Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. There is no "i".. I can conceptually understand that. However.. that sense of "i" gives rise to the experience that then becomes "my life" as if i am experiencing something. Ad it "all of this" is happening to an "i". When You come to understand that the "i" is an illusion.. you also understand that you can not really know really if there is still an "i" there. So what you do? You say: "OK.. since i understand that.. I have to find a way to dissolve the " i".. then i can know the truth for what it is". And this is what you do.. you use psychedelics to achieve this. And other methods. But 'nobody ' knows that. As Jim Newman said. When you do psychedelics.. you have that experience. You see things for what they really are. Then your "i" comes back. And of course thinks he knows what it was seen. Somebody says: "This was absolutely terrifying". Leo prefers to say: "This was absolutely fantastic". But you see.. this is a duality. This is just an interpretation that the "i" imposes on that experience. So when you come back.. you think you know what you saw. But of course you don't. What you saw was meaningless. It is not there for anybody. It just is. It is not wonderful.. unconditional love. an incredible intelligent design. It is has not a greater scheme. It is not a bigger picture. It is not even meaningless. It just is. It can't be described. Now why are you all guys giving such meaning to those kind of experiences? Why does leo talk about all this "wonderfull" things.. which can be all a fairy tale? The way i see it.. is that when you die, it's done. Never has really happened. Nothing needs to happen.And nobody will understand this. It Just is. For no one. Leo keeps saying that this work is not for you.. It's not for your survival. Sorry I'm just ranting and rambling here but..
  2. Yeah why don't i just drop all of this non duality nonsense.. forget about it and go live my life to the fullest without fear. See.. I can't.. because free will is just an illusion. This does not mean passivity.. it doesn't lock you into a particular experience where you now have to be a certain way and give everything else up. This is what the non dual bullshitters on here and teachers are talking about.. but there are absolutely no rules. THIS is not about anything.. it is not about being good. . It is not about being is not about being better than the average Joe that has no idea what the fuck non duality is, is freeeeedom. I feel like the main motivation for many is how they will be special and better than those "ignorant normal folks".. spirituality is merely about being better for most. This gives that need nothing.. and it leaves you with nothing.
  3. It Can occur that there is no longer identification with the seeking. Or Taking it less seriously. That's what kinda happened to me at some point... The frustration and seeking fatigue can suddenly lead to a total surrender to the hopelessness of seeking. Then there is just what is without any attempt to grasp it in any way...a full stop in trying to get somewhere else. What is left is not a state of absolute knowing and omniscience.. what is left is what already is without the seeking energy of trying to change anything. Because What is longed for is not a state. that is what the seeker longs for because it is in it's own dissatisfying dream of this not being it.. what is left is what is truly longed for: this without need of being anything other than what it is.
  4. @Carl-Richard @Epikur I don't care about embracing anything anymore. Im just tired of word games and concepts. I have had depersonalization and used to obsess over those things which made my sense of reality more thickle and slippery. Feeling i have no purpose sucks and ruins your whole life. It is impossible to find the answer yet we are trapped in a constant stream of never ending seeking. Even leo can't stop seeking because he is still in the dream believing he is achieving something serious. what a fuck... Well i guess im alive so only choice is to start living now.
  5. Addicted to cigarettes. No I can't tolerate boredom.
  6. Here's a simple way to look at it.. What is meant is simply that there is no "perceiver" a duality (perception +perceiver)... You can indeed open a skull and see a brain and you can see your own brain (let's assume that's possible) but these are just perceptions supposedly occurring inside the perceiver brain.. You can see a brain as a perception.. But the Assumed perceiver brain can never be perceived because the perceiver can't be an object of perception. The perceiver can't perceive itself. Just like the eye can't see itself and the knife can't cut itself. So to summarize.. There are brains found in perception.. But the brain that's assumed to be perceiving them can't be found. Was never found and will never be found. Because it sits outside of perceptions. There is in fact no "perceiver" aside from perception. If you take a look at direct experience.. You can't find a perceiver. All you find are perceptions. If you manage to name a perceiver..notice that's just another perception. The perceiver "the ego mind" is an optical illusion.
  7. @Carl-Richard I agree with @allislove that life itself with all its forms is "enlightened".. It's all different expressions of the same energy. Every being is enlightened in its own way..because it's inevitable part of the cosmic dance. You seem to have a strict definition of enlightenment that I don't agree with. Enlightenment has nothing to do with "wisdom" or "thoughts".
  8. @Mason Riggle who said I have a problem? I'm saying that I come to a place where I see the hopelessness of desire and to transcend it. But it does have some nihilistic implications that I'd like to put out there.
  9. It's basically the idea that there is Nothing to achieve or nothing that is worth striving for. No matter how much you chase stuff.. You end up right back where you started and you never arrive by achieving your desires. As I said when desire is achieved It actually multiply.. It increases. And you you are left with empty hands always.
  10. Yes but rocks aren't even sentient beings. Animals.. They simply are but they are conscious.
  11. I think yes. It of course depends on what version of enlightenment are we talking about.. Here I'm talking about the simplicity of being without ego agenda and delusion. Humans are so delusional. Animals are lighter.
  12. @Tim R its like I feel existence is so pointless. Even if you become a billionaire there is really nothing that significant waiting for you .. If you have enough food to eat.. What is more money going to do anyways??? What is fucking 3 girls at the bar going to do?? Lol People are busy chasing after things and I'm just more sensitive to realize it's all bullshit. I'm not disturbed per se.. But I feel like being is all that left. And I don't wanna face the emptiness of being.
  13. No I'm pretty much done with all forms of seeking.. I see it clearly as illusion . All seeking and desire is pointless like a hamster in a wheel. Now I'm left with mixed feelings of peace.. Emptiness and boredom.
  14. @LastThursday correlation doesn't equal causation, they say.
  15. @allislove well there is apparent separation.. Nonduality is hidden within duality. I'm speaking from relative perspective.
  16. @allislove were you asking about separation between humans and animals?
  17. @mandyjw wave or particle? Observer? What does that to do with OP?