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Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Adamq8 I can't read it. The words are foggy . Low resolution. Can you please copy paste it and post it as a reply . -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Maybe but i explained that not all dictators should be evil and corrupt. Dictatorship is one form of government structure and it has its pros And cons ,so as democracy. The primary benefit of this government structure is that it permits swift changes to occur within a society. Once the dictator decrees what should happen, those changes are made. There are no delays or ongoing debates about which course of action should be better. The dictator has sole control, which eliminates any arguments or fighting that could stop the process of change before it starts. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Not all of them. It's up to the people. I have nothing wrong with a dictator ruling over me so far, the dictator does not desire power but desires to rule with justice. I have never met such a person, and would need to know a person well to follow them as such. All forms of government are dictatorships in different shapes painted different colors. In democracy the majority rule the minority, this apeals to the majority, obviously, but the majority of people in a capitalist society desire money, so the super rich can easily persued the majority simply by leading them as a dog with balogna, that dog will follow you anywhere. The minority thus becomes not a minority of people, out voted, but becomes a majority of people who disagree at the very foundation with their own society and there will never be a vote to decide if we should restart from the ground up. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No it's different. We are not talking about some arbitrary number of small gods . Christianity insists that its 3. Only 3. And that is a core belief in the doctrine. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Like i said it all depends on what kind of dictator are we dealing with and giving authority to . He is not necessarily be evil. Its just that there never was a good dictator in the first place. But no, its far from evil, and it works a lot better then democracy. People cant handle freedom, so why should they be given any. Most people dont even care what happens to their right to vote. Half of them doesnt even show up when it election time. There are 2 kinds of people. The first is the biggest group. The easely sattisfied masses. Keep them happy, and the country is happy. They are the simple workers, and they are happy when they have enough food, a tv with blonde talentless people on it 24/7, and a wife to share the bed with. And there is a very small group of people that actually cares. They want power, to change and to influence the country. They are not sattisfied with just a tv, food and a wife. They want more. Those are the ones that end up in politics. And those are the ones that need to be checked on in a dictatorship. Satisfy them by giving them power. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Some say that Christianity is a monotheistic religion because of.. The source of authority for their beliefs The Bible, tells us there is only one God, and it refers to him as being The Father. But that same Bible also tells us that Jesus is God too, and that the Spirit of God, or the Holy Spirit is a person. The doctrine of the trinity is the result of reconciling all of these truths. Therefore we conclude that there is only one God (monotheism) — that he is a spiritual Being, and the Being of God is comprised of three co-equal and co-eternal persons. Isnt that the same thing as polytheism? The doctrine of the trinity is one of the hardest Christian doctrines to understand and to explain. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I think dictatorship can be positive. If a truly GOOD leader would be in place, one who would look for the greater good, he or she woould do a better job of governing than a democracy. There would be no red tape which stops so many good plans. I'm of course aware of its negativity.. It gives the authority and power to one individual to decide the fates of millions of people and gives them no choice but to accept it or be punished. It usually denies the existence of individual rights and, much like the Christian God, have no actual basis for his wants but will go at whim to control everyone. But it all depends if we have a good decent dictator or an evil one. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Maybe Welcome to the forum btw -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
With all due respect to everyone who commented here..I must say that I find everything about Christianity absurd. Think about it .. Christianity: The religious belief that God impregnated a 13-year-old married virgin girl, causing her to give birth to God, so that humans could kill God’s son God, so that people won't go to hell, provided they believe in this story . Isn't that a silly story that makes zero sense ? According to Christians Jesus was both man and God. That in itself is absurd. The bible teaches that no man can carry the sins of another so Jesus, as a man, cannot “take away the sins of the world”. If the answer to that is that he was also God, he was still a man!!! Did he change his state from man to God at will?Absurdity stacked upon absurdity. The notion that God would become part of his creation…absurd. If I cut myself while baking a cake and some of me ends up in the cake (whether a little blood, or my whole finger), I’m still not IN the cake! Absurdity again. The notion that a person would be granted paradise simply for believing that Jesus was God …also absurd. The first commandment, God is ONE! A few thousand years later, now he’s three? Absurd. I could go on. I didn’t even mention some of the absurd examples (like the one comparing the trinity to an egg) that Christians have used to explain this. Like I said, absurdity stacked upon absurdity. It is also, to a believer, very disrespectful to the creator to say that God was somehow bound by his limitations and need for blood. Yes, a Christian, (actually a few Christians) have offered this as an explanation. Like I said, the whole idea of a trinity is absurd. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Adamq8 so help me to understand.. the father is not the son and the son is not the father.... YET..the father is the son and the son is the father . That's like saying A=/=B and yet A=B. How does that work ..? Also do you subscribe to orthodox Christianity? I thought you are into Pantheism and non-duality and you don't treat God as separate from oneself. