Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Our concept of time was drastically altered by Einstein's realization of relativity. He realized that the speed of light is the same, no matter what individual measures it and no matter that individual's relative speed. This means that time passes by at different speeds depending on which individual's perspective we are talking about. Before Einstein, we had a clear and logical sense that time ticks at the same speed everywhere in the universe, that an hour spent sitting on a couch (0 mph) was equivalent to an hour spent speeding down a highway at 70 mph. We now know that is not true. Despite the fact that our experiences in every day life lead us to believe that time ticks by at the same rate everywhere, it is simply not true. What I am trying to wrap my head around is an idea similar to the question: does a tree in a deserted the forest make a sound, since no one is there to hear it? I have always had an assumption, due to my mundane experiences, that when something is happening in one place at a particular time, at that exact moment everyone else is experiencing that exact moment (no matter what they're doing) at the very same time. However, if time flows at different rates, what is this exact moment to me, when compared to everyone else? Compared to myself, is there a moment occurring at the same time at the other end of the room, the world, or the galaxy? This enters into the realm of questioning the existence of things outside my awareness, which I do not want to do. But, if everything is literally on a different time schedule because of relative motion, how can there be a NOW that every individual thing in the universe can agree upon? I like to believe that there is such an objective clock ticking away the TRUE time, whatever that may be, but this could be simply wrong, as we were back before Einstein about the flow of time. Physically speaking, I wonder whether this cosmic clock has any truth to it because it all depends on observations. If I were traveling at half the speed of light towards the sun, and wanted to know what time it was back on earth, the information (assuming it traveled at the speed of light to reach me) would take time to reach me. Or if I were to turn around and head back, it would take time to get back to earth before I knew the time on earth. Since instantaneous transmittance of information is impossible, how then could I know if there truly was a single NOW throughout the universe? Even events cannot transmit their implications instantaneously - if the sun were to vanish, it would take about 8 minutes for the earth to quit its orbit and sail into outer space, because even gravity is bound by this universal law of relativity. My questions to you: Is there some cosmic clock ticking the exact time EVERYWHERE in the universe, or does the fact that there is no NOW for everything mean that every individual is experiencing a different NOW? If an event occurs NOW, at the other end of the galaxy, does it really happen NOW, if no one is there to observe it and the information physically cannot be known until light years later? Thanks .
  2. Dude.. It was so weird for me to find out that most men don't see it this way too. I asked before about this on reddit and people just started downvoting me for some reason. It just blows my mind that no one seems to understand how I feel ! The thing is I like everything about the female's body ..except the pussy . I watched tranny porn and it turns me on so much to see a girl with a dick . Am i normal ?
  3. Maybe. I did have a blowjob from a hooker few weeks I'm not sure if I'm technically a virgin or not .but I never fucked a pussy before. And I don't have a problem with that. I just find the physical appearance of a vagina gross .that's all.
  4. To be honest it's probably fine with me. I i don't wanna fix it. genitalia is actually pretty gross looking, despite some people saying they're 'beautiful'. it's a buncha exposed organs. not much that's very nice looking about it. i think genitals overall are kinda gross to look at, vaginas especially it doesn't mean im gay or have to question anything about my sexuality. it doesn't mean I'm a terrible person either.some people are into the look of genials but generally it's the feeling that people are into, not the appearance of people's junk.
  5. @MsNobody sorry if I offended you by my calling it "passive hole ". I should be careful in picking my words . I'm 25 hetero dude who thinks all vaginas are gross. I didn't have a normal sex life, but as I've gotten older it's become more and more difficult to even look at the female genitalia. I'm not putting down women or anything like that, I realize this is totally my issue, but what I wonder is am I the only one who feels this way? I don't know if this is a normal part of aging or what, but I've stopped watching porn altogether. I can deal with that as long as I don't have to see the pussy . A woman could be beautiful and she's a clean person; it's not hygiene, it's just the appearance. It grosses me out. And it's not just hers; it's all of them. Is this normal? For a while I thought it might mean I was gay or something, but I have no attraction to men at all. This seems like such a stupid problem to have, but I'm really confused about what it could mean and it's really distracting to have this crap jump into my head while I'm trying to work or whatever.
  6. I consider it abnormal and twisted. Shouldn't I be watching regular straight porn?
  7. This is strange. On the one hand you say a female body is hotter than a male body ..yet you prefer to have sex with a man ! Is that because of cultural conditioning? Because you seem to be lesbian or bi at the very least.
  8. What do you find appealing about a pussy ? It's literally just a passive hole . I'm physically and emotionally attracted to women but whenever looking at vagina in porn it grosses me out. I'm a virgin so I hope in sex that I'm not grossed out by the girl's vagina. It's always looked disgusting to me but does the pleasure one feels in sex overcome how nasty it looks? This is probably a strange situation or are there other guys like this? Maybe I need to get over that one Maybe i should look at a real one properly close up (stick my tongue in there whilst at it) and see that after all, it's just a bit of the body. All pussies are a little different any way.
  9. It sounds bisexual leaning. But only way to really know is trying it out with both sexes and then see where you stand. Sexuality is also a spectrum I don't have to try sex with a guy .i don't find the physical appearance of a guy attractive sexually. Just the dick is what turns me on .besides that I'm all for a girl . Her hair..her lips .her tits ..her butt etc But only if girls had a dick that would be perfect ?
