Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Why people are so fucking arrogant they fly into the sky with their noes?.. Who do we think we are? Why 90 % of people are so fucking arrogant, ignorant and delusional?
  2. Curious what you mean exactly by "Infinity"
  3. The idea of it being hollow - undefined. Being is just "it" - it's not nothing or everything, it just fucking "is"'s outside of language and everything else.
  4. @WaveInTheOcean love ya too. Perhaps I'm the delusional one. I don't claim to be free from these qualities. There's some truth to that.
  5. @WaveInTheOcean I can tell you are feeling nice. Keep Goin. Good luck
  6. How do you know? So basically everyone acts in an opposite way of his internal original personality (let's call it that). @allislove thanks man. Will check it out. @dflores321 Yeah just felt like getting it off my chest.
  7. isn't it so? Yes or no? the point is why are we so full of ourselves? If we examine our being.. There is so much weakness and blind spots.. So much ignorance.. That I don't get.. . What's the hipe? Alright it's clearly clear that I was triggered from an asshole in uni today... But whatever lol
  8. Myself included. I don't claim to be free from these qualities. The problem is I don't see enough justifications to be that way. I guess.
  9. Insecurity is the opposite quality of arrogance. Imo.. There seems to be more justifications for being insecure as a human being than being arrogant. What's the source of arrogance? Can't be the same source of insecurities.
  10. Because Buddhism is a religion. Just like all other religions. It's full of dogma and beliefs that aren't necessarily true. Duh
  11. I think the only way to know is after you're actually dead. Anything else will be mere speculation.
  12. Leo posted something few minutes ago.. I first thought I would ask him questions.. But suddenly it hit me....... I realized that all forms of contemplation and philosophical inquiry never leads anywhere. All questions are pointless and all questioning is futile. No matter what the subject is.. You can keep poking holes in the answers and come up with endless questions and objections and it never leads anywhere. At least for me. Accepting radical and total not knowing.
  13. It's because we are under the illusion that there is a goal.. the goal is real. In that illusion there is a constant movement away from THIS. . It is a perpetual denying of this just being. The movement away from this makes it appear real and seem like there is something to achieve or get.. in order to achieve fulfillment. The fullfilment is never satisfied permanently.. only through quick fixes.. which actually is the satisfaction of fulfilling/feeding the energy of needing.. for a moment. When this is only real and you deny the unreality that this is are off balance and unsatisfied. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet of pointlessness and accept that there is nothing to do and nowhere to go.
  14. Agreed..i say it could be a mix of both. And I'm so much leaning towards that, actually. Maybe I should create a label for this state of consciousness and call it mine lol. Notice that everything seems correct from each pov. It seems absolutely true that reality is external and objective, all evidence points towards that. And at the same time, all of that seems to be couched within you/consciousness. Notice that you can never debunk either of those thoughts no matter how you try. You can never debunk materialism, neither will you ever debunk idealism. But you do have some good points regarding solipsism. Which always makes me re-think the whole thing
  15. @Superfluo they can be useful for sure. But past a certain point.. It becomes toxic and really it doesn't lead anywhere.
  16. @Leo Gura how many times do we have to have The conversation of solipsism vs the external world? And I'm still clueless in that regard.. If there was a definitive answer.. surely we could stop having the same conversation over and over again. What if I just give up and accept that I don't know? Isn't not knowing closer to truth?
  17. @Breakingthewall there is no goal. None whatsoever. Be as you are.
  18. Breathing can be voluntary or involuntary.
  19. Expressing my thoughts. No I don't feel "purposelessness" is negative. It's quite a freeing thing to realize. But you have to first pass that initial negative perspective. @Nahm nice. I like your philosophy. (can't BS you ?)
  20. It's called masturbation
  21. Yes it does. No it doesn't. No it does. Yes it doesn't.