Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. If one starts with something ‘absurd’, doesn’t that suggest that one’s conclusions will also be absurd, or at least definitely false? Actual scientific practice flies in the face of this concern. In general, in science – and especially physics – it is common practice to adjust one’s hypotheses so as to make the reasoning easier. These ‘adjustments’ usually involve moving from an assumption that has a chance of being true, to an assumption one knows, or believes, to be false.
  2. science doesn't really contradict itself. It builds new theories on top of previous ones. Einstein's relativity didn't contradict Newtonian mechanics. a big part of science is judging when to be sceptical about scientific claims, and when to trust in those claims and take actions accordingly. Often this comes down to the task of weighing up evidence. But we might think that when the science in question is internally inconsistent, or self-contradictory, we have an easy decision. In such circumstances the science contravenes one of our most basic conditions on useful, or trustworthy, information.
  3. If it’s true that my mind is the only thing that exists, it must be the case that the Universe which I’m actually observing was created by me – it was my invention. All history and scientific theories that I learned, from Einstein’s Relativity to the Hawking Radiation, all the music that I’ve heard, from Mozart to – unfortunately – Justin Bieber, all the movies that I watched, were produced by me. Basically, I should be God. But, am I?
  4. If you can't know that for certain then why even talk about that possibility? To seems Leo realized that for all those years he was mistaken and now he is trying to gently erase the older content without actually erasing them and calim that this last video doesn't contradict the previous ones but rather build on top of them. I just don't buy it dude .
  5. It contradicts the deleted solipsism video where he said there is only one god and he is YOU. Then in the last video he said there can be multiple gods .
  6. @Leo Gura maybe you need to take an long break to figure out stuff for yourself so that when you teach you can be solid and sure of what you're teaching. Because honestly that last video contradicts a lot of your previous videos. Just a thought.
  7. Obviously they are pretty rare and difficult to find. I will just buy my girl a dildo or smth ?
  8. Yes I am bisexual. I like both men and women. I said that enough times. Why are you acting surprised ?
  9. So you were attracted to cocks since your puberty? That's not the case for me . If what you're saying is true then you clearly are gay or bisexual at the very least . But for Me its different. I started out normal straight guy who gets hard when seeing hot women . But as my porn habit went deeper I started craving weird things .one of which is this Induced attraction to dicks . I know it hurts women's feelings here to say “ ‘vaginas are gross’. li ove having sex with women because some women are hot. “Thouh I will say they only lack a nice dick ?
  10. Most secular contemporary thinkers agree that there are no absolute objective moral values. Meaning that the only way for us to arrive to objective morality is to essentially invent a moral standard that most people agree with (such as well-being) and base our morality around that generally agreeable standard. However there's no way getting around the fact that people throughout ages and living among different cultural environments have had wastly different interpretations about what can be considered well-being or harmful. To me it's simply disingenuous to suggest that contemporary Western thinkers are the only ones who can state with absolute certainty what is good for a person and what are the standards we should base our "objective" morality around. Are secular philosophers trying to find cure for moral relativism simply because it's harmful for a society? But if moral relativism is the only logical outcome based on our knowledge about the nature of reality, shouldn't we be honest about it instead of trying to tiptoe around the issue?
  11. Don't worry .I'm not losing sleep over this. It's just for fun .sex is about fun and discovery isn't it?
  12. @somegirl I apologise for the "passive hole" thing .I probably should have used a better term to convey my point . Yeah I like to have sex with girls with dicks .even if it's fake one .maybe i could buy a dildo and my girl just wears it and I fuck her pussy . And she can still stimulate my prostate with the dildo I like to make a point to let people know that I'm heterosexual and also somehow find vaginas to be pretty weird if not gross. I would like to have sex with women, I’m attracted to women, there is no question about it. But like, vaginas? They’re yucky! I don’t spend much time really looking at them, but when I do, they freak me out! Just like, they’re wet and hot? Gross!” Amazing that despite finding vaginas “nasty”, I'm still interested in having sex with women I like other parts of women’s bodies, like boobs and stuff. But the lack of dick and having instead pussy is what I'm annoyed about.
  13. Like I said Im Attracted to women from head to toe. Which is not the case with guys. I don't find the male body sexually attractive .but only if girls have dicks that would be perfect. I like how a dick looks more than a vagina.
  14. Does that just happen recently or were you born like this? I mean in the age of puberty..what were you attracted to ? I have a theory that watching porn can change and shift your sexual preferences, I wasn't into dicks until I got into shemale porn. Don't know how it was for you.
