Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I'm done with this thread guys and gals? Who wants some pizza ? ?
  2. @Galyna for real though..I think it's ridiculous to police ourselves to such a degree that we avoid any reference to "individual other." I think you are limiting yourself to a great degree. I mean if you want to get down to it.. simply responding and writing responses on a forum equally assumes that there is an "individual other" as much as any other post even if you are careful about how you write. please don't take this as offence ..I'm only pointing out the hypocrisy of even bringing up that criticism in the first place when you are on a forum interacting. I'm NOT interested in having this conversation about language and the implicit assumptions held within the normal way we communicate. So have a nice time
  3. No I'm not . There is consistency right? Everything repeats itself everyday. Dude ..come on ..yes we are imagining the past and the past and the future in the moment because where the fuck else could we imagine it In? But that has absolutely nothing to do with whether they actually happen or not .
  4. That is literally nonsense. It is not sense .I don't just use my mind btw ..I know how to use my senses properly. And my senses tell me that: Clearly linear time exists..the sun rises every day and goes back to sleep at the night. And your clock is ticking constantly. Yes you are consciousness. But apparently you are incarnated in a specific form at the moment. Aka human body . Also..I don't understand what does language have to do with your identity? Identity is physical and biological. It's not a linguistic type of thing. Although, I see where you are coming from and I understand what you're trying to say figuratively. But not literally.
  5. Look..i understand that I will never die if what we mean by "i" is the godhead. As pure formlessness I can never die .but that's from the absolute perspective. From the perspective of forms's different. I don't know the exact appearance of my next life to be accurate. Will I reincarnate as a dog? As a frog? As a human? Will I go to a different universe? Different dimension? Same dimension? All of that is not Clear to me .and also the possibility of eternal balnkness with no dreams at all is still possible. I mean come on bro ..are you trying to tell me you know fucking EXACTLY what happens when we die? Who are you kidding. Maybe you are too raped up in non-dual theory that you completely forgot your just a mortal human at the moment. That is what's true in direct experience.
  6. Stop annoying me with your judgment of how awakend am I. You clearly don't realize that awakening has many facets. Leo has a whole episode talking about dozens of facets to awakening. It's not like BOOM done you are either awake or not . It comes in degrees and depths . And in any are not you clearly don't know if I genuinely awakend or not from your pov .
  7. @Reciprocality why its hard to understand your posts ? Are you being ambiguous and pedantic on purpose? I'm asking because the point of all communication is to be clear in transferring what you are trying to say .
  8. You are correct. Thank you.
  9. What's the most difficult and deep existential question you have that you cannot answer yet ? Lay it out for discussion and we might try to tackle it a bit
  10. Bro ..she was drunk ..I took over her ..she didn't like what she did ..I could see it in her eyes . She is poor and needs money and I took that as an opportunity to fuck her mouth . I shouldn't do what I did.
  11. I'm trying to cut all sugars from my diet . So no soda ,no ice cream? No chocolate, not even fruit . And I notice significant decrease in my energy mood and my motivations. Is sugar actually a nesscary nutrition? Obviously not too much of it but still should we intake few levels of it ?
  12. I did something so fucked up .I'm not gonna even mention what it is because it's too embarrassing to say . But basically how can I recover from that? I'm experiencing some regret and shame and guilt over what I did ..and I think God is not by my side because of what I did . What should I do now ? I'm sorry I'm being vague in what I'm asking but I hope someone cam intuit my state and help me..
  13. Is near death experiences a decent evidence that consciousness survives physical death ? And why does all people who experienced an NDE report the same thing ? The long tunnel with the bright white light at the end , and seeing their body from above as if they astral projected ?
  14. @Husseinisdoingfine stop it completely. It's gonna damage your lungs and give you more than 25 diseases including cancer .
  15. For me it's different. I don't think one should have sex Except with his spouse. I feel sorry because I used this poor girl to gratify my sexual desires . I have a moral code. I didn't stay true to myself. That's why I feel bad. No lol she's a woman .I touched and fingered her vagina as well.
  16. Where did I say or imply that?
  17. That is correct . A solution to some problem might a problem of a different kind . you just have to find the less problematic solution that fits all parts of your situation without causing extra problems .
  18. There is no critical point when this happens specifically. It's a momentum. When you reach high levels of suffering for extended periods of time that you just can't take it anymore. You might even start thinking of suicide as a serious possibility. You have to go through the dark night of the Soul and come out the other end as even stronger and brighter human being. After discovering your life purpose and after surrendering yourself completely to God.
  19. Lol .sorry about that . I'm a bit confused. I don't wanna confuse you guys with me . But isn't that how do we find truth ? It's a journey of trial and error. There is alot of set back and faulty assumptions to be held before arriving to the truth. I'm very flexible and I'm able to jump between different paradigms. If you find that uncomfortable then just stick to your paradigm and don't let my mental masturbation annoy you
  20. Look beyond thoughts of suicide The hopelessness you feel as you consider suicide may be the side effect of a difficult situation or an illness that can be treated. This emotion can be so overpowering that it clouds your judgment and leads you to believe that taking your own life is the best, or only, option. Recognize that these feelings are temporary and that with appropriate treatment you can learn how to help yourself feel better about life again. Asking others for support can help you see that you have other options and give you hope about the future. Create a list of the reasons you have to live. This list can include being alive for your pet, your children, a favorite niece, or something that you enjoy doing at work or at home. It doesn't matter what the list includes, but finding a sense of purpose in your life can make a difference. Also..understand this are gambling when you consider don't know what happens after death..maybe you will live a worse life after you kill yourself. I mean who the fuck knows what happen when you die . At least you know this world and you can ground yourself in the Here and now .while in suicide you are risking going to a hell realm. You have no other options . .to be..or to be
  21. From my experience..when one experience very intense and deep levels of suffering. Suffering is the greatest teacher in the universe. Only then does one decides to put their trust in god/the universe and accept that they can't "do it" by themselves .they need to let go and surrender to a higher power .
  22. Destruction only furthers entropy, which is increasing anyway. Creation requires a local reduction of entropy, which requires increasing entropy elsewhere. That takes work. Imagine a plate. Imagine the atoms constituting the plate. Now imagine all the possible states these atoms could be arranged in. How many of these states are of a broken plate and how many of them are of a non-broken one? You can argue that there is only one possible state where the plate is "complete" and a very large number of possible states where it is broken. Thus, in any given probabilistic moment, it is more likely that the plate is broken than that it is not. This is entropy, and according to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy will always increase in the Universe.
  23. I just know it from my own direct experience.
  24. Destruction is easier than creation. It takes less effort to Destroy a house than it is to build a house . Because building requires more energy.