Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Hippies r anti bald. Sorry not playing. Ya know the 'ladies' on here get triggered soooooo easy. Life is so simple when you are not a woman ?
  2. ? Strange loop. Should be able to. "I created myself .. I came out of my own vagina" lmao. (relax Leo just poking some fun).
  3. What is ANYTHING? (Really?) Ok fine..... "The mind" could be a thought.... (concept) Could be a physical object.... I looked around and didn't see any "minds" there... So I concluded that it's just a thought.
  4. Despite the blonde.. She is average honestly. But her content is very healing.
  5. I will try to put this as simple as possible. This question comes up time & again: If there’s only One Thing (non-duality) how do you explain all the apparent ‘many things’ we see manifested? Our bodies? The hard solid ground? The water we can see.. feel and drink? The atoms.. quarks and other particles of apparently ‘real’ matter that make up water.. earth and bodies? (Apparently, indeed. Science has already confirmed all atoms are 99% space.. less than 1% “matter.”) Unfortunately.. You are asking for a mind-based.. mind-understandable answer.. and insisting ([“non-objective] answers won’t help”) on limiting the answer to something the dual.. subject/object-based mind can comprehend. “If there’s only One Thing, which means all body-minds are illusions or projections.. could you please explain what that illusory body-mind is…to my illusory body mind:-) See the problem? It’s like a person’s shadow. Can a shadow explain what’s casting it.. or jump up and become the person casting it? Your right eye is a non-duality. You only have one right eye. It cannot see itself as a non-duality. That would take a second eye sitting outside the first eye, looking back at it…and then you’d be back to duality. Within your nighttime dream.. you always think you are your body and your body is real. When a dream car swerves towards you.. your dream body jumps out of the way to avoid getting hurt. Your dream is created by just One Thing. Your mind. No one else’s. So it’s just One Thing, creating all these many things. Real things, or at least.. you’re quite certain their real” while you’re dreaming. But then you wake up.. and you see they were just projections from your One Thing. Your waking dream is no different. “It just seems to be more continuous and last longer,” as Ramana Maharshi said, “but a dream projection, nonetheless.” At the Absolute level.. it’s obvious there is only One Thing.. or more accurately, NoThing. The Unmanifest. The Void. In enlightenment, or what you call ‘transcendence,’ we can get a fragrance of that. But we can only be The Absolute.. Not know it. because The Absolute can not know Itself. That would take two.. right - The Absolute and a separate “knower.” Then it wouldn’t be The Absolute anymore.. it would be a duality. So what can we do? We can know that the One Non-Dual Thing is ‘in the background’ behind all duality, projecting itself through The Everything.. including our bodies.
  6. You see I don't take stuff for granted anymore.. Drop all your ideas about God from your culture.. You are trying to match your direct experience with your fantasy about God.. That's precisely backwards.. Start with your own direct experience. Not with the beliefs.
  7. you are basically asking how did all of existence come about.. To which the answer is it didn't come from anywhere. It has always existed. Because anywhere that it could possibly come from must be explained by another where and this leads to infinity. Infinite regress its called. God (A) created God (B) and God( C) created God (D) ... To infinity.... In a way its like that.. The small gods (me and you) are part of the whole God. But also we are the whole fucking thing. A finger is part of the hand.. But also.. It IS the hand.
  8. Yes he can. The thing is.. Dude.. You need to have a nondual experience. Your every day experience of life is not at all what it seems to be.. Apart? Just not possible. In our everyday awake state of consciousness.. the body is perceived as made of separate organic “stuff”.. and seems to has a clear boundary between itself and the surrounding space. But in reality “stuff” can not exist. no mathematicallly precise boundary is possible between any object and its surrounding. In some altered state of consciousness the solidness of the body can dissolve and the skin boundary can seem to disappear. I myself has experienced this it's both frightening and amusing (It's not an out of body it's more like there is no body!). You may call such altered state of consciousness abnormal or even delusional. But paradoxically it's such abnormal perceptions that more closely mirror the true nature of reality. Our so-called normal perception of a material world populated by material bodies is more like a functionally adaptive chronically sustained delusion. More or less... Your experience is what matters.
