Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Vincent S you're welcome. Glad you found it helpful.
  2. Please stop trolling. I'm being serious. I had a massive awakening and I can help you awaken too.
  3. Very good .I'm in the greatest happiness I ever experienced in my life.
  4. When you masturbate there a specific technique that you do to make your orgasm extra powerful? If so ..what is it ?
  5. @JosephKnecht please treat this seriously. Ask a serious question( if you have one). Don't play games with me.
  6. I was one of the lucky few who watched Leo's solipsism video while it was up .and it helped me awaken to myself as God and as the only thing in existence. I'm the only thing in existence. Full stop .every thing Is my dream. Even Leo, the Buddha, christ ,all spiritual teachers and teachings are my Imagining. That's what awakening is . Awakening =complete solipsism. You are God. You are everything and nothing. And I will explain this right now. As far as your actual experience is concerned The universe began at the exact same time that you became conscious. So the big bang is just a story . God creating the universe is just a story . These are just stories as far as your actual experience knows. So as far as your actual experience knows..your life came out of nowhere. Your life came out of nothing. So you are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary universe that's made out of nothingness because its imaginary. So you are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary life .and that imaginary life is made out of nothingness. You are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary universe and the universe is made out of nothingness because its imaginary. So if you want the ultimate truth gonna have to be able to differentiate between your fantasies from reality .you gonna have to differentiate Imagination from reality. Now , reality is imaginary but you need to realize the levels of Imagination that are going on here . So at one level of Imagination..right now you are thinking that there are things outside of these walls of the room that you are in. At another level of Imagination you are thinking that other people are thinking about you. You are not realizing that all of this is imaginary. You are not realizing that when you think of what is outside of these walls of your are not realizing that that's imaginary .you are imagining that right now . Your past ..your entire past ..that past things that you've experienced..that's all imaginary..the past doesn't exist .it's imaginary. Only NOW exists .so this is how you are dreaming this reality. Only now exists .also the future. If you are thinking about the future, what are you doing? You are just imagining. If you think of the past ..what are you doing?You are just imagining. You are Imagining the past .it's not real .it doesn't exist .you're living in eternity. Only now exists Tap into infinite consciousness by realizing that the past does not exist. The past and the future are Imaginary. So what's happening right now is the only thing that exists. And this is going to be a memory as well .so this present moment is also imaginary. And all that made me happier than ever .I finally awoken .thank you Leo (myself ) for helping me awaken to the highest truth in existence. Namaste ?
  7. @Osaid so should I finger finger my ass just before I cum ?
  8. @mojsterr I see. What do use as a lubricant?
  9. @mojsterr is that bringing yourself to the brink of orgasm and then stop and do it all over again and again?
  10. @machiavelli This video is close to the solipsism video that you are eager for. Watch it if you haven't already. And what's most important is to contemplate this stuff for yourself.
  11. @AndylizedAAY he removed the video because its extremely dangerous. Some people are simply not ready to stomach the truth . Yes it's possible to awaken just from one video. That's how powerful the video was .If you've had the chance to listen to it you'd be completely convinced that you are God .
  12. Look .I can't explain it to you. Leo explained it perfectly in the video .I'm absolutely conscious right now that I'm the only thing in existence and it's all my dream. I have awakend to that. Not by doing psychedelics or meditation or anything else .simply from listening to that video .If you've had the chance to listen to it you will be saying exactly the same thing I'm saying right now.
  13. No. I swear. The video was just incredible. So direct. I can't deny it anymore. I'm you .I'm the only conscious entity .and all of existence ✨ is my dream .I'm fully happy . [Removed] Thanks again and infinite love ❤ for you brother.
  14. @Inliytened1 did you get a chance chance to watch the video?
  15. For me the video was more than enough. He explained it in such a convincing way that left no doubt in me anymore that I'm all alone .
  16. @Leo Gura thank you Leo for making that solipsism video .it helped me awaken to the fact that I'm God. I'm the only being in existence and everything is my dream. I also understand why you took it down. Its so radical,most people are not able to handle it .
