Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Agreed. I should say your pov isn't really a pov. It's absolute truth. When you die the world will die with you. This is extremely radical and my ego doesn't want to accept this.
  2. I want firstly to say that This idea of solipsism started haunting me since I was a child.. I always had this feeling from my early childhood.. That I am actually the only "real" one out there and everyone else are just characters in my dream. Zombies.."cardboard cutouts" in my world. However you wanna call it or think of it. Obviously other people exist as objects of perception in my direct experience.. That's undeniable.. I go out.. I see people everywhere. But are these things" subjects"? Do they have internal self-awareness as I do? Is there someone behind their eyes? Is there anybody out there other than me?. The solipsism philosophy doesn't say yes or no to that question contrary to what most people mistakenly misunderstood it.. Solipsism states that one's own mind or subjective experience of the world is the only "certain" thing to exist.. And the existence of other individual minds is "impossible to verify". In other words you are absolutely certain that you are aware right now.. But it's impossible to be certain that I'm aware.. In fact why I'm talking to "you"? .. I should say I am aware and "you" are the unsettled mystery. The problem with solipsism is not whether it's objectivey true or not(is it actually the case that I am the only one out there)..but is that it is absolutely true subjectively regardless of that. You are trapped inside your own subjective experience in any case.. So even though I am aware right now from my pov.. From your pov that doesn't matter and there is no such thing.. There is only your awareness.. There is no such thing as "my awareness" in your awareness.. There is only these words in front of you right now and that's the actualilty of what is.. Anything else is just assumptions you add on top of it.."ofcourse there is someone there writing these words.. They couldn't just write themselves lol".. Really?. In your dream.. The entire dream and all the people inside of it..and their actions.. Are nothing but your creation.. They have no Reality of their own outside your imagination.. The only real thing in the dream underneath all the scattered phenomenon is YOU. To summarize.. Solipsism can't be proven or disproven objectively. Because all you have is your own subjective experience. And this statement righ there (all you have is your subjective experience) means that solipsism is surely correct from your point of view. From your POV there is only ever your point of view and nothing else.
  3. @WaveInTheOcean @Natasha @gettoefl ❤️
  4. now you are playing word games. When you say "the present moment" you are definitely speaking about something specific. Present is NOT past. Moment is NOT two moments. So you are imagining a clear line "OK here's where The past ends and the present moment begins". There is just no such thing Is it a thought? A feeling? A perception? All phenomenon come and go non-stop. So it can't be any of that. Then what is "it"? If you mean the ever-changing ongoing stream of phenomenon itself.. It just can't be pinned down and labeled. Due to it's very fluctuating nature. "present" is impossible ?. Because every appearance is impermanent. It's something you either get or you don't.
  5. "A moment " is a finite object. Seems like a static point. Moment (A) is not moment (B). Stuff is constantly running. When exactly does it stop to create "a moment"? How long does "it" last?
  6. There's actually no present moment since reality is constantly changing. Try to point to the present moment. Try to catch it. It slips. I know it's trippy but let go.
  7. Leo is confused about death. Massive contradictions. Some times he says you will incarnate as Hitler and as everyone and every possible thing. The other day he says death is imaginary you can't die and there is no incarnations. And other times he says you will melt into infinite love forever. I suggest don't listen to Leo's stories and find out for yourself. Unfortunately there is only one way to find out ?
  8. I often get "weirded out" just by The mere fact of me existing or anything existing at any level lol. happens to me everytime. I can't tell if it something good or bad.. but it makes me realize of how unbelievably weird life is and we are. I mean, from the current scientific perspective.. the chances of us getting right here right now are really small. so many coincidences had to occurr From planets colliding, to your grandparents metting. Every single change in every atom's position that ever occurred made this instance of the universe as we see it now I often have this feeling in these moments when I wake up during the night.. been aware of existence and realize how absurd it is. Add the fact that we are just a bunch of meat bags floating around in the middle of this universe that floats around in the middle of nowhere. . Even knowledge, trying to seek truth and you never get the total truth or explanation of the universe only "moments of truth". I don't know, for me feels like it is pretty made up, a joke, like the matrix. Anyone feels weird existing? ?
