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Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm wide awake. Hello? @WaveInTheOcean Be respectful and stop projecting nonsense out of your ass. I reported you. This forum is not your dumping ground. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WaveInTheOcean stop spamming my thread with your nonsense. Reread my comments. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm thanks man. @WaveInTheOcean you are a waste of time. To ignore list. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WaveInTheOcean I'm not saying you shouldn't do psychedelics. those experience are real, maybe they are psychosis or whatever, but they are.. life shifting for me and real great energy in the spine.. no matter if you believe me or not, I don't care. I had them without using any substances. don't bother if you don't believe, of course everything looks like a mindfuck, you're a coming from a mindfucking society ( just like me ) When I had my backslash, I was thinking leo gura was send by governement to brainwash me haha ( this kind of shit ) it's just your thought dude, and that's very your thought, not a mindfuck I m sayin to you. Yes people are abusive here, they are all kind of crazy, but that's the whole world who is my friend. Enlightenment is about discovering your true-self and nature. Discovering heart (not physical heart)/ center of your body's natural desire. This is not mean to grant you any life purpose or some profession to make money. What's true-self? It's you without your mind/body.with your body mind. With psychedelicds. Without them. With heart awaken and not awaken and all that BS. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What I'm expressing is pretty simple. Take it or leave it. You seem to also be stuck on chasing psychedelic experiences thinking that some day in the future you will reach a critical point of insight and BOOM.. "enlightenment will happen". Well that's pretty much the biggest obstacle to enlightment as taught in ancient wisdom. Thinking that you need to be somewhere else and cultivate a different state of mind. Cultivation is the selfs/egos best friend. The ending means the ending of continuity/cultivation, progression. That may be why it takes so long. To depend on time. The ego always gets what is wants. To push freedom in time. Pretty groovy dude. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No that's not what I'm missing. That's exactly what I expressed in the post you quoted lol -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Forestluv i should say it makes no difference if you chase enlightenment or if you Beileve that you already enlightened. Stop seeking - keep seeking makes no difference. You can't escape what is. Any action influenced by knowledge/experience/memory is a divided action of the self. A two step process of action. Holisitc insight/action is not split/divided. Either or is still positive/negative action of a self. People may assume that positive (or identifying) actions may reinforce self more than negative (or disidentifying) actions, but both reinforce self. So ultimately it makes no difference to chase or to stop chasing. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's right. chasing /Effort could probably also be referred to as a doing. Any response experience/knowledge/memory(time) to arrive/attain/accomplish a state of contentment/satisfaction/happiness. To seek in time a state of wholeness. Which is what divided action in the first place. That is what sustains the divison between the observer and the observed. This leads to that fragmented incomplete sense of being. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You don't need any of that. all mental sufferings excluding headaches and so on, are all illusions by mind/ego what the F you want to call it. That's it. Read self-help books if you want to resolve your mental sufferings, rather chasing some magical experience, It's better and easier that way. Fuck some ninjas lurking around and telling you stuff "you need to be peaceful" "you need to not get angry"..."you need to blast off on psychedelics and fly to the 10th dimension".. They're just mentally masturbating over you. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Live in the present moment so fully, that you can't chase anything anymore, because there is nothing to chase if you're content and fulfilled by resting as yourself. If you can actually manage to get to that point, then enlightenment is only a matter of time, because the very nature of the illusive sense of self is seeking ... -
I've been having weird ass dreams lately. Over the past few weeks I have been dreaming a lot of nightmares and just whacked out dreams. I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like those bad trips on psychedelics. I see people transforming into animals and other such weird stuff. And I'm like "God why my dreams are so fucking insane like this". And I wake up in terror at the middle of the night and it's hard for me to fall asleep these days due to fear of bad dreams happening again. And it's carried by a lot of toxic skepticism due to my habit of philosophizing everything.. "what if I get stuck in a nightmare"? "what's the difference between my life and a dream".. And this All makes me confused and just not comfortable with it. If you know the kind of dreams I'm talking of.. What caused them and is there a way to reduce them and sleep peacefully?
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
All states are temporary. They come and go. If enlightened was a state.. It would be temporary. And it would not be worth "getting" since you can't get it anyway. Why can't you just awaken right now ? What's stopping you ? Do you think more meditation is necessary ? Do you think you need to clear your mind more ? Do you think you need to activate a specific chakra ? Do you think it's necessary to self inquire for months ? Is it because your teacher told you only a saint can do it.. that it is reserved to an elite ? Is it because you think you need to fix "X" problem first ? Is it because you need that right insight from a specific books ? Bullshit! All of it. Enlightenment is your natural state of being. Everything is already enlightened. All is well. It's the seeking that veils it. Just like thinking that you need money or sex to be happy in life.. The same goes for thinking you need to blast off on psychedelics to be who you already are. It's because we are under the illusion that there is a goal.. the goal is real. In that illusion there is a constant movement away from THIS. . It is a perpetual denying of this just being. The movement away from this makes it appear real and seem like there is something to achieve or get.. in order to achieve fulfillment. The fullfilment is never satisfied permanently.. only through quick fixes.. which actually is the satisfaction of fulfilling/feeding the energy of needing.. for a moment. When this is only real and you deny the unreality that this is too.you are off balance and unsatisfied. You will be chasing your tail forever. -
Someone here replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Beautiful. Only way to happines is to just be. There is really no other way. You can lie to yourself all you want. All the friends in the world.. ncluding meaningful friendships will still make you feel alone. You can fuck all the girls you ever wanted and more. and you will still feel insatisfied. The best intimate relationship you ever had.. with the best partner you ever dreamed of.. will make you question its validity in.. the long run, even if it is "perfect". Being the smartest guy you know, with the deepest and rarest knowledge available in history, will render the world meaningless. You can gather all the wealth you want, acquire everything you want, you will feel hollow. It really doesn't matter what is the thing you think you need, lack, or have too much of it. Whatever you do or aren't doing isn't gonna change all of this. Stop seeking. Just be. Be. Be. -
@Nahm weird. I dream every night multiple dreams
@blankisomeone thanks for the resources man
@Nahm Hmm. Idk as far as I know dreams are intrinsic parts of REM sleep..they must happen.. Although not necessarily that you remember it when you wake up.. Is it possible to have no dreams at all? I don't know. The fear is part of the dream itself.
