Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Well super strictly speaking.... My mom is not around me at the moment... And if I'm not going to rely on memories... Then no... "I have a mother" is not the Truth at this precise moment of experience. Unlike the screen that is in front of my face. Now this might sound "weird" or whatever. But only because people are not used to radical degrees of epistemic honesty.
  2. @wwhy stop being dense and get my point. What one believes is not the determinator of Truth.
  3. And I'm dead serious.... How the fuck am I supposed to know that "for certain"?.... I mean you could do all the DNA tests and show you photos when you were a little kid... You can even film the moment of birth (video).. Only to wake up and find out it was a dream and you are actually the son of an alien...... Only. this. Is certain.
  4. I guess you are just poking some fun. In case you aren't.. Of course this is false. There is no past millisecond. It's always NOW. The past millisecond when it happened it was NOW. And if it's no longer NOW then it's no longer True for you. @James123 read first and perhaps try to understand what I'm saying. For goodness sake. @Leo Gura Sorry can't Untag.
  5. @Leo Gura I don't know about "EVERYTHING". For all I know.. This slice of experience that I'm having right now could be completely context-less... It could be floating in the middle of nowhere... If I can't see the back of my head right now then I can't be certain of it's Truth. Important point... I'm not saying there isn't anything outside of my precise experience at this precise moment... I'm saying the content of my own experience in this precise moment is sure more true (certain) than anything whatsoever.
  6. Perhaps you could 'point' me where I got wrong. Since I don't disagree with "none of what you think is Truth is Truth".
  7. @LastThursday Look ... I'm not doing philosophy here.. This is serious consciousness work... Do you want absolute Truth???. Take out your hand.. Look at it.. That's it.. The experience of your hands is absolutely True.. Here it is!! . .. While any conceptual knowledge is uncertain. Your precise direct experience is the only certain thing in existence. It's more certain than all science and all religions and all spirituality and all everything.
  8. @LastThursday It's pretty simply.. .. Everything you are experiencing directly is Truth and can't be anything else. Why? Cuz hey.. There is ONLY direct experience in direct experience. Is the content of experience changing?? Yeah it is... Well then that is the Truth that you are experiencing.
  9. Where is the fault? The Truth IS that everything is constantly fluctuating. As experienced. A person with Color blindness might see a green object to be yellow and so forth.. So how can direct experience be absolutely true if it's subjective and depends on the observer?
  10. Quick note :Not discussing masturbation here.. Just the porno. Not for the producers because they obviously make tons of money.. And not for the actors/actresses.. They seem to enjoy their job (?)..although I've watched interviews with a lot of retired workers in the industry reporting how it was overall a negative experience but anyways..... .. more for the consumers. The majority of the consumers of course are young males.. Young single males. In the last few years there was a growing number of studies showing the "addictive" effects of porn on the male brain. It rewires the brain to be responsive to porn rather than real sex.. Lots of forums and support groups and websites (most famous YBOP) were spread on the web last five years filled with thousands of guys reporting how porn has negatively affected their sex lives and the tough addiction they are dealing with. My own experience is I used to watch porn back in my teenage years (I guess every teen on the planet watches porn).. But I kinda outgrew it as I grew up. Nowadays I just buy quality porn from intimacy-like sex novels producing sites. Just watching here and there no big deal. What's your experience with watching porn? Are you addicted? Do you feel it's positively influenced your sex life or negatively? Any possibile down sides or benefits? P. S. Females are welcome also to give their two cents. Although I'm more interested in hearing from male consumers.
  11. Absolute Truth in my experience is raw data... Stripped of all and any conceptualization or contextuallization. "you are imagining others".. "only YOU exists".. "there is nothing but your experience" etc etc are as equally stories and concepts as "atoms" and "brains" and "external world".
  12. As Leo said "the elephant is infinity" its every possible perspective and POV that it can be looked at from. Six blind men came across a large elephant one day that was strolling through their village. Having never seen an elephant before. each of the six men placed their palms upon the elephant to help them experience what was in front of them. The first man argued that the elephant felt like a large pillar. as he touched the elephants leg. The second man argued that the elephant felt like a large tree... as he touched the elephants trunk. The next man argued that the elephant felt like a long rope. ... as he touched the elephants tail. The fourth man argued that the elephant felt like a huge wall. ... as he touched the belly of the elephant. The other man argued that the elephant felt like a big fan... as he touched the ear of the elephant. And the sixth man argued that the elephant felt like a long hard pipe... as he touched the tusk of the elephant. Each of the blind men believed that they were right. All of them continued to argue among themselves as each thought they knew what was in front of them. Until one man. who was watching the group from afar... called out to the blind men. “The elephant is a large animal“. THE MEANING OF THE STORY This one story has many layers of meaning to it! What you experience in life is a reflection of your own perception and perspective. Your mind creates your reality in the sense that you do not always see things as ‘they’ are. You instead see things as ‘You’ are. Your perception of what’s in front of you is determined by the information already within your head. Your ideas... beliefs.. concepts... knowledge and thoughts all influence what you see in front of you... and how you experience it. How you interpret and understand something.. or someone.. depends upon the thoughts and beliefs you have accepted to be true. This is true whether we’re talking about a person.. a thing.. spirituality.. God.. or of course a religion. In the exact same e way the blind men all felt they were touching something different.. yet they were all touching the same thing.. different cultures and religions see the meaning of this story differently. The same can be said of how the worlds religions see God. All of the worlds major religions believe in.. and worship.. the same thing. . However none of these religions agree upon the fine details of what God means. Each has different customs.. different practices.. different dogmas and different beliefs. Yet all the people of these religions are experiencing the same thing.. God. while arguing and dividing themselves from one another due to a difference of perception. There are many pathways that lead up a mountain. And every traveler on those many different paths see the same mountain from a different perspective. While each path looks different to them... they are all looking at the same mountain. This is true from a religious perspective. There are many roots to God and Enlightenment. If humanity took an inclusive approach to life.. rather than a divisive approach... we would all have a fuller picture as to how to get there quicker.
