Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Preety_India alright..then there is clearly a problem with me.
  2. you don't know as a woman. As a man I can tell you 100% it's a thing. there is a physical reaction that occurs in people whilst sexually aroused that raises your tolerance for things that you would normally find unpleasant. perhaps when you finish it's no longer being maintained and you feel icky. @Preety_India yoo see ?
  3. @Preety_India @soos_mite_ah so is it just the religious upbringing that taught me that something natural is unnatural. The problem isn't me, The problem is that i was raised in mythology? On top of possible guilt of shame from your upbringing, for guys, there is a hormone change after an orgasm. This can result in a feeling of disgust toward things that do not seem disgusting when you are turned on. The psychological term is "operant conditioning". Maybe I have internalized messages that associate masturbation with negative outcomes from friends, family or the mass media. My behaviour has been modified so that I can experience discomfort as a result of a behaviour that otherwise would not produce such feelings.
  4. Yes and my own direct experience is it's bad for me .there is no question about it.. What's wrong then with checking whether it's bad for others as well to be more certain? And the dilemma I'm facing is that the majority of people i talk to say it's not bad for them .so I'm curious to know WHY. Is it something about Me specifically (like genetics or upbringing) or what exactly is going on ?
  5. @Preety_India @soos_mite_ah thank you girls for stepping in such a sensitive topic I know masturbating is okay, it's apart of everyone's life, but why do I feel weird afterwards as if I kicked a kitten or something? What's going on psychologically speaking? I guess Depending on your upbringing, feelings of guilt or shame could be the cause. They may not feel particularly strong since i know that it's okay so my guess would be that i feel bad afterwards because some part of my mind believes masturbation to be "bad" while my conscious rational mind thinks it's perfectly normal. That causes a psychological conflict since I am , in effect, trying to believe two opposite things at the same time. Similar things happen to people for other reasons as well. Most people would feel guilt if, for instance, they killed someone even if it was the only option they had to prevent themselves from being killed. They've been brought up knowing that murder is wrong, yet that's exactly what they had to do to prevent someone from killing them, which society and common sense says is perfectly acceptable, so they have an internal conflict over what they believe which causes the guilt.
  6. Any negative effects? Is it all white ? You don't experience any decreasing in energy and sexual appetite?
  7. I'm not sure what are you trying to imply . My issue shortly put is that I feel a lot of negative shit after fapping and especially fapping to porn. And ironically when I ask people whether online or in real life .. they just say "nah ,it's all in your head bro ". So I lack clarity .and I wanna make sure that my sexual lifestyle is healthy. I understand that posting a lot about it can be annoying. But for Me its a very important topic that I'm seeking to understand and get to the bottom of
  8. I used to edge few hours a week . But I noticed that I get blue balls (pain in the testicles) and frequent urination .I go to the toilet all the fucking time .because I fucked with my prostate and pelvic muscles through edging. I will never ever edge again .
  9. At least mental masturbation doesn't cause me negative side effects as physical masturbation does
  10. I used to have wet dreams almost every week back in my teenage years . I don't anymore. I didn't have a single wet dream this year .even though I abstained for a long time. Not sure why. Overall my libido is decreasing than what I used to 4 years ago . certain methods of masturbation leave much more sexual energy behind. For example, If I masturbate without touching my penis or if I have a wet dream, I still have much more sexual desire left over. And also, depending on how long you abstain, your sexual energy wont go back to 0 after doing it once. You still maintain the effects from abstaining even after doing it once. This is just my experience of course, seems like yours might be different. I also noticed this. When I have a hands free orgasm whether through wet dreams or some hands-free-orgasm porn ..I still feel horny afterwards . The longest I went without fapping was 90-100 days .and when I relapsed I didn't immediately feel down. But usually what happens is called chaser effect. Is that one relapse leads to another one .and I end up doing it multiple times per week .and that really fucks me up . I guess sexual energy or libido as Freud calls it is the main driver to all out other activities. When you lose too much of it in extreme will naturally affect your motivations.
  11. I don't know if it's a thing .my own evidence is my own direct experience .I do feel POIS after fapping but like I said when I ask people whether in real life or online ,they can't relate to me and it's very rare that someone tells me he feels down after fapping. i didn't have real sex before...As in full penetration . I just had a quick blowjob from a hooker ?. Not so surprising that I also felt extremely bad about it .not just physically but emotionally because it's the first time I do something dirty like that .it's probably linked with feeling of guilt and regret. And that pays and manifests itself as physical symptoms as well . Yeah I agree .that's why I'm considering no-fap seriously. I made a commitment this year to stay clean for the whole year .but i already relapsed 4-6 times .but I'm determined this time to quit cold turkey .and my ultimate goal is stop all forms of porn and masturbation and only use my sexual energy in marriage
  12. I didn't know what POIS is. But I just Googled It .and I can relate. I do feel dead tired and in a depressive mood after fapping .Still have no clue why . Some of my friends who are married have sex 3-4 times per week and they are so energised and active .they hit the gym etc . Is it Really different from person to person? Can real sex also have the same impact? If we take into consideration the real sex requires more energy than fapping .because your whole body is moving in sex ..whereas in masturbation just your hands and your dick
  13. Yeah same here. Perfect description. I also feel like I don't wanna do anything in my life after I do It. I lose almost all motivation to achieve and conquer big goals. Why do think that is though? What's the scientific explanation for this? Why do we feel low after nutting?