  9. @Vlad_ @Vlad_ I hear ya.. I'd say nothing matters except for the quality of the present moment. Cuz hey.. That's all there is. Yo don't let it make you take it seriously. It can happen out of nowhere.. for no apparent reason. All at once.. the familiar can become strange. It’s like waking up in the middle of a bizarre dream. With no warning.. you can be surrounded by questions: “Why am I doing this?” “Where is this all heading?” “Is this going anywhere?” “What’s the point?” And so on. This is no abstract philosophical fluff. It can lead to serious problems in your life. Philosophically mined people toy with such concepts but most people don't. Just be amongst the herd. It makes no difference either way. Good luck.
  10. @Muhammad Jawad I hear ya..... Listen.... there is only one thing in existence... Existence itself. Anything outside of it is also it.. Tada ? this business is easy huh?
  11. Nice rep. man. I'd say all you have is a present moment devoid of any context whatsoever. You still trying to contextualize it somehow. Resistance to the fact its just a mindfuck.
  12. @Muhammad Jawad God is EVERYTHING. The end. Nothing can exist unless it is God.. Tada! How can something exist "outside" of THAT which is said to be infinite?
  13. @Muhammad Jawad just touching on the sciencetifc approach to the origin of "being"... When one examines the current scientific hypothesis regarding the origins of our universe (the Big Bang theory) one realizes that it is a miracle..something beyond the human imagination..that there is something instead of nothing. Science today tells us that our universe had a birthday. Roughly 15 billion years ago there was a time-zero...a time when everything in our universe as we have it now did not exist. Everything that is now in our entire universe began about 15 billion years ago with an explosion (the “big bang”) from something which was probably tinier than a single atom. Moreover.. for our universe..our world.. and human life to have come about a mind-boggling combination of factors had to be just right. I say “mind-boggling” because it’s when we examine these factors that we are left with the philosopher’s wonder as to why there is something at all instead of nothing. That's if you wanna get all sciencetifc about it. It all starts with a singularity. The singularity contains all and IS all.
  14. @Vlad_ sure they must. 99% of people are so underdeveloped and asleep to ever comprehend such subject. Your question is actually incredibly important.. I'm disappointed that it got few replies There are two common meanings to "life is pointless," and when someone says it.. he often means a bit of both. One meaning is "There's no goal to life." This could be a rejection of the religious/spiritual idea that we were built for some purpose or a more personal statement meaning something like "I'm bored with everything" or "I feel listless." Or it's a way of making "mundane" depression seem profound. Sometimes. a guy who is lonely because he doesn't have a girlfriend or unhappy because he's in a dead-end job will say "Life is pointless." The truth is he feels bored.. alone.. and/or scared.. but he's expressing himself in operatic terms.. maybe because he doesn't want to sound ordinary or he's uncomfortable dealing with his problems head-on. Even the phrasing "life seems pointless". There are several points of views to this question depending on the type of person you are.. but the real answer is our life.. existence.. is pointless. Some may feel this temporarily due to an unhappy element in there life.. or mental disorder.. but others simply figure out the truth more quickly because they can see through the small.. meaningless distractions and hopes others use as coping mechanisms or a way to simplify their view because they can't handle the reality of the truth. Some my argue Religion.. but religion is not ones point of view of life.. it is a point of view of death, i.e., follow the rules and you will go to heaven (death).. therefore irrelevant in the discussion of life. Human existence is a bunch of dogs fighting for a piece of meat. That's it. Selfish beings willing to maul each other for fleeting gratification. Nothing lasts.. therefore nothing is ever truly gained. Anything you may believe that adds meaning beyond that is an illusion brought on by our fragile minds in order to not go insane by the truth. I've had this figured out at 6 years old but chose to live in denial for many years.. because of hope. I was wrong. And life only became incredibly amazing after you realize how incredibly pointless it is.