  9. I like it. That's even more fucked up ? There ain't a liberated "one". ?
  10. By "absurd" I mean bizarre. Weird. Unbelievable. Doesn't make sense. I often get this "what The fuck is going on here" moment. Especially after years of following Leo's work and deconstructing my entire mind. "universal life"? Hmm smells like objectivism to me. Your awareness of a contextualized experience right now is all you can ever know for sure. Beyond that you don't know jack shit and are completely full of shit.
  11. Lol "the brain" IS a collection of sights and touches and textures.. "the brain" IS consciousness.
  12. Yes. It's an infinite fractal. Reality is infinte zoom. You can zoom into a cell until you view it as an entire galaxy. And then you can do the same thing with each molecule. Ad infinitum. Rock bottom is nothing. Which is the same thing as saying there is no rock bottom.
  13. @Tim R I get it. Since we are already here.. The chance must have been 100%. However.. If you look at it from the current scientific model.. Which involves evolution and random mutations etc... You realize how very far-fetched that living intelligent organisms got here without any intelligent designer..only through random chemicals reactions and star dust collaborating we arrived at the human organism. It surely is an odd fact. How could a bunch of random particles colliding give arise to something as intelligent and complex as you or me.
  14. We need stories to back up and explain direct experience. If you try to strip your experience from any conceptual frameworks.. Things Will get even weirder and more mysterious.
  15. @The0Self are you Tony parsons lol?
  16. Is there a point in the future where all of existence will simply vanish and dissolve into nothingness? Or is it just gonna keep going forever creating more forms to infinity? What about my individual experience? Maybe reality has no end as a whole but do I have an end? Will my subjective experience continue endlessly? Or is there an end to me? What is the ultimate fate of all of existence including my personal fate? Where am I gonna end up in? Or is it just gonna keep going forever? ?
  17. Thanks for calling it "assumption". It's just an assumption at the end of the day you just don't know . You can't claim it for certain. Actually.. I have no idea if 'birth' was even real. Notice that your entire past is a thought you are having. Memories are just images in your mind. You see I don't take this stuff for granted. Lol But In any case.. No I don't recall anything around The age of two or three. But that does not mean I wasn't conscious back then. It just means that I don't recall. And that's a different thing. What if I lost all memories of my entire life.. Does that mean I wasn't conscious yesterday just because I can't recall it? Obviously your kids are conscious since the day they were born. They are just not self-conscious. Which means they are not conscious that they are conscious. They haven't developed an ego yet. As I said you are pure consciousness itself. Not the the separate sense of self that develops around the age of three. Hope it's clear for you now.
  18. @snowyowl well it depends of course on how does one die. Suffocating to death doesn't sound like a pleasant experience. Although you can die without any melodrama (like dying while sleeping). But the moment of death..that one final moment is when the levels of fear reach infinity.
  19. Of course there is me. You are just confused about what the 'me' is. The ego mind is just identification with thoughts. But you are consciousness itself. Obviously you are conscious. Otherwise you can't have this conversation. I'm not talking about ego death. That's peanuts compared to physical death. It's actually good that you distinguish between the two. I've had many ego deaths before. The issue here is bigger than realizing there is no separate self inside the organism. I've realized that zillions of times to the point it's no big issue anymore. But the fate of the organism as a whole as long as all of it (all of reality). And back to your earliest comment was about death of organism.. And you didn't die as an organism to tell us (there won't be the slightest remembrance of existence) . To that point i said (you don't know.
  20. What's your definition of consciousness? How can there be consciousness without an observer?
  21. Right... Now you are talking an alien language that doesn't correspond to direct experience. In fact if any.. It's YOU who is imagining God imagining stuff.. not the other way around.