Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. "existence IS Good"..... Leo is cute and all but that statement is no longer correct as soon as you finish the pronunciation of it. How about "existence IS bad"? See equally valid. It's just perspectives. That video lasts one hour 48 minutes.. During that time the arguments of Leo might or might not convince you that all is good.. After the video ends.. All the yuckness of life will and can and is going to haunt you again.
  2. @Breakingthewall the falsehood of your truth is the truth of my falsehood.
  3. Thanks for the nice words and advice. You 'sound 'like a nice and sweet person. Although I wanna share something with you now.. I was about to share it about a month ago when I made a thread titled "all of reality explained".. But thanks to You gave me warning and restriction from posting about two days.. Not too bad but I was really going through A real total awakening at that time. I wasn't just mucking around... I Made before that a thread about infinity.. See all these love platitudes don't mean nothing when you actually grasp what is reality. I had the insight simply by dreaming and noticing that my mind can shape literally anything. Entire worlds from scratch. Down to every atom. experienced MANY lifetimes. In fact.. I and you since I am you have experienced ALL possible lifetimes that have existed.. exist now or will exist. experienced ALL POSSIBLE LIFETIMES OF ALL POSSIBLE CREATURES . Entire lifetimes... YES! All possible creatures. 5-legged ones or just beings made of energy only.. or creature with not 5 or 6 senses but 300 senses etc... Sounds impossible? Well... If you do HARDCORE contemplation you can experience many hardcore stuff. And that is compatible with insights of mystics and yogis from all traditions in the world. That's what infinity means. This story about Big Bang and Planet Earth IS JUST ONE OF INFINITE MORE STORIES in infinite more dimensions. I attained THOUSANDS of "spiritual" insights. Most of them are impossible to put into words and sentences. "You are God" is just one of INFINITE MORE SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS. I can't describe this statement more.. because of the limit of language. There is INFINITE deepness. It goes on forever. In all directions and all dimensions. Every fucking detail of every fucking thing in every single fucking place or time or different dimension...... Exists. Do you fathom this? Ofcourse no. I don't as well. As much. Just as a cute example... There are infinite more colors than you can see now in this current dimension. Be very open-minded reading next lines please..... It's not that goodness and love aren't aspects... Sure.. But every aspect has its opposite. Duality. Oneness is not more true than separation. Infinite love is not more true than infinite evil and wickedness beyond anything you can imagine. I hope I conveyed to you some of my take on these issues from my perspective. I hope also this is not too abstract and philosophical and "unicornical" to you such that you can actually make something of what I said.. That's just my thing. I'm a mental masturbator.
  4. A thought? Lol dude the future exists as Physical events. The dinner that you going to eat tonight (I assume it's day time now) is a physical object from the future. The space between the digits in your clock is to calculate the present as it's constantly dying out. Ultimately the future IS the present. I dig that.. But.. Also.. It is not. People like me who believe in physics know that the distinction between past.. present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Notice that.. When a illusion is persistent it becomes reality. The only reason you call your night time dreams illusion is because they don't last... That's what all of reality is.. A persistent illusion.. Future is no exception. Why do you use a watch to calculate the illusion?
  5. Eh.. Too much Buddhist "present moment" parroting here. The future exists. Sure. We even have a word for it future. We are even talking about it right now. And.. Ofc.. The "future is in the future" duh? A=A.. It's just like everything else.. What you think it is.... Isn't actually what it is. our naive perception of its flow doesn’t correspond to physical reality. including Isaac Newton’s picture of a universally ticking clock. Even Albert Einstein’s relativistic space-time.. Which is supposed to be an elastic manifold that contorts so that local times differ depending on one’s relative speed or proximity to a mass is just a simplification. In other words the universe is like a movie.. All past presents and future are contained in the same place (for lack of better words). But that's none of your business as you are completely bought into the linearity of life. Better question be what is the future? What is time? And good luck answering.
  6. Are you sure you should tag me here? because based on what I said here I think this question should be directed towards OP.
  7. @Mu_ @xxxx Too much points all over the place.. I can't respond to all this... But will touch on depression and the well intentions behind the design of this reality.. Let's take one example.. Depression.. A depressed person doesn't know what he wants from this life. He tried everything to battle. tried every thing hates himself . Never loved himself have defeated in every aspect and every form in this life. Now this stresss he had for years started to take toll over his body physically. Now he suffers every kind of pain..neck pain..body pain..shoulder pain.headache. Days are always in pain. Far worse is being a man. Nobody cares about you. We're doomed to suffer then die. No friends no one says hi no nothing fuck.. He seriously need to disappear from this world in an instant. It won't change anything. "Yeah" "Sorry" "Try this" "That" "No" "Yes" "You're wrong" "You're right" Makes no fucking sense. Will just Keep his mind busy. And fall into all kinds of addictions and destruction. Depression is hell on Earth. It has a zombie-like feature -- not totally alive, not dead either. The thing is.. no amount of books.. advice.. venting will get you out of this. Sorry. It might kinda help.. but depression will sooner or later creep in once again. Why? Because it's a chronic illness. See depression as a chronic illness. such as diabetes. It has no cure.. but it is possible to keep it under control.. If a person who has diabetes doesn't take insulin.. things will get really bad for him. And as time goes by.. it'll get worse and worse. About the goodness of God.. Is God good? Really? Really tho? the god that created this universe if it was created by God. is quite clearly a maniac. continues Fry. An utter maniac. totally selfish. Bone cancer in children?’ What’s that about? How dare you. How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault. It’s not right. It’s utterly.. utterly evil. Why should I respect a sick minded,. stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain?’.. Prove to me that reality is not just entropy moving towards perfect madness and hilarious evil at the end? You can't. You don't know shit. Just deal with it. And lay aside some.. Not all.. But At least some of the spiritual mumbo jumbo. How do you reconcile that with peace..goodness and love? (The question is for Mu and xxxx)
  8. And btw.. Correlation doesn't equal causation. The sun rises every day in winter around 5 am (whatever).. That's a correlation. That doesn't mean the cause of the rising of the sun is that the time is 5 am. It's the rotation and gravity etc. So you actually have zero certainty in your claim that just because the brain activity correlates with consciousness shifts that it is actually the cause of these shifts.
