Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. For me the penetration is the last thing that turns me on. Having a blowjob makes more sexually excited than fucking. Am i abnormal? Maybe. But I do find 90 %, of porm boring ,mechanical and unrealistic.
  2. @Blackhawk let me ask the question in a different you enjoy sleeping? I know it's a complete blank, so there is no room for enjoyment or not ..but don't you always desire to sleep soundly? Why do you think that is ?
  3. I understand what you're saying. It's more of a gap in experience rather than an actual experience. But still you feel a difference between a night when you get a good sleep and a sleepless night when you experience insomnia. How do you explain that difference if sleep doesn't exist?
  4. I like making music and streaming YouTube videos (I'm not gonna share my YouTube channel here)., but I have few views and I can’t build a career around that. Also like I said I study philosophy and to be honest thats not gonna make a good career and earn me a good chunk of money . Maybe I need to find a job ASAP while I'm finishing my philosophy degree . It completely make me lose motivation. I feel guilty when i do it .it reduces my energy and overall make me depressed and unproductive. I think I should stop completely.
  5. I'm really shocked that some peeps here deny that they sleep at night. Maybe you guys should take a break from spiritual "work "and revert back to normal life. Just a thought.
  6. Relax guys .I sleep every night. Thank god . You guys enjoy your insomnia
  7. False. I experienced deep sleep every night . Of course its always a memory of the actual thing .because the actual thing is just pure blank .pure void . But you can actually record a video of yourself next night you go bed . You can record yourself and see how you lose consciousness during the night. It's really embarrassing for me to mention that. A human being is denying that he sleeps every night. It's just hilarious ?
  8. So you basically are denying that deep sleep even exists ? Then why you struggle so much and feel like you're losing your goddamm mind when you have insomnia? What are you longing for when you have insomnia? Look ..this sort of argument can be applied to anything and it's just pointless. You can claim that you didn't have dinner yesterday because it's just a thought in the present moment. Is that really your best bet ?
  9. Yes that's the magic of it . Times flying without you even notice it. That's what eternity means .its a state of such completeness that there is not even time to it . Few hours pass and yet from your pov it is as if few seconds have passed. Isn't that miraculous?
  10. @Kksd74628 in your opinion..what's the most beautiful thing in life ..and why ?
  11. Yes I already know what to do .but I don't have enough discipline and foresee to stick around till the end .I always procrastinate . For example I decided to work out daily in my house using simple equipments ..but I never started. I always find a reason to procrastinate. Also I'm not much clear what my life purpose is . Like what should I be doing with my life in general. I'm confused about my sexual life .is it healthy to watch porn and masturbate or not ? I'm confused about my career ..what should I do for a living? To be honest a philosophy degree isn't gonna help me find an easy job . Where do yoo suggest I should start ?
  12. Why is mechanical sex important? How do you have sex personally? Do you just focus on the penetration or do you flirt first and give enough space for foreplay?
  13. This has nothing to do with escapism or "problems ". Just be honest..isn’t the state of deep sleep perfectly completel? You don't need anything or suffer anything when you're why not extend this period to an eternal sleep? This would mean that you are forever happy ..forever at peace.
  14. How do you describe how you feel after waking up from Good night sleep ?
  15. @Loba heaven is not a physical place. Its not any particular form no matter how captivating and beautiful it is. heaven is complete non-duality. Total lack of forms of any kind. Complete formlessness. Exactly as you experience in deep sleep .that's basically what "nirvana " is in Buddhism. P.S where do you get these super cool pics from?
  16. Some people are just born gifted special talents .and they are a lucky minority. Most people are born without any special talent .those naturally gifted people find it easy to build a career over what they are talented at. Still, there are some people out there who seem to have figured it out, so to speak. They have succeeded at the highest level and attained every man and woman’s dreams of being successful beyond measure and beyond belief. So how is it that those people seem to succeed almost effortlessly while the rest of the world is left to wallow in a sea of debt, unable to extricate themselves from the shackles of a 9-to-5 job that has them pinned down with seemingly no place to turn. Success is tough no matter how you slice it. With so many people vying and competing in what many label as a zero-sum game, achieving any semblance of grand-scale success has become monumentally difficult. And it will only get harder as the years wear on. As the world’s population swells, so does the fiercely-competitive corporate and business environment, making it more and more difficult to succeed.
  17. Just practically speaking..what should i do to clear up all my confusions and know what path should I follow in life?
  18. ne problem, make small changes that require barely any effort, then one day, it's solved by itself, and you go to the next problem. This eventually builds up momentum and makes other problems easier. I guess no matter where we live on this earth, no matter what we do for a living, nor what opportunities are presented or handed to us, the large majority of people find it extremely difficult to succeed in life. Gathering the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical capacities to get ahead and exit this rat race we call life has always been difficult, but will only increase in difficulty as the years press on. With so many people vying for success, and with so many others trying to convince us that some system is going to solve all of our money problems or afford us with the life of our dreams, it becomes even more complex . That might be why so many people ask themselves why it’s so hard to succeed in life. Why is it so difficult to push through and achieve our goals and attain all of the things that we secretly desire in our minds? We gaze on at others who’ve reached the proverbial top of the mountain and we wonder how they did it. We ask ourselves, why them and not us? What are we doing so wrong that’s making it so difficult to taste sweet victory in life.
  19. An interesting documentary for those fascinated by the universe and its endless mystery.
  20. I want to take this conversation to a whole new level . I have a question..why is it Easy to be lazy and settle for mediocrity and indulging in bad habits than it is to build an awesome life for oneself ? Fundamentally, why is living an amazing life hard and living a lame life easy ? Have you guys noticed this yet ?
  21. Yeag I gues that Being confused is a sign of change and i may need to let the journey unfold a little bit more before you make a decision. And Be at peace with that, and be at peace with the fact that i don’t have all the answers. Just accept the way things are and trust that inspiration will reach me when the time comes to make a decision.
  22. Not necessarily religion. But what philosophy of life should I live by? (hedonism, stoicism,nihilism etc)
  23. I can work as a philosophy professor in university.
  24. Should I start thinking about the positive side of confusion? Like it's potential benefits? We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of confusion can cause us to feel that we are stuck in a never-ending, foggy web of uncertainty. Yes, while confusion can stir up a seamlessly never-ending cloud of fog that envelops everything around me , it is also a sign of great and powerful change. If i were always 100 percent certain about every decision i made or every fork in the road, how would i ever shift or grow ? When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and no beginning. Maybe To clear this,I need to start focusing on what I don’t feel confused about. Start focusing on what i know and what i feel sure about. When i do this, it will automatically help to weaken the cloud of confusion over my life What do you guys think ? @r0ckyreed @Knowledge Hoarder @Ulax @ndm678