Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. There are things which are better in porn and there are things which are better in real sex . For porn you have access to endless women .you can have sex (masturbation) with hundreds of partners in a matter of an hour .now you are not actually having sex with real people because it's just pixels on a screen ..but still you can't have this diversity in real sex where you probably gonna have sex with one partner or two .. But on the other hand as you pointed out porn lacks intimacy and love .and that can only be found in a real relationship with a real person. So as you can see both have pros and cons .
  2. Sometimes fantasy can be better than the real thing.
  3. Nice recommendations. Thanks everyone ☺
  4. What ? Did you even read the post lol ?
  5. What about the quran ?
  6. Do you find any other worthwhile thing to waste your life with ? You have 60-80 years in your hands ..that's really a short time . What are you gonna do with it? I guess it's up to you in the end .
  7. You see how Easy this could be interpreted into toxic hedonism. Why not just get drunk drugs..have a bunch of mindless sex and other such things ?
  8. This topic of masturbation is bothering me these days as I'm trying to figure out the perfect lifestyle that resonates with me . Not all the information I will be giving here is confirmed by modern science. .but modern science is not perfect in my opinion and is limited to the material pradagim..and completely igoners spirituality and reilgions and metaphysics. According to eastern religions..especialy Hinduism(the oldest religion to ever exist ) there exist energy centers in your body called "chakras". 7 chakras .the root chakra(The sex centre).the sacral chakra .the solar plexus chakra .the heart chakra .the throat chakra. And the third eye chacrka. When your chakras are closed. You are asleep. Which means you are stuck in "maya" or illusion . The dream world of endless attachments and aversions .how you wake up to the truth?! opening your chakras. And this happens through sexual transmutaion .by rising your sexual energy (which Is life energy itself) up your chakras until the third eye. And when the third eye is open discover the ultimate truth. Which is that the self is an illusion .The world is a dream. Your true nature is infinite unconditional and immortal awarness. You are god himself! . Now ..its impossible to achieve enlightenment if you waste your"virya " -semen.which is the sacred life giving energy inside of have to preserve it and transumate it by mediation and yoga so you can achieve "nirvana"- the ultimate bliss. Semen retention is the first step towards achieving the goal of life itself . Either you use your semen to connect with your soul mate and create new life. Or you retain it to grow on every aspect. I want to know once and for masturbation actually healthy and good for you or not ?
  9. Chillax. That's exactly what I said at the very end of OP.
  10. Interesting and beautiful perspective. You seem to be a very spiritually developed guy with a lot of earned wisdom...would you mind if we communicate outside the forum ? Do you have discord?
  11. Yes .there is nothing as beautiful and satisfying as spiritual highs .when you look at the vast cosmos at night .breath of fresh air . And it has nothing to do with our survival. Yet we seek meaning and purpose in survival . Purpose can guide life and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation .meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Others seek meaning through spirituality or religious beliefs. Some people may find their purpose clearly expressed in all these aspects of life. Purpose will be unique for everyone; what you identify as your path may be different from others. What’s more, your purpose can actually shift and change throughout life in response to the evolving priorities and fluctuations of your own experiences.
  12. I agree . If we just look at the human body and its needs and tools .it's clearly here to only survive and reproduce . So eating and having sex and creating children seem to be the only "purpose " of the human life biologically speaking . But I'm not satisfied with just biology. I want something deeper. Something metaphysical beyond the mundane and the world of maya . What could that be? I have no clue yet .but it surely has something to do with God, I think. Since without God everything is indeed pointless.
  13. So it's just a cycle of going from simple to complex to simple again and again without an end ? Is that what you're saying ?
  14. Some (including leo) say love and goodness. But I don't know what to make of that .maybe being a good selfless person and helping others and humanity? Idk tbh
  15. Sorry I don't understand what you mean by that .
  16. Nofap kinda works like a placebo. But that doesn't affect that it actually works . Semen is your very sexual energy and I think you don't disagree with me on that . Now what happens if you cum all the time ? You empty out your testicles and partially castrat yourself. Just give it a try . Go three months without fapping. And I promise you ,you will feel on top of the world.
  17. I wasn't exaggerating. Meat is essential to both men and women for optimal health .it contains essential amino acids that are necessary for the muscle tissue. It also boosts your libido and sexual energy .for both women and men .
  18. @mojsterr Listening to this classical Indian song also helps a ton
  19. Nice detailed explanation. Zaire is a very smart guy .
  20. @Husseinisdoingfine do you believe the quran is the literal word of God or if was produced by Muhammad?
  21. @itachi uchiha last question..why in the quran it says god is going to send nonbelivers into hell for eternity while at the same time claiming that God is all merciful and all good ? How do you reconcile God's mercy and goodness with eternal hell for kufar? One of your best videos.