Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. For me it's different. I don't think one should have sex Except with his spouse. I feel sorry because I used this poor girl to gratify my sexual desires . I have a moral code. I didn't stay true to myself. That's why I feel bad. No lol she's a woman .I touched and fingered her vagina as well.
  2. Where did I say or imply that?
  3. That is correct . A solution to some problem might a problem of a different kind . you just have to find the less problematic solution that fits all parts of your situation without causing extra problems .
  4. There is no critical point when this happens specifically. It's a momentum. When you reach high levels of suffering for extended periods of time that you just can't take it anymore. You might even start thinking of suicide as a serious possibility. You have to go through the dark night of the Soul and come out the other end as even stronger and brighter human being. After discovering your life purpose and after surrendering yourself completely to God.
  5. Lol .sorry about that . I'm a bit confused. I don't wanna confuse you guys with me . But isn't that how do we find truth ? It's a journey of trial and error. There is alot of set back and faulty assumptions to be held before arriving to the truth. I'm very flexible and I'm able to jump between different paradigms. If you find that uncomfortable then just stick to your paradigm and don't let my mental masturbation annoy you
  6. Look beyond thoughts of suicide The hopelessness you feel as you consider suicide may be the side effect of a difficult situation or an illness that can be treated. This emotion can be so overpowering that it clouds your judgment and leads you to believe that taking your own life is the best, or only, option. Recognize that these feelings are temporary and that with appropriate treatment you can learn how to help yourself feel better about life again. Asking others for support can help you see that you have other options and give you hope about the future. Create a list of the reasons you have to live. This list can include being alive for your pet, your children, a favorite niece, or something that you enjoy doing at work or at home. It doesn't matter what the list includes, but finding a sense of purpose in your life can make a difference. Also..understand this are gambling when you consider don't know what happens after death..maybe you will live a worse life after you kill yourself. I mean who the fuck knows what happen when you die . At least you know this world and you can ground yourself in the Here and now .while in suicide you are risking going to a hell realm. You have no other options . .to be..or to be
  7. From my experience..when one experience very intense and deep levels of suffering. Suffering is the greatest teacher in the universe. Only then does one decides to put their trust in god/the universe and accept that they can't "do it" by themselves .they need to let go and surrender to a higher power .
  8. Destruction only furthers entropy, which is increasing anyway. Creation requires a local reduction of entropy, which requires increasing entropy elsewhere. That takes work. Imagine a plate. Imagine the atoms constituting the plate. Now imagine all the possible states these atoms could be arranged in. How many of these states are of a broken plate and how many of them are of a non-broken one? You can argue that there is only one possible state where the plate is "complete" and a very large number of possible states where it is broken. Thus, in any given probabilistic moment, it is more likely that the plate is broken than that it is not. This is entropy, and according to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy will always increase in the Universe.
  9. I just know it from my own direct experience.
  10. Destruction is easier than creation. It takes less effort to Destroy a house than it is to build a house . Because building requires more energy.
  11. I believe that life is test .it's not heaven.its not perfect .we are clearly here to suffer or to die . They are inevitable. It's a nesscary part of absolute infinity. Which by it's very nature includes absolutely everything. So it's not all rosey and shiny. It also contains horror and shit .
  12. What if something and nothing are identical? I mean how could you tell the difference? You can't even tell the difference between dreams and the waking reality .and the reason is because there's in fact no difference. Everything is identical to everything else .
