Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Obviously you don't know what death is because you didn't die yet.
  2. @Surfingthewave autism? You mean the disorder? No I don't have it. Just anxiety and depression.
  3. NOTICE That you can't distinguish illusion from reality
  4. In our everyday awake state of consciousness.. the body is perceived as made of separate organic “stuff”.. and seems to has a clear boundary between itself and the surrounding space. But in reality “stuff” can not exist. no mathematicallly precise boundary is possible between any object and its surrounding. With psychedelicds.. In some altered state of consciousness the solidness of the body can dissolve and the skin boundary can seem to disappear. You may call such altered state of consciousness abnormal or even delusional. But paradoxically it's such abnormal perceptions that more closely mirror the true nature of reality. Is Our so-called normal perception of a material world populated by material bodies more like a functionally adaptive chronically sustained delusion?
  5. This question comes up time & again: If there’s only One Thing (non-duality) how do you explain all the apparent ‘many things’ we see manifested? Our bodies? The hard solid ground? The water we can see.. feel and drink? The atoms.. quarks and other particles of apparently ‘real’ matter that make up water.. earth and bodies? (Apparently, indeed. Science has already confirmed all atoms are 99% space.. less than 1% “matter.”) Unfortunately.. You are asking for a mind-based.. mind-understandable answer.. and insisting ([“non-objective] answers won’t help”) on limiting the answer to something the dual.. subject/object-based mind can comprehend. “If there’s only One Thing, which means all body-minds are illusions or projections.. could you please explain what that illusory body-mind is…to my illusory body mind:-) See the problem? It’s like a person’s shadow. Can a shadow explain what’s casting it.. or jump up and become the person casting it? Your right eye is a non-duality. You only have one right eye. It cannot see itself as a non-duality. That would take a second eye sitting outside the first eye, looking back at it…and then you’d be back to duality. Within your nighttime dream.. you always think you are your body and your body is real. When a dream car swerves towards you.. your dream body jumps out of the way to avoid getting hurt. Your dream is created by just One Thing. Your mind. No one else’s. So it’s just One Thing, creating all these many things. Real things, or at least.. you’re quite certain their real” while you’re dreaming. But then you wake up.. and you see they were just projections from your One Thing. Your waking dream is no different. “It just seems to be more continuous and last longer,” as Ramana Maharshi said, “but a dream projection, nonetheless.” At the Absolute level.. it’s obvious there is only One Thing.. or more accurately, NoThing. The Unmanifest. The Void. In enlightenment, or what you call ‘transcendence,’ we can get a fragrance of that. But we can only be The Absolute.. Not know it. because The Absolute can not know Itself. That would take two.. right - The Absolute and a separate “knower.” Then it wouldn’t be The Absolute anymore.. it would be a duality. So what can we do? We can know that the One Non-Dual Thing is ‘in the background’ behind all duality, projecting itself through The Everything.. including our bodies.
  6. will try to put this as simple as possible. This question comes up time & again: If there’s only One Thing (non-duality) how do you explain all the apparent ‘many things’ we see manifested? Our bodies? The hard solid ground? The water we can see.. feel and drink? The atoms.. quarks and other particles of apparently ‘real’ matter that make up water.. earth and bodies? (Apparently, indeed. Science has already confirmed all atoms are 99% space.. less than 1% “matter.”) Unfortunately.. You are asking for a mind-based.. mind-understandable answer.. and insisting ([“non-objective] answers won’t help”) on limiting the answer to something the dual.. subject/object-based mind can comprehend. “If there’s only One Thing, which means all body-minds are illusions or projections.. could you please explain what that illusory body-mind is…to my illusory body mind:-) See the problem? It’s like a person’s shadow. Can a shadow explain what’s casting it.. or jump up and become the person casting it? Your right eye is a non-duality. You only have one right eye. It cannot see itself as a non-duality. That would take a second eye sitting outside the first eye, looking back at it…and then you’d be back to duality. Within your nighttime dream.. you always think you are your body and your body is real. When a dream car swerves towards you.. your dream body jumps out of the way to avoid getting hurt. Your dream is created by just One Thing. Your mind. No one else’s. So it’s just One Thing, creating all these many things. Real things, or at least.. you’re quite certain their real” while you’re dreaming. But then you wake up.. and you see they were just projections from your One Thing. Your waking dream is no different. “It just seems to be more continuous and last longer,” as Ramana Maharshi said, “but a dream projection, nonetheless.” At the Absolute level.. it’s obvious there is only One Thing.. or more accurately, NoThing. The Unmanifest. The Void. In enlightenment, or what you call ‘transcendence,’ we can get a fragrance of that. But we can only be The Absolute.. Not know it. because The Absolute can not know Itself. That would take two.. right - The Absolute and a separate “knower.” Then it wouldn’t be The Absolute anymore.. it would be a duality. So what can we do? We can know that the One Non-Dual Thing is ‘in the background’ behind all duality, projecting itself through The Everything.. including our bodies.
