Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I decided to quit my masturbation and porn habit for good. As a step towards building a healthy lifestyle and not relying for my happiness on external factors. I deleted all my porn collections on all my devices and decided to quit for good. Also I might use this thread as a journal to document my journey. Wish me luck!
  2. @A Fellow Lighter thanks for the honest answer.
  3. I eat terrible food .fries and burgers and soda and ice cream and other such nonsense. I also smoke a bunch of cigarettes everyday. And I'm not satisfied with my health habits .although I don't yet experience any health issues per se . How can I motivate myself to take my health more seriously and not just screw around a lot with my diet ?
  4. I just can't put the damn cigarettes down. I need help ?.
  5. No .I fapped twice today. And I'm proud of it. Also smoked a bunch of cigs.
  6. Did you ever experienced being fed up with existence? you don't want to exist anymore? Not because of negative experiences but just that existence itself is tiresome? I think back to the time before I was born and it was paradise. Existing in pure formlessness is all you could ever want .that's why the objective of Buddhism is to get rid of the cycle of birth and death and cease to exist and enter nirvana which is basically another word for nothingness. Can anyone relate?
  7. I know exactly what you are talking about.
  8. Maybe jerking off to porn and playing videogames.but that's also unhealthy. So ...
  9. Taking a nice shit Also smoking a cigarette.
  10. Ultimately,there is no phenomenological difference between nightly dream and the waking reality. You see cars both your dreams and your waking reality. The only difference might be that the waking reality is more consistent than dreams. But we don't recognise the lack of consistency in our dreams until we wake up. But they are identical ontologically. Why do we even differentiate between the two? That whole boundary is relative and imaginary. And I will leave you with Descartes' famous doubt : how do you know you are not dreaming right fucking now?
  11. I give up. I will keep smoking until the end of my life .not caring about the health consequences. I'm too weak and addicted. I can't quit. I just can't do it .sorry guys
  12. Every religion has it’s own beauty. Each religion teaches us something significant. It is biased to say my faith is great and your religion is worst. The enlightened beings emphasize - the truth, entering in silence, be compassionate towards every creature, make this earth more loving, live this moment (Present) I must say one who has understood his religion; he would respect other religion too. For those who question about other religions God, I would say first become master about your sect, and then you will soon find there is nothing left to know
  13. It gets me high . Thank you for the advice and for the resource. Yeah maybe I should join a support group.
  14. @Mu_ actually. Existence is eternal and it will never cease to be .you can exist as a form or as formlessness. You can destroy all forms but you will never destroy the formlessness. Because it's already nothing. Now people confuse that with noneExistence but its actually pure Existence.
  15. There is infinite number of universes. Reality is absolutely infinite.
  16. What do you mean by that ? We know at the most basic level that existence is simply strings of energy .that's what quantum physics tells us.
  17. There will never be an explanation of this present moment being here .forget about it .reality is irreducibley mystical .consciousness is fundamentally a mystery. Even to itself. Existence is just a brute fact .it just is the way it is and there is nothing more that can be said about it. It's Infinite.
  18. To me it seems that the only way to know what death is or what comes after death is by actually dying. You can't know it unless you experience it .is that correct ? Can you become conscious of what death is without needing to commit suicide ? P.S I'm talking actual physical death not some flimsy ego death or whatnot .
  19. Through mindfulness & meditation, I've become aware of many behavioral habits I've developed subconsciously since birth... my Ego is one to be reckoned with... one of these habits is my addiction to stimulation. Allow me to define: I am unable to be satisfied with the current moment, regardless of what I’m doing. I have this habit of projecting myself into the future in hopes that a different moment in time will provide me more than what the current moment has to offer... and it never stops. It occurred to me this weekend while enjoying the National Park (one of my absolute passions) that i was still not pleased or at peace while doing something i have come to thoroughly enjoy... Even on the side of the park I was projecting myself someplace else because i felt "this wasn't good enough"... These emotions cause me to carry out an array of random acts in hopes of satisfying my craving for a new form of stimulation... anything from checking my phone every 5 minutes for social media updates, to engaging in smoking cigarettes , channel surfing for hours without deciding on a program. My brain always finds away to become distracted from the current moment and seek a way out of it. The fact that im aware of this behavior does motivate me to continue to open this new level of consciousness… but I’m hoping someone might have some advice as to how I might correct my issue. Does anyone out there know of an approach to take with meditation to counter this behavior? Or how I can bring the underlying source to attention so i can learn to correct my behavior? Im tired of always wanting something, of craving stimulation and often not even knowing what it is that I desire. Nothing seems to satisfy the craving... I’m experiencing what the Buddha identified in the 4 noble truths... desire (in many forms) is certainly the cause of my suffering... I just want to overcome it!! Thoughts welcome; Namaste
  20. @VeganAwake so your views on death is that when we die we get lights out forever?