Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I find within myself tons upon tons of metaphysical questions about reality and god and death and stuff from this ilk.. What should I do? Especially that some of them seem unanswerable to me. Should I let go of the need to know or follow through every question until I find satisfying answers.
  2. Interesting discussion.
  3. So I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening. As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry. The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world. The body is seen as the world.. Not me. A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present. At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done. But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it. None of it is in my control. This point about control is very important.. Because it leads to the discovery that you are not who you think you are. You think you are separate entity. You are a specific thing. You think you are the doer. You're not. When thoughts arise.. You are not thinking them. When the body moves internally or externally.. You are not moving it. You have as much control over your body as you have over my body.. Zero. If you raise your hand.. You are not doing It. This is important because that means you are not the body.. And you are not the seperate self who is in control. So what are you?
  4. @Adamq8 no worries. I'm not falling into victim mindset. I'm taking full responsibility and I'm actually making progress and Improvementson my anxiety and addiction. Thank you ?
  5. @Leo Gura there is no self tho. Its an important facet of Awakening. I'm not saying I'm fully awake. Because obviously there are other facets that I need to realize. But I'm satisfied with where I am at now because I am battling addiction and anxiety. This realization helps me understand the problem with discipline. What's the problem with discipline?? Short answer.. Because there is no one who can be disciplined or not disciplined. That's the root cause for all our failures to be disciplined in life. Who is being disciplined or lazy?? No one. If there is a center of your being "ego" who is the creator or source of thoughts and actions.. You won't have a single problem with being disciplined in life.. Why would you? If you are the source of everything you do and think.. There is no possibility of failing at losing weight or kicking any bad habit. But since it's not "you" who is creating your thoughts and actions.. The results are always random as random as these thoughts and actions.
  6. What is the root cause of boredom? And why do we experience it?
  7. @Judy2 There is a huge peace that comes with discovering that you are not in control. These days I'm walking around with a constant mild smile in my face.. Observing the show and completely seeing it for what it is.
  8. But there is indeed something wrong with him.. Doesn't he admit that or in denial about it?
  9. Maybe take him to a psychiatrist.
  10. The most thing that annoyed me about islam is that almost 60% of the Quran is talking about the hell fire wherein the unbelievers will be burned for eternity.
  11. I hope things are going well soon. I take antidepressants as well.
  12. Last night I had a dream that a lion was chasing after me. It was very vivid. More vivid than "real life". I made several threads in the past about this topic of dreams but I still don't understand how dreams work. How are they even possible. And life is not less weird than dreams.. That's mindwarping. When we die are we aware of being in the void? Then we all just born into the world as something and then we forget where we come from? I always wondered where we came from. It just seems so strange that all of sudden we're all just here. Almost like we all just spawned out of nowhere. We all are just born from nowhere and then we live 80 years and then dissapear. It's so mysterious
  13. Interesting. So both the waking state and the dream state are dreams?
  14. @puporing I'm Interested in understanding dreams metaphysically not psychologically.
  15. @Khan 0 what's your opinion on dreams?
  16. Silence is the highest teaching.. They say.
  17. OI'm not. I'm simply stating a fact. Happiness is our real nature. All enlightened teachers say that. Maybe do the work to realize that. Do you meditate?
  18. @Blackhawk don't project your negativity onto ohers. Just because you are miserable in life doesn't mean everyone should or are miserable as well.
  19. In your opinion.. What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person?
  20. True happiness is effortless. It's our real nature.