  14. I notice that the more I grow up ..the less "real " things seen to me .this results in an extreme fascination of reality .like I am walking in the street and everything seems blurry and mysterious and dream-like. I guess I'm going through a Derealization period. Although it's mild. Not so intense. But basically I feel that something fishy is going on here with this existence .like I might be stuck in a cosmic conspiracy against Me . When I walk down the streets..I can't hold eye contact with people because I'm afraid that all these people are conspiring against me. I know these ideas have underlying causes that I have yet to work on them. But for Me right now just sharing an update in my path . Any advice or thoughts appreciated ?
  15. But in my case ...even one session in a week or in a month leaves me feeling Lethargic and depressed. Do you think its different for different people? Like maybe it depends on your genetics probably?
  16. Yes I know. Porn especially is extremely unhealthy. There is no question about it .its proven scientifically that it causes damage to the gray matter and the reward circuit in the brain. It causes brain fog and in some cases even erectile dysfunction. However, masturbation is kinda mysterious to me ..I have yet to make up my mind about it .is it healthy or not ? Would you say it's healthy if done without porn and in moderation?
  17. India is the only country in the world which is trying to become a global economic power with an uneducated and unhealthy labour force. It’s never been done before, and never will be done in the future either. There is a reason why Europe went for universal education, and so did America. Japan, after the Meiji restoration in 1868, wanted to get full literate in 40 years and they did. So did South Korea after the war, and Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and China. The whole idea that you could somehow separate out the process of economic growth from the quality of the labour force is a mistake. Unfortunately that applies today to government of India as well. It doesn’t acknowledge the relevance of the quality of human labour. That is the foundation of their mistake, their conclusions therefore are wrong. For example, they are trying to go suddenly for everything to be done by cash, which is meant to be an experiment. India is trying to be different from America, Europe, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Singapore, China all of them. This is not good way of thinking of economics. So foundationally, the government’s understanding of development underlying their approach is mistaken. Having said that, the previous government was terribly mistaken too. But one hoped there might be a change, and there has been, but not for the better. All the sins of the past government have been added up.
  18. Weird .why do I feel like a flimsy piece of shit when I fap ? I don't buy that it's all in my mind .I sense there is something physically harmful about masturbation. I can't be the only one who feels this way.
  19. How so? Isn't that a contradiction? You say you feel more clean when you don't fap and you are more connected to your emotions. That's a step in the right direction. As you don't feel numbed down almost drugged from masturbating. And then you say your life didn't change much . For me I consider that a hugh change .
  20. @Knowledge Hoarder good .so a mixture of contradicting feelings . Do you feel better and more stable in emotion now than when you used to fap a lot ? Any changes towards the better?
  21. Will do it. You can participate if you like.
  22. we all know after you nut one out you just lose it for a while. But not too long lol. You should recover within two days max. Also if you are not a horny teenager anymore you really shouldn't be yanking your Johnson anymore . your testosterone just stabilize and you are not horny anymore unless you purposely arouse yourself. Just save it for your girl. Also avoid pornograhy completely I don't need to tell ya that and don't bullshit my ass and say it's harmless. Also make sure you eat like a horse if you fap frequently to recover the lost energy. Or just don't fap at all if you are weak.
  23. Grandson :"Grandpa, Grandpa. I'm all confused." Grandpa: (groan) "Yes, what is it?" Grandson: "In today's class we analyzed the flight of an arrow with snapshots. Now the arrow moves in flight towards its target, but those snapshots don't show any movement which is a paradox. And I know none of those snapshots will show any movement no matter how many snapshots are taken. And if you say that all you need to do is measure the time between snapshots, that will mean there are gaps between snapshots and there are no movements in those gaps. Grandpa, grandpa I'm so confused." Grandpa: "Why don't you ask your teacher these questions? That's what he gets paid for." Can you help Grandpa out of this jam?
  24. The guilt has justifications . In Hinduism they believe there is a limited amount of Chi (sexual energy) in your system. Once you ejaculate you lose this vital energy. And it can't be replaced by eating food or charging up your battery so to speak. Now i understand that you never run out of semen ..your testicle produces millions of spern cells every day . But the point is that the lost semen cannot be replaced. Its a new spern cells .what was lost will remain lost and there is no coming back
  25. People are different . I admit that . For me personally I feel like a flimsy piece of shit after fapping. It takes you very very high but then very very down . By all do you..iif you don't experience any side effects from it then go ahead and do it as much as you want. But for Me..I always get negative feelings after fapping. So you do you. And I do me .we are different.