreams.. The entire physical world gets erased and you find yourself inside the hallucination like a hologram.
  7. Which is what? The main point is how it's getting a built? You notice dreams are phenomenally identical to so called waking reality?? It's a complete reality. How is it that your memories or whatever can materialize?
  8. Here is the thing with materialism and 'brains 'when it comes to dreams... Let's suppose someone is dreaming.. The dreamer is seeing the dream..only the dreamer have access to the dream. If you look around the person you don't see anything.. He is normally laying in his bed.. Yet from his pov he is technically in a different universe!. Suppose we cut open his skull while he is dreaming.... What do you expect to find? You ain't gonna find his dream inside the skull lol .. You will simply find a dead piece of flesh (the brain).. So the dream is not found in the body in any place.... So Who's seeing? There has to be a non physical aspect.. Maybe the soul? And where is it occurring? Maybe dreams are a different realms. There is a deep mystery happening here. You are unconscious in your bed and simultaneously visiting invisible realms lol
  9. sure you can zoom into a lizard forever . that is what i meant by you are not done by ending questions .you are done when you realize you are never done.
  10. interesting question . i think it has to depend on your meaning of evil . does eating meat count as evil? you have to realize reality is neutral. evil and good are projections .they are assigned by your mind. so ironically to be enlightened is to realize that everything is perfect already. but then ofcourse undoubtedly if all people are "enlightened" there will be less relative evil . i think yes.
  11. @Intraplanetary well being honest with you.. I don't know and no one knows. Something as simple as "does the moon exist when you are not looking at it?". ... is actually unanswerable without a leap of faith. Without appealing to logic.. Reason.. Memories.. Relative knowledge.. And common sense. Which are all subject to uncertainty. As the only certain answer must come from looking at the moon while at the same time not looking at it. Quantum mechanics actually suggests that the electrons don't exist unless there is an observation process taking place. Without observing.. The electron remains as a possibility field . Existing as a probability rather than actual object. Now that might not apply to the macro level. There is no "actual" answer to solipsism. There is only "pragmatic" answers. Such as "you only going to live life and interact with others through your own pov Anyways..and this isn't gonna change whether you've answerd the solipsism question or not... So I mean..... Who cares? ?"
  12. @Intraplanetary the thingy thing with the solipsism thing is it seems to be the ultimate conclusion of nonduality and idealism. To reject solipsism means that you must accept an external material world. Objectively existing independent of you. Not some fluffy consciousness imagining stuff. From Wikipedia : " Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. Epistemological solipsism : Epistemological solipsism is the variety of idealism according to which only the directly accessible mental contents of the solipsistic philosopher can be known. The existence of an external world is regarded as an unresolvable question rather than actually false.Further, one cannot also be certain as to what extent the external world exists independently of one's mind. For instance, it may be that a God-like being controls the sensations received by one's brain, making it appear as if there is an external world when most of it (excluding the God-like being and oneself) is false. However, the point remains that epistemological solipsists consider this an "unresolvable" question. ". As you can see it's undebunkable within its own terms. One cannot validate or invalidate the existence of that which supposedly exists outside one's own subjective experience. For example you can't prove that the past really happened.. All you have is a present moment. You can't prove that you are not a brain in vat.. Which an updated version of Rene Descartes's evil demon doubt. Common to many science fiction stories.. it outlines a scenario in which a mad scientist.. machine.. or other entity might remove a person's brain from the body.. suspend it in a vat of life-sustaining liquid.. and connect its neurons by wires to a computer which would provide it with electrical impulses identical to those the brain normally receives.According to such stories.. the computer would then be simulating reality (including appropriate responses to the brain's own output) and the "disembodied" brain would continue to have perfectly normal conscious experiences.. such as those of a person with an embodied brain.. without these being related to objects or events in the real world. This is also similar to simulation theory. It's actually not possible to prove with 100 %certainty that we are not inside a video game right now that some teenagers are playing in a different universe. Crazy stuff. Just avoid thinking along those lines.
  13. You know you are done when you are done. If you still asking questions that means it's still part of the process. Questions are endless. They must be if reality is endless. So I don't think you're "done" when there are no questions left. something else.
  14. You keep doing everything you should /need /want to be doing. Nothing really changes. We are not taking the free will from you.. We are merely pointing out that you never had free will to begin with. Yes ofcourse. Not 'constantly'. But the more you contemplate these truths.. There is a shift in your consciousness and perspective. And here are some of the benefits : 1. you stop judging others. You realize no one is really responsible for who they are. And therefore you forgive others easily. stop guilting yourself. You accept your choices because you realize they are inevitable. accept the present moment. You live in more peace and harmony . Because you are conscious that every moment is perfectly inevitable that It couldn't be otherwise P.S. And sorry I'm not good at giving practical advice. I'm merely pointing out my understanding of free will if you are interested
  15. Sorry if this is a broken record or a repeated subject. I know it has been discussed a lot here but I know also that no satisfactory answer was given by anyone. So without picking on duality of subject vs object. "you" and "the world".. Let's just put it this way... ... All you have is your subjective experience. In your experience there are other people who appear to have experience of their own. Period. You don't have an experience of whether they actually have an experience. Here's the thing.. When you dream at night.. The entire dream world appears EXACTLY as the so called "waking world". You see other people that also appear to have their own dream. But as soon as you wake up.. You discover that it was only your dream. Other people were dreamt by you. Now the question is how can one ever be certain that this is not the case with the waking world? It seems like an utter impossible absurdity to know that for certain. Ofcourse you still deal with people from the assumption that they are aware independently and not just dreamt by you... But that's also the case in your dreams. So.. All pragmatism aside.. What is the TRUTH about this thing?? What seems to be the other option is there being a split in the present moment where God is living two different dreams simultaneously.. It certainly is possible. And that might explain why there is no conscious control over the world. But then again the same thing applies to your dreams. You don't have control over them from the inside even tho they are your creation. So which one is it? And how is it known?
  16. @BlackMaze dude.. You ain't getting it.. There is no "should" happen.. Whatever happens is what should happen. There is no ONE doing stuff.. Stuff just happen. No difference between a thought and a fart. Automatically.
  17. @StateOfMind @StateOfMind Who the fuck knows man?
  18. @Adamq8 if you assume something and nothing are different.. Then a problem arises.. How come there is something rather than nothing??? And forget about it.. There is no fucking answer. However.. If you realize that something literally is nothing. There is no mystery. Form is empty. Emptiness is form.
  19. Well that's the whole point.. You ain't a human. The human is running on auto poilt. You are not actually moving the body. It's moving itself! I guess it could help you as well.. When you realize the illusion of control you can let go of your neurotic attachments to things flowing your way. You become more detached. Both. Since 'God' is just another word for everything.
  20. it depends on the nature of the universe . a dream universe is solipsistic as there is only you imagining others in a dream .a queastion could be posed about how can one be certain that this is or is not the case with the present uinverse .
  21. Hey. Free will is completely illusion There is no centerpiece. No self to be controlled or to control. Stuff just flow.