Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. in my experience the border between sanity and insanity is crossed when I lose the ability to discern what is true and what Is false. Insanity is nothing but deviation from consensus about the way "objective reality" is. If someone says "the earth is flat" he goes against that consensus. Crazy. If someone says "I can talk to dead people" he deviates from that consensus. Nuthead... If someone says "I'm God and so are you" he acts subversively towards "objective reality". Crucify him etc...
  2. Lol . Dogs in India have 10 inches dicks and fuck each others mercilessly. On the street. I go for kittens. The cutest creatures ever.
  3. Totally agree. This is actually incredibly fucking profound.
  4. @Keryo Koffa why are you asking me ? Check your direct experience. What is "death " found to be in direct experience? A belief. I agree with @Ishanga There is no escaping karma.. even in death. This is why there are conflicting reports of near death experiences for example. Tales of heaven & hell etc. It’s believed to be objective and experienced while in fact it’s all relative and none of you guys know what you are talking about (even Leo has admitted lol).
  5. @emil1234 isn't it ? Isn't it so ? Yes or no ?
  6. Because this forum is addictive. Boy I'm trying to quit since a year and I can't.
  7. Porn is obviously runned by satanic forces. But I love it .
  8. Obviously not. Don't overblow yourself that much . I just know that you generally dont like me so I'm surprised.
  9. @NoSelfSelf lol. Oh you're commenting on a thread of mine. I honestly thought you have put on me on ignore /block .
  10. I get it . You claim that The ultimate level of spirituality as far as you have reached is alien love . But there is always more levels .. and those levels cannot lead us “to the end”. Because there is no end . So nobody on the entire planet have a clue about alien consciousness but you .it should follow that you have "enough consciousness " to prove it since you are the one claiming that . Is it that you struggle to find the words ? perhaps it needs a shift in perception. Because to me unless you give detailed demonstrated explanation of this alien thingy then you are just making it up (no offence at all intended)
  11. 🤔Strange answer. Then who does ? You are the one claiming to access these alien states..and claiming that your savvy is beyond those so called enlightened people who don’t have enough consciousness of what you are saying.
  12. OK. Getting excited for that one .Will purchase it if the free samples were captivating for my attention. Good move in putting the most advanced teachings behind a pay wall. But just a note that I remember you saying a while ago that you will will do an alien demo on YouTube. Whatever happened to to that?
  13. @Leo Gura why don't you just make a video explaining that alien stuff ? Why are you just talking vaguely about it on the forum?
  14. No sorry 😂. I'd rather get adrenaline high from running or swimming.
  15. Thanks I have read that book actually. And that reference that I mentioned (about discovering meditativeness via sex) is actually from that very book you've mentioned . There is also nothing in this physical world that feels better than sex . If you're talking about pleasure or ecstasy ..then sex produces the highest rate of dopamine in the brain more than any other activity like eating a delicious meal or socializing or entertainment etc Meditation during sex is sex on steroids. You can either use sex to reach heaven or hell . Your choice . God bless ya 🙏
  16. Well..then you are having lame ass weak ass orgasms . If you have mind blowing earth shattering orgasms you will be dead mentally. And yes can achieve it via other mediums .not just sex. Like smoking Marlboro Gold at midnight while looking up to the moon .
  17. I know most of you creeps will choose sex haha 😂..but I don't particularly mean the most pleasurable experience in life in the eyes of a hedonistic person. So obviously don't mention Heroin high or Alcohol etc I mean more in aesthetic sense. For me personally it's the full moon and night sky . I love riding my bicycle late at night or looking through my window and gaze at the moon and stars while listening to Beethoven or other classic musicians while smoking a cigarette. It's a heavenly experience. What about you?