Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. That explains nothing. Why can't we accept that it's a mystical phenomenon?
  2. Yeah well all that is relative stuff. Can't say for certain whether it happend or not.
  3. @Carl-Richard nice perspective. As I said earlier.. It's both external condition and chemical imbalance.. Who causes the other?? Doesn't matter. At the end you are a slave to this causal chain - - input >output (low quality of life >chemical imbalance >depression). My point still stands valid. man is a biochemical computer and nothing more. Unless you can provide evidence of a soul or a transcendental aspect to him. The Buddha has said that all things are composite and there is no self.. no soul.. no spirit.. no ‘I’.. which seems to agree with my viewpoint. So every part of your body and the environment depends on each other but none has independence or inherent existence. My point is.. There is no self or soul. All that's left is the apparent body and mind. Which are pretty much biological machines and nothing more. Man certainly is a biocompute.. but something more too. About ninety-nine point nine percent of people it can be said that they are only biocomputers and nothing more. Ordinarily one is only the body and the mind..and both are composites. Unless one moves into meditation one cannot find that which is something more.. something transcendental to body and mind.
  4. Why the denial of the mechanical aspect of being human? Everything affects everything else. So if it's gonna be a cause from outside (like external conditions maybe losing your job etc) or internal conditions. (chemical imbalance) It's basically a chain of causality that you are a slave of.
  5. There is only one fear.. Fear of death.
  6. Pain IS suffering. Stop making that silly distinction between the two.
  7. @Gesundheit there is both physical and psychological aspects to suffering. Whatever dude. I disagree.
  8. What is SDS? No. Suffering is physical. Not necessarily. You can be sick and disturbred. This whole happiness /peace is your true nature is BS in my humble opinion.
  9. There has been a lot of Sci-fi movies based on your Hypothesis. But.. even if some aliens created life on earth.. they didn't purposefully create humans. We evolved from much simpler organisms before us (on a large scale comparison). We do not know for sure where from the first genetic material came from. There are theories which states it came from outer space or it came from mars etc. But we have evidence now that supports that evolution is a 'thing' and we humans came after a very looooooooong porcess of evolution from the first formed life. May be we share our DNA with the superior species that you're talking about here, in some way.. but nobody 'created us as humans' and drop us here on earth from outer space. Proof? What else are you?
  10. How do know what we are. The whole of all life is a miracle and a great mystery. So maybe we are part of great alien experiments put here eons ago. Really no one knows how life got here. There are lots of questions but very few answers. Theory of evolution seems to go against that. We actually evolved from more primitive life forms.. Not designed by a higher power. Let aside that Aside from the crystal clear evolutionary evidence it is not possible to build a robot with human behavior or even rat behavior.
  11. Not quite. What exactly distinguished us from machines? Do you think we have a non-physical component?
  12. No. My question is how does being here and now related to happiness? What if the here and now contained suffering?
  13. Beautiful lecture by alan watts.
  14. Ok I don't believe there is a deeper I and a false I. Also I don't believe happiness is available for me 24 /7 as you suggested.. There is time where suffering must take over.. Don't you agree with that?? For example can you be happy while In pain or suffering from a disease?