  9. @BipolarGrowth look.. You can't verify what effects your supposed brain have on you.. By that time you would be dead or in coma. Forget about your own brain. You never saw your brain.. You never did.. And you never will. Let's talk about others.. Even if you magically expanded the reach of your consciousness to enter the "brain " of another person that still wouldn't answer the question. Instead you would be some sort of hybrid consciousness.. neither the original you or the original them. This is akin to the measurement problem in quantum physics. You can't measure the state of a system without disturbing the system. More accurately.. whenever you measure a system.. you are merging with it.. to create a hybrid system. You can't disentangle the observer from the observed. It's all tangled up in itself.
  10. Why are you sounding like my dad or something lol? ?Jk Good advice and surely helps with positive living. Thanks!
  11. God is no more peace than it is anguish.. Stress.. Pain..sickness.. Death.. Murderer.. Rape.. Theft.. Cancer.. Sorrow...depression.. Madness.. Loneliness.. Disability.. Disasters.. Chaos.. Hell. Before we move further in this conversation (if you wish to)... Justify why and how is "peace" being cherry picked here as the essence of God and not infinite other horrible stuff.
  12. I have to disagree with the entirety of this. I literally asked if pain and suffering are part of what undoubtedly must be considered part of my "true" nature and you are denying that by actually admitting that it's "known by me as me"...???? So you are saying no because yes?
  13. Yes absolutely. The present moment exists mysteriously. it just is. It's unbelievable but hey. Nothing generated it from "outside". All the outsides are actually inside. The causes that you imagine behind consciousness are actually manifestations of consciousness (you are fantasizing them into existence right now) rather than its cause.
  14. @BipolarGrowth you studied nonduality huh??? Brain vs consciousness. Reality is just one seamless whole. Ultimately it doesn't matter if materialism is correct partially about the brain. But what is hidden in your question is substance-dualism. There is only one fucking substance out of which everything is made. Could it be otherwise?. What is substance-dualism?.??? Well That reality is split into two different substances. One is the appearances or phenomenon or consciousness or qualia (this stuff right here)..which is a second order emergence from the essence which is matter. That matter has no phenomenonolgical qualities. It's not conscious yet it gives arise to consciousness. Notice the absurdity? Consciousness is simply everything and anything. This is Consciousness. That is consciousness. You are consciousness. The brain is consciousness. Anything you think or possibly doubt in a million years that isn't consciousness IS fucking consciousness... Tada! And it can't be "defined" because there is nothing which is not consciousness to define consciousness in terms of it. That's why it's a mystery.
  15. Watch Leo's episodes.. "why brains don't exist". "what is Consciousness". "rant against naive realism". "reality is a strange loop". Should do the trick.
  16. @BipolarGrowth ey bro what's up? Ofcourse we can't be sure.. Don't be silly..... But Think of it this way" ... The brain can't be generating your experience.. What you call "the brain" is itself an experience.. You can't say that this" piece of meat" is what is causing experience because that piece of meat IS an experience. Ponder this.... What should be generating the experience from outside can't be an experience . It becomes strange loop. The brain which is an appearance in consciousness generated consciousness which is itself!!!! In both cases there is a mysterious fucking thing there that was generated by nothing. Nothing found inside of your experience can be the cause of your experience from outside. Just like if you are playing a video game... The cause of the entire video game world which is the PS device can't be found inside the video game world. It's like looking at your own body with a microscope.. Sure you will find some cells and atoms in there.. But those themselves are phenomenon within your experience aka consciousness.. You can't say that atoms or brains are generating consciousness.. Because atoms and brains ARE consciousness. U dig that lol?
  17. How to go about achieving that? Do you think that the human organism was "designed " to embrace a sharp nail Penetrating your legs?
  18. desire is never satisfied because it's ever-renewed.
  19. @Snader well here's the thing in case you didn't notice.. The universe is a tricky fucking devil.. Sometimes life is amazing.. Other times you wanna blow up the whole universe.. Yin and yang.. Leela.. Maya.. Tricky stuff.. I just want true stable THING.
  20. Nice insights. Thanks. Sorry I almost didn't understand anything. If you could simplify it. Is it realistic to have no desires or attachments.. Preferences and so forth? You are contradicting yourself. You are saying being healthy is necessary but it's independence of material conditions? Isn't health a material condition? I love maharshi but wait a minute... How is happiness my nature? Isn't pain and sorrow and every other feeling and emotion for that matter equally my "nature"? And exactly how is it found "inside"? There is nothing inside! I believe I'm always in the now (physically) or do you mean mentally? Sometimes the now is quite shitty.. you actually must escape it to be happy