@WaveInTheOcean Interesting you brought that up. That means none of us are here on our own accord. We were meant to be here. Not "chosen" by an external force.. but by the internal force which led to my inevitable reading of your comment, which led to my inevitable negative reaction, which led to my writing of this post driven by my passion for Truth. We're not plotting the course, we are the course. Not even the universe knows how this is all going to play out, but it does everything it can through the present moment to evolve. Now, I don't know for sure if what I just said is true, but it seems nice.
Someone here replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BipolarGrowth I agree. There is not a personal self experiencing anything, it's just concepts, beliefs, physical sensations floating around. It floats around so seamlessly that it is really convincing that YOU exist, but in reality there is no entity there, it's just a sum of all this that gives you this illusion ...so there is no perception, awareness, or whatever you wanna call it. Thats duality. It's just being -
@WaveInTheOcean Leo is exactly right And he uses the rape example deliberately to convey the point. That none of us deserve praising or bashing. It's all your selfish biasis There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong about rape or a rapist in actuality. Read this again. In the big picture, none of us are doing this. Not the act of seeking, nor the act of surrendering. You are not in control of either one. Its easy to prove if you try to imagine the thought you're going to have in the next 10 seconds. In a sense.. I'm not writing this.. and you are not reading this. It's all being played and it's all karma. Circumstances are infinitely complex and destiny is inevitble. As the awareness watching the movie, we have zero influence over the plot. "You're not doing it, it's doing you" - Alan Watts When you let that sink in you will understand what Leo meant.
It seems like Perfect nothingness. As if nothing ever happened and never existed. It seems like there is no consciousness during deep sleep.. It's not even dark, black or empty.. It's so much nothing that even the concept of nothing isn't it..... What happens exactly during deep sleep? Ramana maharshi used to say 'you are closer to your true nature during deep sleep'. thoughts?
That won't work. Usually what you do in the waking state doesn't carry to dreams. They happen distinct of each others. It's just the thought that "what if I get stuck in a nightmare" that makes me afraid and unable to sleep. And when I wake up something very weird happens...... I see people transferring into animals and then they start attacking me. I wake up afraid. But then I started having the sensation and fear that I would forget how to move my body. Because I don't even know how I'm moving my body. If I don't know, then what if I forget?????
@ll Ontology ll the fear is due to having those dreams in the last two weeks. Now each time I go to bed I'm afraid I'm going to have a shitty dream again. I don't know how to address it.
Someone here replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Reality is not an illusion to the common sense. Or else there is no difference between illusion and reality just like there is no difference phenomenologically between dreams and the waking world. However.. 99.99% of how you interpret the world is illusion. Almost none of what you "think" is real.. Is real. funny part is it takes one second to realize you have never been existed. At it's best.. I like to put it (self) as "a type of electrical flow in the brain.. the error.. the beautiful error.. beautiful fractal -
Someone here replied to Tifecool's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice Reality cannot be encapsulated in words. Or looked upon from only one angle. Rather it's the sum of all points and all possible POVs. Furthermore... paradoxically it is not an it. Language haha The trap of science is confusing the map (atoms) for territory (reality) In my definition.. reality is seen by the mind that does not think— it doesn't think.. it's just awake. Its knowledge is immediateas in knowing whether water tastes cold or not without deliberation. That's what knows. Actually.. it's who knows. Who is that? It's just selfless awareness.. your own mind right now. It's not just that non-discursive mind sees reality— it alone is what is reality. I can say that! When oneself partakes of reality.. then one sees reality. It's not good or bad.. it's just what is.. and you can see it as it really is without discriminatory psychological projections. Or scientific filters. Reality is mystical. It's fundamentally mysterious and unknown. But it's completely direct That there is no gap for knowing. So the nature of reality is …what? Even better.. since reality can actually be seen... not explained. -
Someone here replied to caspex's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Swarnim there is no truth to seek and find. Truth is all there is. It's sort of like a fish seeking the water. You can't seek it because you're in it. Truth comes when you give up on going somewhere.. But you will only have the wisdom to see that after looking everywhere other than nowhere. So go look.. Absolutely everywhere for the truth. And when you're burnt out.. Rest in the now.