  10. I think it's hard to object to the assertion that there are no absolute objective moral values. But I still think (hope? lol) that morals can be universal (independent of custom or opinion, as opposed to moral relativism), but not absolute (independent of context or consequences, as in absolutism).
  11. Im confused you like to lick dicks but you prefer the look of a pussy over that of a dick ??
  12. In Newtonian sense “now" is a frame of time infinitely short. He invented the infinitesimal calculus for this reason: instantaneous velocity is a derivative. Imagine that you watch an event, and i watch the same event together with you. We occupy different positions and the information (light, sound) from that event reaches us in different, even if very close, instants. So, even if apparently we perceive something simultaneously, there's always a “dt" difference. Nobody has the same “now" of anybody else.
  13. One of the first things that Einstein did when developing his theory of relativity was to prove (to his own satisfaction, anway) that there is no absolute “now.” This was to prepare the ground for his equations showing that time and space would distort when high velocities were involved, so that two people travelling at different speeds from the same starting point would end up with their clocks showing different times. So everything is relative to something else, and there is no absolute time nor absolute space, just a strange combination of the two, spacetime. But it is only a theory, and maybe someone will come up with some radically different explanation some day. Anyways..thanks for the insightful thought provoking replies.
  14. What do you find attractive in a pussy ? Do you like fingering it ?
  15. Is it true that women can have multiple orgasms that last for quite few minutes?
  16. Yes I watch porn . I dont remember exactly. I started out pretty straight. Only watching guy and girl scenes. But as the years went by..I started developing attraction to dicks. I still like girls tho .but i also like dicks .doesn't that make bisexual?
  17. But I like girls from head to toe .I like a pretty face..Nice tits ..Big round ass etc.the only part I find gross is the pussy . I don't watch gay porn .it's disgusting. I watch shemale porn to see hot girls with dick . Also I m planning to marry a girl before I hit my 30s. I classified myself as bisexual.
  18. Let's sat you awakened to infinity or infinite love or spiritual to make sure you are right? How to know you are not deluded? Basically I'm asking what anchors all human knowledge and insights? How do we know anything at all is a tangent question. Some might say "direct experience "..but what if direct experience is fooling us ? After all direct experience does indeed fool us every night when we are sleeping (dreams) who's to say that your insight from direct experience is not a deception? Hope my question is clear . Any pointers appreciated ?
  19. If physical time doesn't exist and time is a lense through which we intuit the world', then everything that has and will happen must already be there. If time is the fourth dimension (because we cannot imagine what the fourth dimension would look like think of a 2D cube as space and a 3D cube as space-time) and we only perceive cross-sections of this complete cube, then the future is already there, decided, and hence determined. Many would want to avoid this determinist consequence. Incidentally, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
  20. Think of deep sleep ..don't you enjoy sleeping? I think it's the highest form of joy possible. Total formlessness .total emptiness. That's the true definition of heaven .heaven is not some garden filled with your favorite food and sexy women. Heaven is precisely like deep sleep. Imagine that you went to sleep and never woke up . That would be the greatest thing ever .total freedom. Total unlimitedness. But of course eventually you will get bored of existing as the Godhead for eternity after eternity and you will decide to dream again .only for you to long again to the nirvana of emptiness. And the cycle continues over and over over again.
  21. @Benton i won't ask you how you came up with it or why you're so sure the present moment is Al there is for my pov . The problem is that if, as you say, "there is no future or past" and the present is all that really exists, existence is so incredibly fleeting it makes things seem pretty insignificant don't you think? If that doesn't bother you, this will: We live (quite consciously) in the present moment right? And to live consciously in the present moment one would have to be aware of one's doing so. But, of course, if the present moment lasts merely 10^-43/sec then how can one be aware of the fact that one is in it? One cannot even be aware of it! There's no time! (And yet you claim that the present moment "is your perceptions") You cannot use the word "Now!" meaningfully because it takes longer for you to say "now" than it takes for the present moment to pass. If a one-syllable word cannot even denote the moment you intend it to denote, how can talk of the present carry any meaning? How are we to live presently in a mathematical point?
  22. @Benton is your now the same as my now ?
  23. Bro..33 is super young..your life has just started. ? I'm not necessarily saying it's "always:" better than waking life . But don't you deep down desire to disappear forever? At least from time to time when you are feeling suicidal for example . I think this longing for eternal rest increases as we age older because the older you get the more sick and tired we are with life . Old people sleep a lot just like babies btw .
  24. @r0ckyreed thanks for the solid advice. Truly appreciate it. ?
  25. I'm 25 .I study philosophy in uni. Many people told me that I can't make a good career with a philosophy degree .but I didn't listen to them. And decided to study the thing I wanted to study . Now I have a lot of confusions about how should I live my life. I have 60-80 years at my am I going to spend them is the question that gives me insomnia. First of all I struggle with a bunch of addictions and bad habits like smoking cigarettes..masturbating. watching porn ..eating terrible food . Now I understand that I should stop these activities right away. But every now and then I find myself slipping back to my old habits. I need sense of direction in my life. I'm lost .I don't know where I'm heading towards. I I don't know where will I be in 5 years from now .probably a dark place if didn't get my shit together and did the right thing. But the main problem is how do I know what is the right thing to do? There is too much confusion and too much conflicting information out there about what's healthy and good for you and what's not . How do I know which religion should I follow? How do I know which diet should I eat ? How do I figure out the perfect sexual lifestyle for me ? How do I find a good career that pays me enough money and that I enjoy at the same time? So many confusions .I don't even know where should I start. Any tips or advice appreciated.