  13. Is it 6 or 9? Its both depending on where are you standing. And of course it's not just 6 9..if we Zoom into it we shall find all the numbers combined together in that symbol. So it's actually infinity. And only appears as 6 or 9 relative to the observation. The truth is not isolated. It's intertwined with the observer. When looking for the truth.. One should make a distinction between the Truth.. And his own truth. The Truth is always infinite. While one's own truth is one's own perspective and POV. Always partial.
  14. Direct experience. Only that which you have directly experienced should be trusted.
  15. Are you guys done yet? So.. This whole idealism /solipsism philosophy (which is Leo's position) is just inapplicable and unfalsifiable. Simply put..... You don't know that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Right? .... This world falls into the same conception. You just don't know. At the practical level however.. To survive in the world.. .. You don't think of your bank account as something your fluffy consciousness are imagining right? Oh no no no.. You think it's objectively existing. That's all you need to know. You don't need to be certain about it. You can't be certain (see dream argument above). All you need is to adopt the most applicable and practical philosophy.
  16. Testing direct experience. When monkey mind goes skeptical of direct experience. Why is direct experience the criteria for truth? And based on direct experience one can only ever be certain of the content of his own experience. And cannot validate or invalidate the existence of a third person objective world behind the surface of appearance. Point one thing.. Just one freaking thing that exists outside of your direct experience right now.. You might say "well the pyramids in Egypt they exist there and they are not in my direct experience now".. No! There is no pyramids and no Egypt and no "there".. All that exists in actuality right this moment is whatever you are experiencing right now + the belief or ideas that there is something existing outside of that which is actually occurring (the belief) inside of that. The idea that there is something existing outside of direct experience is just an Idea that is occurring inside direct experience!!!!! One can't get around this.
  17. @mandyjw thanks. Will check it out
  18. A common question that gets asked here is "does the external world exist"? Example question........ Does planet Mars exist while one is not perceiving it? Answer : Nothing exists for the you/me except the stuff that is occurring in your (my) direct experience in the NOW. Existence =NOW. Ideas about here and there.. Now and then and back then.. Up there and down here..themselves must occur NOW for them to be just more concepts occurring again NOW. It's not that there is an absolute static truth about whether "Mars" "exists".. There is no such thing as "Mars".. For all you know mars could be exploding and getting destroyed now.. So it exists at one point and it doesn't exist in the next moment. How about when you are dreaming and completely lost in your dream..mars doesn't exist in the context of your dream world. Just like a flying spaghetti monster does not exist in this world as far as we can tell.. But who knows maybe it exists in some other dimension! You see it's all relative. Identity itself is relative to time and change. Existence itself is relative to a frame of reference and to an observer. So does mars exist? Yes and no without a doubt relative to whatever one imagines this question even "means" lol. But don't go looking for an absolute answer. No idea is absolute.
  19. Truth =pure being =actuality =direct experience =sensation, feeling, emotions, consciousness. Thoughts Are and aren't Truth. They are the Truth since they are directly experienced. They aren't the Truth sometimes in terms of the validity of the thought story.
  20. So I replied the following today to a topic regarding enlightenment and Truth. enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. Do you want to become enlightened??? Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth. Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are nonsense. There is only the Truth. Everything you are experiencing right now is Truth. Is enlightenment. TRUTH VS FALSEHOODS exist only on the level of thoughts.. Where there is relative truth. You could say some thoughts are more "true" then others depending on how accurate they represent reality. Absolute Truth is simply being. Nothing too fancy about it. And you are directly conscious of being right now. That's why in neo advaita they teach that you are already enlightened. there is a distinction between relative truth and relative falsehood which exists only in the mind. At the level of being.. There is no falsehood. Everything is absolute Truth. For example... 1+1=3 is falsehood at the relative level of meaning and symbols. Yet the very being of the equation (it's very existence) is absolute Truth.
  21. @StarStruck there is a distinction between relative truth and relative falsehood which exists only in the mind. At the level of being.. There is no falsehood. Everything is absolute Truth. For example... 1+1=3 is falsehood at the relative level of meaning and symbols. Yet the very being of the equation (it's very existence) is absolute Truth. Hope I clarified this. Check out Leo's video "what is Truth". Really helpful.
  22. You meditate and contemplate to sharpen this distinction in your mind. Meditation is simply you disconnecting from the mind and experiencing reality directly without conceptualizing your experience. The more you do this you stop being fooled by the monkey mind which suggests that Truth is other than your default state.. P. S. And of course If you like stop meditation and get lost in concepts.. It's not like you can escape the Truth.
  23. There is only the Truth. Everything you are experiencing right now is Truth. Is enlightenment. TRUTH VS FALSEHOODS exist only on the level of thoughts.. Where there is relative truth. You could say some thoughts are more "true" then others depending on how accurate they represent reality. Absolute Truth is simply being. Nothing too fancy about it. And you are directly conscious of being right now. That's why in neo advaita they teach that you are already enlightened.
  24. @StarStruck enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. Do you want to become enlightened??? Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth. Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are bla bla bla. That's it.