Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Tim R what's your argument? Why can't an AI develop consciousness?
  2. consciousness is nothing more than a vast collection of inputs and outputs, we are manifestations of our environments a computer can be conscious of course, if it has enough power
  3. Well, in my humble opinion, I do not foresee computers or machinery to gain their own consciousness. Technology is ultimately created and deliberately programmed by us - mankind, there are limitations in computers of course. They will never be violatile or unpredictable like human nature. They will just accord to the programmed pathways to react.
  4. Quantum computers are just as schizophrenic as our minds are. With some proper modeling and "raising" them to recognize commonality in anomolies that occur by comparison to past stored memory data, then there may be a possibility that these types of computers could take on human stylistic consciousness which believes it thinks independently and can know what it doesn't
  5. @Breakingthewall you can have consciousness without a sense of self. But you cannot have a sense of self without consciousness.
  6. @LastThursday @Nahm Some people have honestly debated whether computers have souls, but I don't think this can be possible. A computer is a machine that is constructed from all sorts of hardware, and it is certainly an amazing invention, but I don't think it has the capacity to think and feel the way a human does. It is, after all, a product of technology, and therefore, it cannot reason and feel like a human being does. That's not to say that computers can't accomplish great things. Like I said before, it is a marvelous invention, but it is an impersonal one. It spits out information, but not does not care about how we respond to that information.
  7. I do not know. Maybe simply ask it if it's conscious. Idk how do you know that anyone is conscious?
  8. That's an interesting question. I think the answer is having Internal inner subjective experience like seeing and hearing etc what's called qualia.
  9. It dissappear in sleep. But what about the waking state..? Are you denying the universe that we all can see and feel? Also how exactly is thoughts creates reality?
  10. Tips for overcoming suffering. From personal experiences and understanding at this point in time. From learning Buddhism and just following the spiritual path for a quite a while. Just wanted to share few concepts. If you can apply them in your can save yourself a lot of otherwise "free" and unnecessary suffering. Drop your expectations. Of yourself and of the world. Stop thinking that the world is other then the way it should be. Remove this "should" from your vocabulary. It doesn't make any logical or illogical sense. The world is always exactly as it "should" be. Because it's unfolding from the start. Not a single atom moves randomly. It's all planned out. Like a script or a movie. Drop all your expectations. All of them. Strive to be okay with whatever is going on. Notice that whatever is happening is exactly what should happen. Stop resisting life. And the easiest way to embody is to quickly become conscious that everything is predestined. When you raise your hands and scratch your head.. That's predetermined. So is everything. So what are you complaining about? You are not free because you aren't separate . you don't exist as an entity in and of itself disconnected from environment. Let go of this nonsense that you are in control. You have absolutely zero control over your life(as a little ego) . The more you become conscious of that more suffering free you will become. You don't control jack shit. You don't control your thoughts.. your actions.. your breath your heart beat.. Your digestion. It's all been done for you. You don't even exist the way you think you are. . You don't control other people or other objects. The sun the moon the solar system the weather etc basically the whole universe including so called your body. It's one seamless inevitable flow Just let it flow. Get out of gods way ffs. Don't seek happiness. See the more you seek the more you reinforce the illusion that something is lacking. What could be lacking in wholeness? What is lacking in perfection? Yet you always believe that something is wrong somewhere. Why you do that? Because that's what motivates you to take action. To accomplish. But it has been my experience as well as your experience that nothing can make you truly happy. No attainment.. no accomplishment, no goal.. no matter how many hoops you jump through.. no matter how well you do in the rat race.. no mater what great product you buy.. or how shiny it is.. or how much better then the neighbor’s it is.. nothing’s going to fix that sense of inadequacy. Cause that sense of not being good enough, cannot be fixed by anything… I won’t even say anything ‘out there’.. I’ll just say any thing. It’s not a thing that’s being wanted; it’s not a thing that’s needed. It’s not a thing that can make you feel adequate.. good enough.. give you worth. Because this sense of worthlessness.. this idea that you are a me that’s not good enough… is not true. So since this lie is a lie.. you can’t solve it. The lie will persist. Nothing can bring down a lie because it can keep lying. It’s not reality. So you can stick something in the hole.. but the hole itself is not really there; it’s a lie. And the only way to be free of being the slave of this lie.. and having your entire life standing for jumping through hoops to try to sooth this sense of inadequacy.. the only way out of this rat race, is to stop telling the lie.. and admit the truth. That this person, this me, who doesn’t compare, who is not as good as he or she should be, is just an idea… is not even who you are… doesn’t even exist in reality.
  11. I find within myself tons upon tons of metaphysical questions about reality and god and death and stuff from this ilk.. What should I do? Especially that some of them seem unanswerable to me. Should I let go of the need to know or follow through every question until I find satisfying answers.
  12. Interesting discussion.
  13. So I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening. As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry. The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world. The body is seen as the world.. Not me. A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present. At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done. But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it. None of it is in my control. This point about control is very important.. Because it leads to the discovery that you are not who you think you are. You think you are separate entity. You are a specific thing. You think you are the doer. You're not. When thoughts arise.. You are not thinking them. When the body moves internally or externally.. You are not moving it. You have as much control over your body as you have over my body.. Zero. If you raise your hand.. You are not doing It. This is important because that means you are not the body.. And you are not the seperate self who is in control. So what are you?
  14. @Adamq8 no worries. I'm not falling into victim mindset. I'm taking full responsibility and I'm actually making progress and Improvementson my anxiety and addiction. Thank you ?
  15. @Leo Gura there is no self tho. Its an important facet of Awakening. I'm not saying I'm fully awake. Because obviously there are other facets that I need to realize. But I'm satisfied with where I am at now because I am battling addiction and anxiety. This realization helps me understand the problem with discipline. What's the problem with discipline?? Short answer.. Because there is no one who can be disciplined or not disciplined. That's the root cause for all our failures to be disciplined in life. Who is being disciplined or lazy?? No one. If there is a center of your being "ego" who is the creator or source of thoughts and actions.. You won't have a single problem with being disciplined in life.. Why would you? If you are the source of everything you do and think.. There is no possibility of failing at losing weight or kicking any bad habit. But since it's not "you" who is creating your thoughts and actions.. The results are always random as random as these thoughts and actions.
  16. What is the root cause of boredom? And why do we experience it?
  17. @Judy2 There is a huge peace that comes with discovering that you are not in control. These days I'm walking around with a constant mild smile in my face.. Observing the show and completely seeing it for what it is.
  18. But there is indeed something wrong with him.. Doesn't he admit that or in denial about it?
  19. Maybe take him to a psychiatrist.