  7. Have you started seeing the futility of this grand, bottomless project of trying to make yourself happy and secured? Has it worked? Are you completely at ease, bliss, secured, without fear and anxiety? If not, what's the percentage of progress you made in this grand project over your 10-20-30-40-50 years of lifetime? Do you see the impossibility of this game which is rigged against you? Why do you even try? Why do you still believe you can make yourself happy, secured, fulfilled permanently? Why not simply acknowledge and accept the utter fragility of yourself? Happiness and wellbeing is NOT something you deserve. When did you buy into this bullshit story? Have you lost your mind? Just look at you! If you were a Greek god with a lifetime of 10 billion years, who knows no physical or mental exhaustion, who possesses immense prowess and can survive even a planetary destruction; it would be rational to claim that such a being has legit high chance of deserving and claiming happiness, well being and permanent security. On the other hand look at you! How fragile and vulnerable you are! It takes a zillion things in proper place in your environment and psycholology to make a moment of respite for you while a minor little thing like a virus, temperature, gravity, accident, discomforting thought, tough emotion can legit screw you over. It takes like 15-20 years of healthy childhood, education and environment to have a decent, high esteemed self, while only one traumatic event or imagination can plant a deep imprint in you and screw you over badly for life! Can you simply let go and accept your vulnerability? Can you let go of this impossible project and assumption that you can actually secure yourself? Can you totally accept your fate for having pain, grief, fear, depression as your usual and natural condition and simply stop trying to make it otherwise? Just look at you trying so hard to build and maintain your sand castles in midst of a gigantic Tsunami. See how easy it is to disturb you and your fickle boundaries.. What happens if you simply give up on chasing this impossible dream? You are already bound to be screwed, right? How worse can it be? Maybe a new dimension will open up if you simply give up and accept your fate?
  8. @The0Self I understand where your coming from. So many things happened to me recently . I realized for the first time that I am infinite and full of joy. The rest of the world to me is a theme-park (perfect organized but utterly soul-less point-less). But it's hard to maintain that causeless joy all the time. For every up there is a down. For every high there is a low.
  9. LOL. You only care about happiness. You don't care about anything else. Entirely
  10. @Preety_India it's worth trolling according to the troll. So if you suspect that your posts might attract trolls.. Better not to post them. That is if you care about not being trolled too often.
  11. @Preety_India Why are you so angsty? Relax a little bit and stop taking this fucking forum too seriously. Did I say something offensive to you? I didn't say people deserve to be trolled. I said some people are troll magnets. And there is not much to do about it.. Like bitching and moaning all day about it. Just report them and leave them to the mods. That's all you can do about them anyways.
  12. There is not much to say or to do about trolls. Trolls are trolls. They seek attention and conflict. You simply ignore them and report their posts and move on. But a good question is why do they troll specific people. Some people just attract them because their behavior might be worth trolling.
  13. I ask this because I'm trying to quit smoking. And noticed myself craving the nicotine high. But now that I'm Trying to stop..i'm looking for health alternatives I guess I'm looking for a healthy way to get high.
  14. I never was hard-core religious. My family are Hindus and I used to pray to God when I was a little kid up until 20s when I discovered atheism and nonduality etc. If God is not separate from me.. Then to whom should I pray? Religious people pray to God under the assumption that God is separated from them. Believing in a higher power that can take care of you helps you avoid existential despair and it actually gives you sense of satisfaction. As some studies show that religious people tend to be more happy than atheists. But if I am God.. I can't pray to myself. Then how do I substitute prayer and get the relief associated with the practice?
  15. Some say in modern times there is a war every 50 years. Napoleonic in first decade of the 1800s; Europe-wide rebelliions and blood clashes between the ruling classes and the oppressors in 1848; The Great War in 1914; the even greater war, 1939. We are a few years overdue. But the political arena is ripening. Resources are becoming scarcer. Weapons, more and more dangerous. The world has two weeks worth of food supplies stored, according to Andy Turnbull. This has bee the case for a decade now. What if there is a large quasi-worldwide crop failure? War. What if the American dollar collapses? Because of large amounts of it being in China, and it is potentially worthless, as there is nothing to buy from America but cars and real estate, and weapons. But china makes its own weapons and cars, and it buys real estate in Africa, where it's much cheaper. What if there is a nutty dictator that gets hold of the atom secret? Like Orban Victor or Ngaba Sulimbe.
  16. Love that bro.. Fucking shivers across my spine.
  17. @Tim R I completely agree with you. Seems like you didn't read more than that one sentence ?
  18. Physical and not physical are both concepts. Reality is neither physical nor non physical.