Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. For me, it started after I had a complete breakdown (the Dark Night of the Soul) in which I lost everything - I sank into a deep depression and lost my will to live. I underwent intense therapy. Then, after a little of unbelievable suffering, Iditating and all of a sudden I felt like my mind was expanding and I was in a different dimension. I felt completely alive and free and at peace. I felt like I was looking down on earth and I could see anything and everything. I saw limitless dimensions that I knew to be different levels of consciousness, like layers around the earth. I could see and be anywhere and everywhere in the world instantly and I could see and be with anyone, living or dead and I felt at complete peace. I felt that I was in heaven and like I had seen the other side after life and it was exhilarating. I came to truly understand incredibly profound things, including things that I had read before, but had never truly comprehended until that moment. I had the overwhelming realisation that when you want nothing you have everything. I felt overwhelming joy. I felt like I had everything, because I wanted nothing. I can’t describe the state of bliss, completion and peace that I felt. It truly was an awakening.
  2. The real you is all that exists .the trick is discovering what others are .and there are two possibilities: -they are you in a different timeline. Or -they are a projection of your mind . I would say find out for yourself in direct experience .it's so easy to do and the answer is very simple. It's just too radical for you to accept.
  3. There are no human words to describe it. You have to experience it for yourself to know what it feels like. And you will be left speechless as well .
  4. Because I've died .that's what it means to awaken .I'm no longer the same me .I'm completely different person after awakening .and what I'm telling you is there is nothing to fear about death . Sure, we can discuss it. Could be heavy stuff sometimes ? The wisdom, I think, in contemplating death is that it brings you closer to understanding life. Look, dude. From the perspective of 'you as a person/human being', then yes, fucking yes, obviously, death is INDEED like an eternal sleep. But from the perspective of THE REAL YOU --- the innermost essential Consciousness that you are (God, Love, Nothingness, Oneness), what is the most familar experience of 'existing as *I*', before beliefs, conditioning, survival-programming, body, physicality, time, imagination, history, stats --- You are already death and alive simultaneously. You were never born, can never die. You are nothing & everything, *simultaneously*..., only you can - per definition - only experience one perspective at a time! Right now you're experiencing this particular perspective from this particular imaginary human body and mind. From this perspective, from the perspective of YOU as The Dao that can't be spoken, God, Absolute Eternal Infinite Consciousness, Norhingness... from that perspective, 'insert your birth-given name' is just like a wave (imaginary you) in an eternal, infinite, dimensionsless ocean (real You, The Self-Less Self, Awareness Itself). What happens in a normal ocean when a wave finally splashes to the ground? ? A new wave starts to emerge, right. ? You are, in truth, the fabric and structure of existence itself. You are the whole ocean hallucinating it's only a wave. You see how it's all just a dream? Infinite imagination. You are all simultaneously: - the finite dream-character ('poor little me') (a dreamed up thing) - the physical world (a dreamed up thing) - the dreamer (God) (the undefinable source of it all) - the dream itself (Consciousness) (the structure, fabric and context of the dream) - 'the dreamed up things' (Love) (the contents of the dream) There is nothing outside this. This is it. It's infinite & for eternity. You will never actually die .you are God. Period .
  5. Yes you can dream up whatever you want .the only problem is you are so busy dreaming up this current world. For you to dream up a different timeline and a different world, you would have to first stop dreaming this one that you are currently dreaming. And of course thats the last thing you want. You've called that death.
  6. Both at the same time .of course. Just like a dream at night. It's both real and unreal at the same time.
  7. Because they are imaginary .there is only you imagining everyone else. All of that is something you are just imagining. There is nothing that exists in the entire Universe other than what you are precisely experiencing right now. There are no other minds or other people or other worlds.
  8. Yes . No . awareness is the only bubble of awareness "in" existence? Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . No . No .there Is only one being in existence. YOU. Yes .you are completely omniscient. Because you have 100% direct access to everything that exists right now. Namely the place you are in right now.
  9. Self deception is total .your deciveing yourself absolutely by imagining all of reality and then denying that you are doing so .
  10. Yes everyone and everything is your imagination and your will . Yes everything is your control .but not as the hunan seif .the god self.
  11. There are many facets to awakening. The realization that others are Imaginary is just one facet. That video as I remember talks about different facets of awakening. But yeah it's congruent with each others.
  12. @Javfly33 infinite love ❤ for you .
  13. Because I've awakened and I experienced this infinite happiness.
  14. I didn't want to discover that it's true .that would be me presupposing that it's true .it's circular reasoning. I just discovered that it's true.
  15. Lol I'm continuing my nofap journey for the rest of the year
  16. @The Lucid Dreamer you can chase money and women all you want. But it will never ever make you truly happy .be careful tricking yourself . truth guarantees you to be happy .the more you live in truth the more happiness is in your life . There is a difference between happiness and excitement. When you feel happy about something. Like winning the lottery. That's excitement. Happiness is total acceptance of the present moment and it does not feel good or bad .Happiness is not an emotion. Happiness does not feel good. It feels more like calm. Peace. Silence. And that can only come from deep and profound awakening experiences into the nature of who you are and what existence is.
  17. @r0ckyreed it might seem that way from your pov. I could be deluded. I could be insane .I could be lying .or whatever . But from my pov I'm 100% certain that I've awakened to the highest trtruth. I'm not asking you or anyone to believe me .I'm just sharing my experiences and understanding and trying to help people achieve the same results as mine .
  18. @Inliytened1 I'm not trying to push it onto him as I said here clearly:
  19. @Breakingthewall I've become directly conscious that im the only conscious thing In all of existence .and of course when I say "I" ,I don't mean the human self but the god self. I'm completely conscious of that right now .and there is no going back.
  20. I'm not deluded. I've absolutely awoken to who am I and what reality is .