Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. What tips and medications help with easing panic attacks (mild) and stress?? Still experiencing worry.. Anxiety.. Stress. Sometimes i find my heart beating fast and a little shake in my fingers.. Not for any special reason.. But sometimes I find my mind wondering into scenarios like "what if something bad happened to me".. "what happenes when I die".. Etc and stuff from this ilk.
  2. @Leo Gura .few questions please........ . How to define enlightenment such that you can say 'the person is and that person isn't enlightened' ? It's not like a scientific term that has a clear definition.. like an oxygen atom (an atom that contains exactly 8 protons)... You consider yourself enlightened because you are conscious of certain things and you judge other teachers as 'weak sauce' or not enlightened enough because they don't meet your criteria.... And I consider my own truths that I'm conscious of to be the highest and I do see others who can't get what I'm saying as idiots and so forth (just like you do)... So isn't there different degrees of enlightenment and they are all valid??... And who's to say what's the highest?... After all.. What good is telling people 'you are God and you are hallucinating the entire universe'.. People just wanna eliminate suffering and feel good... Isn't 'the highest enlightenment' itself relative?
  3. So far.. Death and hell for the most upvotes. Keep Goin........ Here's what I am afraid of..... Death. Hell. Insanity. Loneliness. Pain. Poverty.
  4. Usual societal work is not as exhausting if you have enough self-care. I do think there is a point when lack of self care and trying to do it all drains you so you do nothing well.. or most problematic for me drains me to the point that I can do only one thing well… keep working and moving. And even more problematically I was always rewarded for this work by everyone.
  5. What's that? (the ultimate one)?
  6. you just gave me an idea lol... @Sahi96 oh man.. I wish I could help. You. Maybe @mandyjw have something to say about that..... I'm not familiar with the bible (I never was religious as well ). But I do know that entire Bible is BS. Reading genesis was enough for me lol.
  7. What is left is exactly the same thing. Minus the label (without a name).
  8. Lemme is my physical flesh that I can touch and see a 'thought process'?
  9. @Gesundheit Chill out. Either the whole Bible is BS and you should not Believe it.. Or everything in the Bible is correct. And since you are convinced that 99 % is BS.. Then you should know with your rational part of your brain that even that 1% about hell and punishment is also BS. That fear is not 'rational'.. Meaning it's not based on evidence.. It's a result of religious conditioning which is literally a brainwashing process.
  10. Me too. This idea of eternal suffering scares the living shit out of me. Not with you on this notion of 'mistakes'. This just comes from a religious background. There are no such things as 'mistakes' as in 'sins'. You'd have to be extremely non-objective to look at the world via that lens. Of course there is no one-fits-all answer. We could share... Fear of being hit by a car while crossing the highway is healthy because if you didn't have that kind of fear, you could kill yourself. While fear of cats or pets might be considered unhealthy for lack of commonality.
  11. fear is Clearly a function of survival. Your body is programmed to fear getting crashed by a car to protect your survival. So as long as survival is at work.. Fear must exist. It doesn't have to be neurotic fear. But at least to a minimum level of healthy watchfullness. Check out Leonardo's video on fear. emotions are conscious.. subjective states. For example.. ‘feelings’ related to fear.. such as horror or terror.. are cognitively assembled conceptions of one’s situation.. rather than preformed.. innate mental states inherited from animals. Certain things are not supposed to make you feel certain way. That's why you will find people's answers vary.
  12. Thoughts? Lol cute fears jk No tangible disaster could shake you right?
  13. @Gesundheit I dunno.. I don't Believe it. You certainly know but you are afraid to express. Then you might be afraid of fear. (yea edited that duplicate older post).
  14. @Gesundheit are you afraid of not knowing?
  15. @Gesundheit ?
  16. Great video from Leonardo. This should be taught in universities in philosophy classes.
  17. @mandyjw SURE lol! Thanks for the tips. I'm actually doing the slow breathing exercises with stilling the body. It seems to relax the body.
  18. Try SSRI and visiting a therapist. Journal about how you feel. Let it all out. Allow yourself to feel bad. Surrender instead of fighting. That seems to counter-intuitively work. Give yourself a permission to feel like shit. Just feel it. And soon it might neutralize all these emotions. @snowyowl Shared intersting perspectives also. Maybe try to search for a deeper reason.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion. Will check it out. Well as I said it's a sudden fear of death or of bad things happening to me out of the blue.. And that causes me to semi-panic. I didn't want to dig into details because obviously that in itself might cause me to panic.
  20. Isn't That has much to do with the transitory nature of all phenomenon rather than the illusory of the 'seeker'? So you are never 'satisfied' because what you seek is always ahead of you.. Not necessarily you don't exist?
  21. @Michael569 thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Will look into those and hopefully trying them out and let you know how it went.