  13. For part of my life, when I was younger, I found it difficult to find a girlfriend. Today, I find it easy. Although I don't have a girlfriend yet. What changed? I did. When people say they can't find a partner, it has been my experience and observation that those people are not paying attention to what matters. They are focusing on what they want, but not what they offer. If you met a woman tomorrow who was everything you could ever want, the absolute perfect girlfriend for you, why would she want you? What do you offer? If you met your perfect girlfriend tomorrow while you were standing in a group of five other guys, what would cause her to notice you and want you instead of one of those other guys? A lot of people think the answer is “money” or “looks” or “an expensive car,” it isn't. So what is it? Be open. Be courageous. Be authentic. When you find someone interesting, say so. Ask people out…but be willing to accept no for an answer. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be vulnerable. Treat women like people. Be confident and secure. Don't be jealous, controlling, entitled, or manipulative. Treat others with kindness and compassion. Don't hide your intentions by pretending to be friends and hoping she will wake up one day and decide to shag you. That really is all there is to it.
  14. It's ok .perhaps you're going through the dark night of the Soul. Perhaps take a break from doing spiritual work and just rest in the moment. Lay off the psychedelics and the mental gymnastics for a while and just focus on being present, breathing, simplicity etc
  15. Ah OK. Death see..Awakening has many facets .I awakend to absolute solipsism and unconditional love and no self etc etc...but i require a separate Awakening to understand what death is . I honestly got not the first clue what happens when we die .do we just simply disappear forever? Do we reincarnate as a cat? ..I mean who the fuck knows. PS.No I didn't read it
  16. Totally relatable. You are not alone bro .rest assured that everyone are suffering from the same existential dilemmas. But all they do is distract themselves and run away from questioning truth .
  17. Yes .I experienced a radical awakening few weeks ago when I watched Leo's solipsism video. And I totally understand the illusion of other . That I'm god creating reality on the fly . Depth ? Duality and non-duality are two-sided of the same coin . Look at the yin yang ☯️ symbol. There is both Duality and non-duality in it .
  18. @Galyna you are waking up and thats great. like Leo said "you don't even know what happiness is until you've had some deep awakenings". Keep going .you are on the right track . When you fully awakening you will drown in infinite love forever.
  19. How do you know ? You will have to elaborate if you want me to take you seriously. What happens if you jump off a cliff or shoot yourself in the head? Are you denying that some day in the future your body will simply stop functioning in the way which we call death?
  20. @Ryan_047 please do not kill yourself. There is Hope .you can get better. You matter. You have been created by god to fuliful a purpose. Your life has meaning and value .find and do everything that feels close to your heart and higher self and stay away from everything you know you should be staying away from. If you did this..I promise you that your life will only get better and better .but it takes time and practice. Stay safe .much love for you ❤.
  21. Nothing stops that from happening again. But the question is what guarantees that it will in fact happen again? Just because it happend once doesn't deductivly conclude another occurrence. What is your argument here based on ? Mere probability? And by the way..We are left wondering. As far as I can tell, all the evidence points in the direction of brains causing mind, but no evidence indicates reverse causality. This whole line of reasoning, in fact, seems to be based on something akin to a God of the gaps argument, where physicalist gaps are filled with nonphysicalist agents, be they omniscient deities or conscious agents. No one denies that consciousness is a hard problem. But before we reify consciousness to the level of an independent agency capable of creating its own reality, let's give the hypotheses we do have for how brains create mind more time. Because we know for a fact that measurable consciousness dies when the brain dies, until proved otherwise, the default hypothesis must be that brains cause consciousness. I am, therefore I think.
  22. The hypothesis that the brain creates consciousness, has vastly more evidence for it than the hypothesis that consciousness creates the brain. Damage to the fusiform gyrus of the temporal lobe, for example, causes face blindness, and stimulation of this same area causes people to see faces spontaneously I know The idea that subjective experience is a result of electrochemical activity remains a hypothesis. But I think that any proposition about what happens to consciousness after death is nothing but mere speculation. Since no one from the dawn of time came back from death to tell us what awaits us on the other side . I appreciate your perspective though ?
  23. Try 100 lol . You make it seem like it's so easy . I struggle with social anxiety. It takes a lot of balls to come over to a girl and ask her for sex . And nope ..most girls in my country are polite and unexperienced sexually. We are a very Conservative society.