Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Endangered-EGO @VeganAwake @Jodo More or less.... It doesn't take much intelligence to recognize that direct experience is all you ever Had and all you ever will have of reality. Make the distinction between the sensation of your hands? and all your thoughts and concepts (including spiritual concepts ). It's not hard to make. You can do it. Actual reality only comes to you through direct experience. Looking at your hand and thinking about your hand are two different things. One is sense.. one is thought. What we gotta get clear about is what is real and what is belief. If you close your eyelids.. your house disappears from your senses right? But you still believe the house exists. But see.. your belief at that point is a concept.. not sensed ..right? That's what it means that your house disappears when you are not conscious of it . Technically what disappeared is your visuals of the house. Your belief that the house is more than that is not in the house but in your head. And those beliefs may persist when you close your eyes.. but your reality of the house.. The visuals have vanished. See the difference here? What I'm trying to show to you is how much of your reality is actually conceptual instead of literal. When you become more mindful of this.. You can start to see that many beliefs you have about what is real and true are in fact false beliefs. Your visual of your house is not your concept of your house. Often times we take the conceptual house and think that that is what is real. No.. technically what is real is your thought as something sensed and the visuals of the house. The thought-story (the meaning of the thought sensed) is not real.. Yet that is what unenlightened people take to be most real.
  2. @LastThursday you could call it cheesecake if you like. Now your point Is that the raw data is not the same thing as the label ? Yes will give ya that. Now stick with the raw data of the thing that we colloquially call "hand".. How is that not "the Truth"?. Or the thing that we colloquially understand from the word "Truth"?
  3. Since we are communicating... There is the barrier of language. Absolute Truth is the framing itself. And the info that is being framed. It's simply everything that exists or is happening. Are you denying that there is even such thing as "truth"? Notice how self-defeating that claim is...... How can truth doesn't exist? Do you realize that Truth is the only thing there is? Isn't your denial of Truth itself a claim of Truth? Direct experience is right here. Take a look at it. Don't speculate. Derive the answer from direct experience itself not through thinking about it abstractly. No. How so? How is your experience of sight a concept? How is your hand a concept? I just don't get it A concept would be something like "the holy trinity". Or "atoms and molecules". Which you have never experienced directly
  4. @James123 I know arguing with you is futility.
  5. Dude what are you talking about? OP summarized :"no beliefs.. No conceptual knowledge. Only direct experience is Truth".
  6. Yes. Of course. Go look at the mirror and find them. You can call them sweet potatoes for all I care.. But "they" are there. @allislove what monkey mind are you talking about? Did you even read OP?
  7. Isn't that solipsism? I wouldn't go as far as saying "there is only my experience and none of you guys are experiencing anything". The correct formulation is "only my experience is certain to exist.".big difference.
  8. Don't be upset.. If you like.. You can join your mother next time. But she might reject it. She wants it all for herself.
  9. I'm disappointed the thread got derailed by dumb questions.
  10. Yes she enjoyed her time. Tell her I say "halo" back at her.
  11. Cool.. Then go find where she is hanging out. As I told you.
  12. @wwhy wwhy don't you go found where your own mother is hanging out? Wwhy?
  13. Well super strictly speaking.... My mom is not around me at the moment... And if I'm not going to rely on memories... Then no... "I have a mother" is not the Truth at this precise moment of experience. Unlike the screen that is in front of my face. Now this might sound "weird" or whatever. But only because people are not used to radical degrees of epistemic honesty.
  14. @wwhy stop being dense and get my point. What one believes is not the determinator of Truth.
  15. And I'm dead serious.... How the fuck am I supposed to know that "for certain"?.... I mean you could do all the DNA tests and show you photos when you were a little kid... You can even film the moment of birth (video).. Only to wake up and find out it was a dream and you are actually the son of an alien...... Only. this. Is certain.
  16. I guess you are just poking some fun. In case you aren't.. Of course this is false. There is no past millisecond. It's always NOW. The past millisecond when it happened it was NOW. And if it's no longer NOW then it's no longer True for you. @James123 read first and perhaps try to understand what I'm saying. For goodness sake. @Leo Gura Sorry can't Untag.
  17. @Leo Gura I don't know about "EVERYTHING". For all I know.. This slice of experience that I'm having right now could be completely context-less... It could be floating in the middle of nowhere... If I can't see the back of my head right now then I can't be certain of it's Truth. Important point... I'm not saying there isn't anything outside of my precise experience at this precise moment... I'm saying the content of my own experience in this precise moment is sure more true (certain) than anything whatsoever.
  18. Perhaps you could 'point' me where I got wrong. Since I don't disagree with "none of what you think is Truth is Truth".
  19. @LastThursday Look ... I'm not doing philosophy here.. This is serious consciousness work... Do you want absolute Truth???. Take out your hand.. Look at it.. That's it.. The experience of your hands is absolutely True.. Here it is!! . .. While any conceptual knowledge is uncertain. Your precise direct experience is the only certain thing in existence. It's more certain than all science and all religions and all spirituality and all everything.
  20. @LastThursday It's pretty simply.. .. Everything you are experiencing directly is Truth and can't be anything else. Why? Cuz hey.. There is ONLY direct experience in direct experience. Is the content of experience changing?? Yeah it is... Well then that is the Truth that you are experiencing.
  21. Where is the fault? The Truth IS that everything is constantly fluctuating. As experienced. A person with Color blindness might see a green object to be yellow and so forth.. So how can direct experience be absolutely true if it's subjective and depends on the observer?
  22. Quick note :Not discussing masturbation here.. Just the porno. Not for the producers because they obviously make tons of money.. And not for the actors/actresses.. They seem to enjoy their job (?)..although I've watched interviews with a lot of retired workers in the industry reporting how it was overall a negative experience but anyways..... .. more for the consumers. The majority of the consumers of course are young males.. Young single males. In the last few years there was a growing number of studies showing the "addictive" effects of porn on the male brain. It rewires the brain to be responsive to porn rather than real sex.. Lots of forums and support groups and websites (most famous YBOP) were spread on the web last five years filled with thousands of guys reporting how porn has negatively affected their sex lives and the tough addiction they are dealing with. My own experience is I used to watch porn back in my teenage years (I guess every teen on the planet watches porn).. But I kinda outgrew it as I grew up. Nowadays I just buy quality porn from intimacy-like sex novels producing sites. Just watching here and there no big deal. What's your experience with watching porn? Are you addicted? Do you feel it's positively influenced your sex life or negatively? Any possibile down sides or benefits? P. S. Females are welcome also to give their two cents. Although I'm more interested in hearing from male consumers.
  23. Absolute Truth in my experience is raw data... Stripped of all and any conceptualization or contextuallization. "you are imagining others".. "only YOU exists".. "there is nothing but your experience" etc etc are as equally stories and concepts as "atoms" and "brains" and "external world".