  17. I want to say that This idea of solipsism started haunting me since I was a child.. I always had this feeling from my early childhood.. That I am actually the only "real" one out there and everyone else are just characters in my dream. Zombies.."cardboard cutouts" in my world. However you wanna call it or think of it. Obviously other people exist as objects of perception in my direct experience.. That's undeniable.. I go out.. I see people everywhere. But are these things" subjects"? Do they have internal self-awareness as I do? Is there someone behind their eyes? Is there anybody out there other than me?. The solipsism philosophy doesn't say yes or no to that question contrary to what most people mistakenly misunderstood it.. Solipsism states that one's own mind or subjective experience of the world is the only "certain" thing to exist.. And the existence of other individual minds is "impossible to verify". In other words you are absolutely certain that you are aware right now.. But it's impossible to be certain that I'm aware.. In fact why I'm talking to "you"? .. I should say I am aware and "you" are the unsettled mystery. The problem with solipsism is not whether it's objectivey true or not(is it actually the case that I am the only one out there)..but is that it is absolutely true subjectively regardless of that. You are trapped inside your own subjective experience in any case.. So even though I am aware right now from my pov.. From your pov that doesn't matter and there is no such thing.. There is only your awareness.. There is no such thing as "my awareness" in your awareness.. There is only these words in front of you right now and that's the actualilty of what is.. Anything else is just assumptions you add on top of it.."ofcourse there is someone there writing these words.. They couldn't just write themselves lol".. Really?. In your dream.. The entire dream and all the people inside of it..and their actions.. Are nothing but your creation.. They have no Reality of their own outside your imagination.. The only real thing in the dream underneath all the scattered phenomenon is YOU. To summarize.. Solipsism can't be proven or disproven objectively. Because all you have is your own subjective experience. And this statement righ there (all you have is your subjective experience) means that solipsism is surely correct from your point of view. From your POV there is only ever your point of view and nothing else.
  18. @machiavelli Here is A little thought experiment.. You don't experience time when you are sleeping. Hours pass and to you it feels like nothing. What If you slept for 5000 years or died during that time and then woke up.. From your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. No time have passed from your pov. Yet 5000 years have passed on earth. Even an eternity can pass on earth and the entire world might end.. Yet from your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. This means time has no existence and no relevance without you. Without an observer that feels time. That's why when you die the whole world will die with you. Because the whole of eternity will happen in a blink of an eye. This made me realize that there is only me. I'm completely alone as God. I'm the only thing that exists. And what is not relevant to me simply does not exist. This is mind blowing and terrifying.
  19. You imagine them first. They don't exist outside your mind .just like a dream.
  20. Yes . It's just you .other people are projection of your mind .but not your finite mind your god mind .the infinite mind .every thing Is your dream .including other people's thoughts and feelings. It's all a dream.
  21. @Godishere I just listened to Leo's solipsism video. It was by no exaggeration the best video he ever made .its a shams that he took it down. It guided me directly to myself as God. And I've also contemplated this stuff for myself for years. It's all clear to me right now. Im the only conscious thing In existence and everything is my dream .I'm eternal bliss and goodness that there are no words to describe. But you can get there through many ways psychedelics, meditative exercises. Or simply questioning the hell out of everything until you completely deconstruct your mind and sense of reality. There is only one Dreamer. YOU. YOU are imagining your parents .but not just them. The entire physical universe is your own imagining at work .
  22. Wrong. Its actually the most beautiful thing that could ever happen to you. Once you awaken you will drown in infinite love forever .what more could you want than being God? The only being in existence. Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. I was never happy like that in my life .
  23. I'm only telling it to myself since there is no one else but me to tell it to. And you are myself.
  24. Yes exactly. As long as you don't have direct connection to it..then it's imaginary. You are the only conscious being in the world.
  25. Focus on these two principles: 1. You are God. And there is nothing but God. And you are all alone 2. Every thing Is imaginary. Absolutely everything is a projection of your own mind .everything is your dream and it doesn't exist outside your consciousness of it .