Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Sure .from your pov guys I could be deluded. I could be insane .I could be lying .or whatever. But from my pov I'm absolutely certain of the stuff I became conscious of . I'm not asking you to believe me .find out what's true in your direct experience and Go with that .
  2. @WelcometoReality then I don't know how else to explain it to you. Sorry .
  3. @Nivsch you will never get it through logic and reason. Turn around and go do something else for you to be ready to fathom the consequences of what's being said here. It might take you decades of work and contemplation to getting the answers. For me one video was enough and it clicked. I Don't know what it will take for you .but the best advice is try not figure it out through the mind and conceptual thinking but through direct experience.
  4. @WelcometoReality God's formless mind is the essence of all of existence. It's pure potentiality. From which all creation manifested . we as humans are figments of God’s imagining. That is an unfalsifiable possibility Think about it ..if an omniscient being was going to create a universe, then it would have to imagine all possible universes from which to choose one. The interesting thing is that it could imagine the entire duration of each and every particle in each and every universe including this one right down to the planck length. That means it essentially runs a full simulation of an infinite number of universes. Do you know what you get when you run a computer simulation of flocking birds using the same rules birds actually use to flock? You get real flocking behavior. The birds may be digital, but the flocking is real. The real flocking is an emergent property. In the same way, if the fundamental rules of each of the imagined universes are simulated with perfect fidelity, then all the behaviors of the particle interactions will be similarly real as our crude flocking program above. Some of those interactions will be the consciousness of beings within those universes. So we are one of the simulations running in the mind of the omniscient being.
  5. @WelcometoReality Wherever you are, whoever you are, you are always floating around as a figment in the eternal mind of God.
  6. Yes .I as God imagined the human self and the human other. But both self and others are Imaginary characters in God's formless mind. Yes it can't be falsified because you can't falsify that which is absolutely true.
  7. @Nivsch read this part again and make sure you get it. I'm getting tired of explaining the same thing over and over again lol ?
  8. No .the imagner is the only thing that's not imaginary. but of course you can't see this imagner because it's pure formlessness.
  9. Because they are Imaginary. Notice this in your direct experience . have you ever experienced other povs or just your own pov ? Your own pov is what's real .other povs are the imagination of your mind . Check this. Don't just believe .check it in direct experience that this is true .
  10. Yes .but it's even more radical than that. The same is true from your pov as well. I know its a mindfuck and you can't wrap your mind around it. An awakening is required to grasp this issue in its full depth . Just the solipsism video +deep contemplating for hours . No .I'm the eternal singular mind that imagines everything else around itself
  11. This is not a matter of agreement or disagreement. It's not a personal opinion or emotional issue. It's about what's actually true .and I became absolutely conscious that all others beings are a figment of my mind .
  12. No .I'm imagining all my family members. They don't exist independently outside my own mind .
  13. Awakening is solipsism .as long as you are not conscious that all others are a projection of your own mind then you are not fully awake . You may have awoken to no self or infinite love or infinite intelligence but you still gotta make the final step and annihilate all sense of otherness. Awakening Is the most radical realization that you have. It's not ego.its the ultimate truth.
  14. Of course. But it's a deeper layer of Imagination.
  15. I'm not asking you to believe me .nor should you believe me .remain skeptical all you want . I'm just laying down a possibility that you can and should validate for yourself in direct experience. I've awoken. And you can awaken too .just contemplate the shit out of this stuff and do all the work to deconstructing your mind and reality and maybe then you will have the same epiphanies that I had.
  16. Thanks. perspective on life is constantly changing, but awakenings can often happen spontaneously, so how you spend your time and even your awareness and perception of reality can change dramatically. These are often very profound experiences, but you can expect many awakenings in a lifetime. Yet life goes on. But You are reborn. You do not “shift,” and go on from there, with a new, ‘spiritual’ perspective of life. “You” are gone. 100% stark, non-existent and gone. The “character” continues to move around. Things continue to happen. Tasks continue to get done. Movement moves. But “you” are not there. Life flows. But there is no longer a ”you” that watches, analyzes, judges or even participates in the flow of Life. You are the Flow of Life. You can no longer separate “yourself” from Now, from the flow, from Reality, as if you are this separate ‘entity’ that is the “liver” of this life. You are Life. As Life, you have no concern for ‘how “you” feel.’ Life doesn’t think about, or stop to alter, how It “feels.” It just Is. It just goes on. You just are. So there’s no “you” looking to see how you can make yourself “feel” better across your day. Nor is there an “enlightened” you “feeling” permanent Oneness and bliss. As Life, you have no thought called “I’m awakened/enlightened.” You’re just Life, Reality. Feelings come and go, phenomena seem to rise and fall, but “you” are gone. So You must just be a part of this One Thing. And of course that's just one facet of awakening aka no self.
  17. Yes .I'm living the happiest days of my life .I'm finally Woke .I'm drowning in infinite love and serenity that there are no words to describe.
  18. No .there is just you. I'm not a separate entity from you. I'm your own mind . I've awakened to the fact that I'm the only conscious thing In existence. No .because you don't need stuff behind the scenes to explain the present moment. The problem with simulation theory is that it assumes something behind the scenes (a computer for example ) that is sourcing the simulation whereas what I'm telling you is that there is nothing behind the scenes. What you are directly conscious of right now is all that exists . As long as you are asking these kinds of questions then it's clear that you are not awake . Same answer as above.
  19. You guys are asking the same fucking questions over and over again. Read the thread in its entirety. I already answered those questions.
  20. You are only looking through one set of eyes at a time .namely yours right now .
  21. Yes . Awakening. Only Awakening will do .you need to awaken to what you are and what others are . There is no me .its only you. Neither . No I'm not a brain in a vacuum. I'm god . There are no levels of solipsism. It's just one level .in which you become directly conscious that you are the only conscious thing In existence. Distinctions are the substance of reality. Everything is relative. Meaning contingent. Imagination is reality. Whatever you imagine becomes real for you. You. Just you . limitations as such that "I" cannot be told, only realised? Because you do not want to awaken. You want to dream forever. I have all the answers. Not sure about you probably because you are not awake yet . There is no point . Happier than ever. You can .nothing is stopping you. You are giving away your authority as God to others. Yes you can . It's the only thing that exists .
  22. The infinite mind is identical to what appears to be a finite mind .