Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I didn't watch this video yet. Can someone make a summary of it?
  2. @gettoefl beautiful. I love osho. You spoke earlier about karma and reincarnation.. What evidence do you have of reincarnation?
  3. So what do you mean by "awareness"? Isn't it a byproduct of brain activity and being alive? So when the body drops dead.. Awareness will go with it?
  4. I don't understand your point
  5. @RMQualtrough awareness will remain without content to be aware of?
  6. I only remember until about age 5 yo. I have no memory of anything before that. And I certainly don't remember what I was before birth. But I like to think of it as similar to the deep sleep state.
  7. No I won't get it because it contradicts direct experience. These things you are denying are real. There is apparently birth and death and life between the two.
  8. And how do you know that? You didn't die yet.
  9. @James12345 I'm speaking about physical death. Death of the body. Do you know what I mean?
  10. No relatively speaking. The "me" I was yesterday didn't die. And it will not die until the person you are at the moment of death. At least that's how we like to view it. In conclusion.. Are you saying "Once you're dead that's it. So make the most of your life while you've got it."
  11. But this assumes that after death there is nothing. What if consciousness continues after death In some different form?
  12. @Adamq8 So then what happens exactly when you apparently "die" and cease to be the human you're currently are? I think 'present awareness' is what the sense of being a Self amounts to, moment by moment. And as that correlates with brain activity, it's hard for me to believe it continues after brain death. The Big Sleep, dreamless, and no alarm clock. But we don't understand consciousness, so you never know.
  13. That which does the trees, the grass, the birds and bees, the flowers and everything else that lives and breathes and moves is the same one doing you. This sense of non-doer makes me feel limited and stuck without control. Is there other dimensions less dense than this one? And why are we specifically stuck in this material world? Having a material limited body seems like a burden.. If our true nature is unlimited.. Why do we find ourselves stuck in these limited bodies and limited world? Anyone else feels like this world is so limited and limiting?
  14. Not sure if this is a good news or bad news.
  15. You seem to have two eyes and one mouth like the rest of us.. Do you have to eat and use the rest room every day as well? Seems pretty limited IMO.
  16. No one can give you worth except yourself. The solution is to love yourself unconditionally. Let go of pleasing people. You will never be perfect in the eyes or everyone.
  17. We=physical body. In this context. You can't deny that your body is limited.
  18. I never reached such state. Is the universe unlimited? By that I mean does it stretch endlessly in all directions? But it's still limited in that it's a certain way.
  19. Okay it's your duty to erase the confusion on this topic and explain how does nonduality fit with solipsism because apparently there is a lot of confusion going on recently. So that when someone ask about it you can just reference to him the video lol. I would be very interested in hearing your take on this in a detailed video.. Leo.
  20. The whole cannot be known by it's parts... yet the parts are known by the whole. Science always relies on Proofs. How to go about proving the above facts? A part can never comprehend the whole, it is impossible because A part, is never apart from the whole. It's something like, you can never lift your own self (Whole) using your own hands (Parts). Godel's Incompleteness Theorem is perfectly applicable in this case. Anything said or spoken or written will always remain partial and limited. As Consciousness is Limitless for our present configuration and dimension, it may remain beyond our comprehension and understanding FOR EVER, AND FOR EVER. There is no QUESTION about YOU. There is NO WAY to question the condition about BEING. YOU already are the unconditional pre-existing condition FOR A QUESTION TO EMERGE. So, you are already the ANSWER. You are the Imagination of yourself. To Dream or Imagine ....'IT' has to be Intelligent. Consciousness may be the cosmic Intelligence, the sole creator of everything in it's Realm.
  21. What is it which we measure with a clock ? ?