  15. Our concept of time was drastically altered by Einstein's realization of relativity. He realized that the speed of light is the same, no matter what individual measures it and no matter that individual's relative speed. This means that time passes by at different speeds depending on which individual's perspective we are talking about. Before Einstein, we had a clear and logical sense that time ticks at the same speed everywhere in the universe, that an hour spent sitting on a couch (0 mph) was equivalent to an hour spent speeding down a highway at 70 mph. We now know that is not true. Despite the fact that our experiences in every day life lead us to believe that time ticks by at the same rate everywhere, it is simply not true. What I am trying to wrap my head around is an idea similar to the question: does a tree in a deserted the forest make a sound, since no one is there to hear it? I have always had an assumption, due to my mundane experiences, that when something is happening in one place at a particular time, at that exact moment everyone else is experiencing that exact moment (no matter what they're doing) at the very same time. However, if time flows at different rates, what is this exact moment to me, when compared to everyone else? Compared to myself, is there a moment occurring at the same time at the other end of the room, the world, or the galaxy? This enters into the realm of questioning the existence of things outside my awareness, which I do not want to do. But, if everything is literally on a different time schedule because of relative motion, how can there be a NOW that every individual thing in the universe can agree upon? I like to believe that there is such an objective clock ticking away the TRUE time, whatever that may be, but this could be simply wrong, as we were back before Einstein about the flow of time. Physically speaking, I wonder whether this cosmic clock has any truth to it because it all depends on observations. If I were traveling at half the speed of light towards the sun, and wanted to know what time it was back on earth, the information (assuming it traveled at the speed of light to reach me) would take time to reach me. Or if I were to turn around and head back, it would take time to get back to earth before I knew the time on earth. Since instantaneous transmittance of information is impossible, how then could I know if there truly was a single NOW throughout the universe? Even events cannot transmit their implications instantaneously - if the sun were to vanish, it would take about 8 minutes for the earth to quit its orbit and sail into outer space, because even gravity is bound by this universal law of relativity. My questions to you: Is there some cosmic clock ticking the exact time EVERYWHERE in the universe, or does the fact that there is no NOW for everything mean that every individual is experiencing a different NOW? If an event occurs NOW, at the other end of the galaxy, does it really happen NOW, if no one is there to observe it and the information physically cannot be known until light years later? Thanks .
  16. Dude.. It was so weird for me to find out that most men don't see it this way too. I asked before about this on reddit and people just started downvoting me for some reason. It just blows my mind that no one seems to understand how I feel ! The thing is I like everything about the female's body ..except the pussy . I watched tranny porn and it turns me on so much to see a girl with a dick . Am i normal ?
  17. Maybe. I did have a blowjob from a hooker few weeks I'm not sure if I'm technically a virgin or not .but I never fucked a pussy before. And I don't have a problem with that. I just find the physical appearance of a vagina gross .that's all.
  18. To be honest it's probably fine with me. I i don't wanna fix it. genitalia is actually pretty gross looking, despite some people saying they're 'beautiful'. it's a buncha exposed organs. not much that's very nice looking about it. i think genitals overall are kinda gross to look at, vaginas especially it doesn't mean im gay or have to question anything about my sexuality. it doesn't mean I'm a terrible person either.some people are into the look of genials but generally it's the feeling that people are into, not the appearance of people's junk.
  19. @MsNobody sorry if I offended you by my calling it "passive hole ". I should be careful in picking my words . I'm 25 hetero dude who thinks all vaginas are gross. I didn't have a normal sex life, but as I've gotten older it's become more and more difficult to even look at the female genitalia. I'm not putting down women or anything like that, I realize this is totally my issue, but what I wonder is am I the only one who feels this way? I don't know if this is a normal part of aging or what, but I've stopped watching porn altogether. I can deal with that as long as I don't have to see the pussy . A woman could be beautiful and she's a clean person; it's not hygiene, it's just the appearance. It grosses me out. And it's not just hers; it's all of them. Is this normal? For a while I thought it might mean I was gay or something, but I have no attraction to men at all. This seems like such a stupid problem to have, but I'm really confused about what it could mean and it's really distracting to have this crap jump into my head while I'm trying to work or whatever.
  20. I consider it abnormal and twisted. Shouldn't I be watching regular straight porn?
  21. This is strange. On the one hand you say a female body is hotter than a male body ..yet you prefer to have sex with a man ! Is that because of cultural conditioning? Because you seem to be lesbian or bi at the very least.
  22. What do you find appealing about a pussy ? It's literally just a passive hole . I'm physically and emotionally attracted to women but whenever looking at vagina in porn it grosses me out. I'm a virgin so I hope in sex that I'm not grossed out by the girl's vagina. It's always looked disgusting to me but does the pleasure one feels in sex overcome how nasty it looks? This is probably a strange situation or are there other guys like this? Maybe I need to get over that one Maybe i should look at a real one properly close up (stick my tongue in there whilst at it) and see that after all, it's just a bit of the body. All pussies are a little different any way.
  23. It sounds bisexual leaning. But only way to really know is trying it out with both sexes and then see where you stand. Sexuality is also a spectrum I don't have to try sex with a guy .i don't find the physical appearance of a guy attractive sexually. Just the dick is what turns me on .besides that I'm all for a girl . Her hair..her lips .her tits ..her butt etc But only if girls had a dick that would be perfect ?
  24. I think it's hard to object to the assertion that there are no absolute objective moral values. But I still think (hope? lol) that morals can be universal (independent of custom or opinion, as opposed to moral relativism), but not absolute (independent of context or consequences, as in absolutism).
  25. Im confused you like to lick dicks but you prefer the look of a pussy over that of a dick ??