Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Yimpa I just noticed we both have 10,000+ posts ...don't tell me all your thousands of posts are like that?
  2. @Yimpa your comedy sucks
  3. Obviously not . I mean that at the very root of all emotions rests sexual desire as per Freudian Eros. Doesn't mean all emotions are sexual. Because you can experience hatred as an emotion . Does that mean you if you hate a person you wanna bang him/her ?
  4. Emotional attraction is a derivative of sexual attraction. If you once had sexual thoughts about a guy or wanted him to be your boyfriend then you've got some homo desires In your mind .
  5. @Schizophonia no .
  6. @CARDOZZO that analogy doesn’t hold. I'm not saying anything or everything you fantasise about is something you desire. Because your imagination is infinite .you can imagine anything. You can imagine having sex with a child .doesn't mean you're a pedophile. I dig that. My point was more like everyone has had sexual or emotional attraction to a person from the same gender .whether you've acted on it or not. And so if that's the case then there's no one that is 100% straight . Everyone got a little homosexuality in their genes .but it varies.
  7. @Schizophonia everyone’s a little gay. This is undeniable. At least once in your life you had a crush on a super handsome dude or just really admired his haircut or beard or muscles or dick etc . Watch gay porn and allow yourself to enjoy it . It's a liberating experience to embrace your gayness .
  8. The answer is yes . There's no single human that didn't fantasise about the same gender . It's just homophobia. Just admit your gay side and embrace it .
  9. I only had sex five times in my whole life . I'm usually a horny idiot who doesn't pay attention to the foreplay and the "build up " if you will..I go straight to fucking and its mostly rough ex actually had pain in her vagina after banging her in last Christmas. I tend to ejaculate quickly as well and usually the girl I'm having sex with doesn't reach orgasm. Anyways..I'm reading the multi orgasmic man..and the author makes a point that the more slow you have sex the more euphoria you and your partner will I should Lower my pace and penetrate the pussy gently..he talks about "tantric " sex and that sex can be a spirtual practice that makes you enlightened 😂..what are the best books or resources out there on tantra and what are your experiences guys about this kind of thing ?
  10. Hehe I have no problem keeping it up for hours on end without Viagra .I'm stallion af. Actually what that book suggests is that you should go nice &slow and be easy on your girlfriend's pusspuss. And that just doesn't work for me because I like hardcore aggressive sex.
  11. I understand what you're saying. It has happened to me to a certain extent . At first your life goes into a "limbo ". Especially when I realised that I'm the only person that exists haha 😂 it was tough to integrate this with my social life . But do you really have a choice here ? It boils down to you resetting your values . If consciousness work is too much on you then drop it ...fix your social and dating situation first..then you can come back to spirituality later. Maybe when you're 70 and gotten sick and tired of material things and there is no choice but to dive within.
  12. If spirituality is making you unhappy or dysfunctional then you are doing it wrong . If consciousness work is affecting you negatively then simply stop it . You get to decide your values . Do you value Truth ? happiness ? Pleasure? Etc
  13. Oh great brother . Just this statement tripped me up ..never mind ..or actually.. what you mean by this ?
  14. @Javfly33 thanks . Seems reasonable. Just curious if you don't mind answering..are you a virgin?
  15. Amazing experiences hehe😇 I'd like you though to tell me what exactly you mean by "Pure Love ".
  16. The moon is more beautiful than boobs . Actually I'm not a boob guy when it comes to what attracts me in a woman. It's more like her .."spirit "..femininity and cuteness.
  17. Music is a common thing between us I see . Music is a drug for the soul. Unfortunately there are no mountains or hills where I live . Not that many raw nature views . And lol I talk to myself everyday all day 😂.
  18. I want to make a bridge between the distinction between "needs" and "desires" and how they relate to "liberation" (liberation is NOT awakening btw ): First of all..desires are never satisfied. LITTERALY so. They keep growing and flaming by indulgence . The more you jerk off the more you want to jerk off more (sorry about the profane example). desires only die out by letting go of them. it's important to realize that there is no distinction between desires and "baisc need " Like food and water. they are actually even worse. Because one can live his whole life without petty desires like sex and money and fame ..but he can't survive without food and water. can you see? ..we are more enslaved by our so called "basic needs". Why we have to feel hungry every 6 hours or so?..isn't that a burden?.. The fact is. .we don't need anything . Every cause ..will bring an effect. .if you stopped will die...just that. .you don't NEED to breathe. you need to breathe if you need to live. but what if you don't need to live? Because you can never to realize that is what I mean by "liberation ". Share your thoughts please. Thanks
  19. @Schizophonia ok thanks. But we Bre deviating from my main point . Did you personally done some ?what is your actual experience with dealing with intrusive impulses?
  20. @CoolDreamThanks does it not make grammatical sense or logical sense or what ?
  21. To give even more profane example..So if one is a pedophile and not yet "advanced in meditation " in your opinion should he manage his desire?
  22. I like Jim and Tony Parsons and I agree with most of what they are saying ..on top of that I have verified in my own experience that no self awakenings are legitimate. But these people are not aware of what existence is . They say words like "boundless energy " but these people don't know what they are talking about beyond the no self stuff because they are not infinitely conscious(just like myself ).
  23. Of course there is . Not that I have experienced them myself. But people who take psychedelics more than 100 times like Leo basically describe a state of consciousness which is equivalent of what is known in philosophy as "ontological nihilism "... that’s the thing.. that There are no objects at all.. nor any world. There is... however.. an appearance of objects and a world..which is not at all what it seems to be. It appears solid and real but it's substance is identical to a dream . I'm not gonna continue on this point because honestly I'm personally conscious of that and people accused me of talking not from experience and mentally masturbating.