  15. @impulse9 @James123 I couldn't care less either way. My point is rather a tanget. It depends on what type of drugs you’re doing. Psychedelics in particular can absolutely put you on the path. This might sound silly.. but I truly believe that psychedelics are grouped in with “drugs” for a reason - it’s like a safety net. I’ve known people who’ve fallen off at some point.. they get into drugs for whatever reason.. then have a strong psychedelic experience and are back on track even more than before they fell off.
  16. First of all.. anyone who hasn't taken drugs (likely because they've been brainwashed by government/society) is NOT qualified to answer this question. Neither is anybody who isn't "enlightened".. but I believe enlightenment is quite a simple occurrence.. and easily induced. Would you ask a fish what it's like to walk? Drugs is a very clever catch-all term created by authorities to attempt to sabotage the discussion about them. And look at all the people on this page.. and many across the internet and the world... who have fallen for it and are near incapable of discussing it because it carries so much stigma. You know what would sort that out? Yep. Drugs. The first question should be: what kind of drugs? All drugs are not created equal. A better question is to be more specific: can psychedelics lead to enlightenment? In which case I'd say yes.. they can. But what is enlightenment? A realisation that we are all one? A looking past the ego? High doses of psychedelics can very effectively cause ego-death in all its glory. How you interpret the experience is another matter. I get this feeling that enlightenment is a subjective place like "success". I'd love to meet anybody who walks around permanently ego-less. As Alan Watts put it (paraphrased) -- you wouldn't know whose shoes to put on in the morning. To me.. I would say enlightenment is analogous to realisation. That's it. You realise something once, you don't need to realise it again. If that realisation is of the illusion of your ego, then I'm enlightened, as are many others who have experienced ego-death and peered behind the veil.
  17. @James123 you need to chillax a Lil bit... 'Nothing' serious going on here. Is your main argument that techniques exist.. meditation prime among them.. to reduce human suffering by helping us to understand that the self — as conventionally understood — is an illusion. Our feeling of "I" is a product of thought.. and thoughts merely come and go in our consciousness.. there's no self behind our eyes or in our head.. and when we grasp this.. it's easier to unmoor ourselves from the sources of suffering in our lives?
  18. heaven is a religious concept which is supposed to be a place of eternal happiness and pleasure. Hell is a religious concept which is supposed to be a place of eternal pain and suffering. My definition?? the same. "horrible things" is a relative notion. Why is the criteria here regarding "human beings"? .. Aren't you a serial killer for killing animals and eating them (assume you are not vegan)? From this perspective all humans are serial killers when it comes to killing animals for food. Yes all these lines are imaginary. There is no 'dictionary definition' for what "acting out of love" is supposed to mean. What is stopping God from creating hell If he is all powerful?? Nothing obviously. God is a mad man (or woman). The only thing that can save you is to realize God is not other than you. So why would you do that to yourself?? I don't have an answer it's kinda of an open inquiry. No it's not all mental. This isn't rocket science.. You can't have "eternal" happiness because everything is constantly changing hence impermanence. It really does boil down to just that. This assumes there is such thing as an "ego "in the first place. But regardless... Do you mean whether it's acting selfish or selfless?? Why should those two factors be the primary deciding factors???? Why you don't take into consideration infinite other variables in the equation? You see the mind wants to simplify everything into simple categories. Doesn't want to face infinite complexity. Again heaven and hell are not objects. They are subjectively defined by you.
  19. To me.. life is pointless to the extent that there's nothing predetermined in your existence. But this means freedom too. When your older.. you can shape your own path. Do things you enjoy.. maybe make a carrier out of that or just find something new you're passionate about and want to pursue in future. This helps you from getting stuck in a job you one example of a dead end life. Point is.. you shape your own future.. you are the point of your own life. The best thing to do is surround yourself with others that hold the same views as you and life will become more enjoyable. Don't get depressed over anything. it's not worth it. You just have to realize why things happen the way they do and accept it and you'll have a better sense of what goes on around you than most people.
  20. What is the chance of this happening in the next ten minutes relative to you doing something else? Probably zero. Don't worry if we are going to be swallowed by a massive black hole, science will have known about it beforehand by a relatively large amount of time. It's not going to be in your lifetime. So chill.