Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. That's thanks to infinite intelligence. Be careful what you wish for son . What if you dreamed of a "anything goes " dreamworld and manifested a scenario being burned at the stake or hell and you get to be tortured ...........I won't continue. You can learn lucid dreaming . Do a reality check so fucking often during the day .that way you increase the chance of doing it during your nocturnal dreams . And of course in the dream the reality check will reveal a glitch in the matrix and you will become conscious that its a dream ..but don't get too excited or you gonna wake up in a glimpse ...then go ahead..create big Breasted women and pineapple trees ..and enjoy .
  2. @Carl-Richard you are also such one nerdy intelligent motherf****r. I deeply admire you . But hey ..this dude (you know who I'm talking about ) will erase the carpet from underneath our feet and leave us free-falling forever ..and in no time ..his memes and comedy commercials ..and his long ass jargony posts already done a huge swirl in the forum ..better come up with creative ideas to take back our position in the Royal family .🤣
  3. Oh my bad ..I actually meant Dots this ...and this ..and this .. BTW I glossed over your post in my techno-geek thread because you blew my brains away a good way ..I think being 23 yo and all that delicate with how you tackle multiplicity of difficult topics is very impressive. I can't compete with glad we have people like you in here .yeah .
  4. I just like to use dash instead of comma. Not laziness..just creating a style or a footprint out of my posts. I hope I don't get warning for that .I've been doing it for 4+ years now so I don't think Leo would mind it more 😂.
  5. I don't follow. What does "infinite loneliness " got to do with interior satisfaction? If you ask me ..that sucks ass to be alone . Do you enjoy the feeling of being alone ? I mean to a certain degree its fine .and to a certain extent. But like everything eise ..too much of it will kill ya .Imagine you woke up one day and found yourself the only human being on the planet ..what would be your feelings? For some it would be heaven..for some it would be hell .
  6. @Michael569 I don’t think it should be debated endlessly. Some foods are just good for testosterone like Onion and eggs etc Some foods are good for Estrogen like Soy. I've read a gazillion study online that affirm this . Not really a topic of endless back and forth splitting hairs .
  7. I enjoy maths. I like solving Algebra equations. It gives me serotonin spike . But I would like to practice it as a hobby .not an obligation. Why ? I've actually had enough of cracking my head over this dilemma..the truth is we don't know for certain the actual relationship between the brain and consciousness. Because if you ask any biologist or doctor in neurology he will tell you consciousness rises from neuronal activity. But at the same time this is just a story that consciousness is conscious of . So it's a two sided road. A strangeloop. Brain causes consciousness. Consciousness is conscious of brain
  8. Its like saying you actually need sleeping pills to fall asleep. You do if you have insomnia or panic attacks or recurring nightmares etc Falling asleep happens naturally by dropping resistance and just basking in full relaxation. No pills (Sadhana) is required.
  9. Dude did you read what I said ? Nobody said nothing about going to the pub or drugging your ass ( although you guys love the taste of 5 Meo up your assess). I said Sadhguru teaches relative knowledge..stuff like chackras for instance ..which is just new agey hindu nonsense. If you follow Sadhguru he is going to make you subscribe to belief systems and that's 180 degree the opposite of enlightenment. Its antithetical. To awaken you must kill yourself mentally. Completely surrender. Not intellectualize about hippy spirituality bullshit.
  10. I actually agree with @Breakingthewall. I never was able to swallow the nonsense hippy spirituality of Sadhguru. If you want to seriously awaken..or to attain freedom you must negate your mind . Sadhguru teaches stuff that adds mental backage to your mind .it's basically relative knowledge. I'm not saying it's valid or invalid .I'm saying it's accumulation of relative knowledge. To attain nirvana or liberation you must destroy your mind not add to it . Because of that you should listen to people like Robert Adams or Jim Newman.
  11. @Javfly33 I didn't make it myself. I found it online. I'm just now seeing the thread so I don't get yet what's the fuzz is about. Like you said before "this forum sometimes kills me ".
  12. Thank you . Yes I want both technical and historical perspective. I obviously studied science and physics In school . But ever since I left high school I avoided anything related to math and science because I hated these subjects. I would actually get nightmares about mathematics before my exams lol. That's why .
  13. No I actually meant the opposite. That you are very intelligent. Why are you insecure lol 😂?
  14. Thanks Carl . Does he have any free ebook about the hard proplem of consciousness and materialisim? You say he is an idealist but I don't quite remember where did he say that consciousness is epiphenomenon from neurology. He is a brilliant guy brw .
  15. Yes of course. It was accumulation of knowledge throughout centuries. But it has gone exponential in the last two centuries . Hoe do you explain that ? Air planes were discovered in the 18th century. And now we have chat gpt do you explain this ?
  16. No thanks . What a burden. I'd need to inspect every single thing I say .
  17. Could not agree more .I don’t see at all how is this guy a mod .
  18. @Reciprocality look..whatever is true is true .do you agree ? Whatever it is what reality is is whatever it is ? Does that make sense ? Agree ? So When you ask what a specific object is..what you are really trying to do is you are trying to define it in terms of "something else " ..but realize that there are nothing else . Sensory direct experience is rock is what It is . That's really all we can say. Nobody can say more because it's RIDICULOUSLY direct
  19. What's Bernardo's qualification in metaphysical stuff ? I saw him appearing on so many podcasts that discussed consciousness and mysticism..if he is professional in computer science he must be a materialist...why are you so in love with him after all ?😁 Anyways..I think it's only a matter of time before we create conscious AIs really think there are limits or restrictions upon whats possible within the next couple of centuries in terms of technological advancement? @Princess Arabia can you answer this ?
  20. @Princess Arabia what's your IQ?
  21. Cut your dick off . Proplem solved . <don't do it I'm just joking >