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How exactly is it irrelevant? It's the whole base of Christian theology. The father, the son and the holy spirit. And Christians claim hat they are one God despite that the fact that they are clearly three persons. Its mind boggling. And that's btw why there are so much Christian sects. Because they all disagree about the correct image of God -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do you understand what "monotheistic " mean ? How can Christianity be monotheistic if it believes that God is three distinct persons? Of course ghe absurd part is that they calim at the same time that the three persons are indeed one God. That just doesn't compute In my mind . -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's nice analogy but do you think that's what orthodox Christianity teaches about the Holy trinity? The problem is that there is a clear contradiction between God being one in essence and yet divided into three persons simultaneously. The esoteric interpretations of the trinity aren't being taken seriously by orthodox Christianity. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's an esoteric interpretation because you are into new age spirituality. If you say that to a chirstian they will accuse you of being a heretic. They take the Holy trinity literally. That God is divided into three persons. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No. I said clearly that all religions lack evidence for a separate God. No .all religions lack evidence. And so they all deserve to be thrown in the trash bag. But I'm just curious about the absurdity of the Christian theology -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think all religions are heart based . There is not a single evidence about Yahweh or zeus or Allah etc a separate God who lives in the sky and judges you. ..it's all taken on blind faith . But the problem with Christianity is in addition to lack of evidence. The theology is contradicting. Which makes it even worse . And yet ironically its the world most popular religion lol. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes but they believe two contradicting things about Jesus. The first is that he is God himself in the flesh . The second is that he is God's only begotten son ,who god sent him on earth to repent all of humanity's sins starting with the original sin . These two ways at looking at Jesus are contradictory . Which one is he ? God himself or just his son ? What about the Holy spirit? You see its a very messy and complicated theology. Unlike Islam and Judaism. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So 3=1 ? How does that work ? Do they believe in one God or three gods ? Is Jesus the godhead himself or just the son of God? Or maybe both at the same time which is mind boggling to understand. -
Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I want to know the basics of the Christian faith . Which is the belief that God is three persons. Unlike other monotheistic religions which believe that God is one person . Apparently Christianity make a subtle difference than other monotheistic religions. So I want to understand it more. How could it be a monotheistic religion while claiming that God is a trinity? -
I have an urge these days to do something crazy and stupid and reckless. Something to push me out of my comfort zone . Like maybe trying alcohol or trying drugs like weed or cocaine .idk hiking in the mountains. Sky diving. Idk really. I'm confused. I just want an adrenaline rush through my veins. At the same time my rational mind knows that these things can be very harmful and dangerous. But I just wanna get out of my same as everyday boring life and do something extreme to get high off it . I'm 25 and I didn't live a hot and exciting teen years. I'm confused. Should I try one of those ideas or should I wise up and not risk damaging myself In any significant ways .
@Benton so do you suggest to Me to try it out or I'm better off avoiding it to not turn into addiction and disassociation? Have you smoked weed yourself? Also it's illegal in my country..so I will have a hard time finding a dealer.
Isn"t weed has mind-altering compounds that affect both your brain and body. It can be addictive, and it may be harmful to some people’s health. Yes You Can Get “High” but is it worth it? It’s why most people try weed. The main psychoactive ingredient, that stimulates the part of your brain that responds to pleasure, like food and sex. That unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling. It May Affect Your Mental Health ? From doing a Google research i found that Not everyone’s experience with weed is pleasant. It often can leave you anxious, afraid, panicked, or paranoid. Using weed may raise your chances for clinical depression or worsen the symptoms of any mental disorders you already have. Scientists aren’t yet sure exactly why. In high doses, it can make you paranoid or lose touch with reality so you hear or see things that aren’t there. Your Thinking May Get Distorted It can also cloud your senses and judgment. Whats up with that? A tangent question: Do you still smoke it until today ?
Maturity is the antithesis of being childish. As we grow older, our maturity often grows too. But that doesn't mean young people aren't mature. Most of them are without a doubt. But it doesn't apply to everybody Maturity can mean many things in many different situations, but more generally it is an acceptance and understanding of the world around us. Maturity might mean understanding the reasons behind someone's actions and respecting and reacting in accordance with this. It might also mean offering help to someone who needs it or doing a job or chore without being asked to because you know it is the right thing to do. Reaching a status of maturity means that you are able to live your life independently but with high levels of respect for others. I'm looking forward to trying weed ..can you breifly tell me if it's addictive and what are the potential risks of using it ?
Obviously there are potential risks to what I mentioned. Which is why I'm hesitant about trying these stuff out. What if I end up an alcoholic or a drug addict?
This is not always the case . I know people in their 21 married and have children and they own a house and they are very responsible in their life . On the other hands you can find "losers" in their mid 30s who struggle to get their shit together. So don't take it for granted that people in their 20s are Immature. Immaturity is not always linked to one's age .you can find people in their 40s and they still act like little kids .