Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I know you are a fan of this whole "no self" movement that is becoming the spiritual trend these days. But in my experience there is a difference between the ego self (the false self which is illusory) and the true Self (we might call it God or Love or Infinity or whatever ). And i know you are allergic to this notion of "true self " and you call it "spiritual ego ", but please keep an open mind . You might be missing something significant and your awakening might be lacking . Enlightenment is both a gaining and a losing process. You lose your false self and gain the true infinite Self . The ego doesn't go away with enlightenment. Ego is a deep and fundamental aspect of mental operation. Its Rather a projected self image, which you had taken to be real, is seen as an illusion. There is no doer. You see how the ego program works. A feeling like pride arises from it, and you realize that emotion makes no sense. It is not the ego that needs to die, but its illusory beliefs. Both enlightenment and death are creations of the egoic mind. The truth is, neither really exist, you only think they do! Your task in awakening to the truth of your existence is not to rid yourself of ego, but to purify it and to live in harmony with it. you call it enlightenment, then it is so…. If you call it realization… it is so… it does not matter what you call it… Now this How part : It is very simple ,Hold on to something that is eternal, Whatever is temporary, drop it… you will find the Self eventually. Even this “how” is also illusion and temporary….. when you sleep, where this “how” goes! “How” is also the mind…. And mind is Maya, illusion…. By searching “how”, you are creating a distance from the self….. if the “how” is gone… well you can drop it in a second or in few lifetimes, that's your choice of the mind .but if this “how” is gone and the mind stops to hold on to this thought of “how”… what remains is the Self.
  2. Yes .According to Indian tradition, the Buddha offered the answer on one of his many journeys: “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. ... Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.” If you follow Buddha’s teachings then you don’t need trust. You hear what the teacher teaches and you go back to your practice. You verify everything the teacher teaches in your own practice. You don’t need to trust the teacher - you do need to trust yourself. And you need to trust the teachings. The teaching are not the same as the teacher. Many spiritual traditions, especially those derived from hinduism, proscribe to the belief that one must completely submit to a Guru in order to achieve any spiritual anything. The Guru is the gate keeper - he will either let you in or he won't. The Guru is the supreme authority and the disciple submits to the Guru fully, completely, unquestioningly. That is supposed to be the only way to enlightenment. I personally disagree with that, so did Buddha.
  3. Yes so there is indeed a chance of misunderstanding and falling into the trap of blindly trusting the teacher. Which might make the student go out and do reckless things . I think that @Leo Gura should add to the guidelines of the forum the following : Don’t blindly believe what I say. Don’t believe me because others convince you of my words. Don’t believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts. Don’t rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don’t infer or be deceived by appearances. Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion. Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Don’t blindly believe what teachers say. Don’t give up your authority and follow. Don’t trust others to have your truth and your answers. Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real.
  4. Sorry ? How is It both? So both short replies and long replies can be misunderstood and misleading? So should the guy remain silent lol ?
  5. So I need to tense this muscle right before I cum and that will give me non-ejaculatory orgasm? Or more potent orgasms or what exactly? I also heard that Kegel exercises strengthen it true?
  6. I'm currently reading the multi orgasmic man book by mantak chia. Tbh it's kinda complicated and long and boring .and so technical and difficult to understand. If anyone has read the book ..can you give me a brief summary of how to achieve multiple orgasms and also non-ejaculatory orgasms and full body orgasms .because i find these possibilities interesting. But I'm not quite sure how to do it . So if anyone have read the book ..can you give me a brief list of the gist of the techniques mentioned in the book ? And also if there are similar books out there but more simple than this one would be appreciated. Thanks .
  7. Because I like him and I wish him to be the best .so I'm being honest and giving him some tough love . That's all. Depends on what do you mean by "work". I consider participating in this forum and sharing thoughts with highly Intelligent people a work . Well..Why its outside of my control? Maybe Leo can read this thread and some of it might convince him. and he then find ways to improve his communication style as I requested from him. I requested from him to create those new subforums and he did it.
  8. Not necessarily to have 100 hours a day . After all he does have 30k posts and he participate and post every day few posts . So why not give it a little bit more effort to help people avoid any possible confusion or misinterpretation? And btw that's just one aspect of my criticism here . I also talked about his arrogant attitude and talking down on us sometimes. For me that's more important to fix and to work on.
  9. He can be. Especially if he has a huge number of followers and a community like this one. I agree that After years of following various self-help gurus and spiritual teachers, most, who are very clearly ‘on the path’ realise at some point that all of the answers are already there inside of each one of us.but the teacher does play a role in guiding the individual to these truths . Even if we choose to follow a leader/teacher, they are only reminding us that we have the answers already. A spiritual man or woman who walks the talk and talks the walk. The spiritual path is extremely difficult and the teacher will be heavily tested . I like to think there is a difference between a teacher or guru and a spiritual Master. A teacher puts their information into you but a Master removes all your inner barriers. Which one do you think Leo is ?
  10. It's actually the opposite. Those shorties that leo throw are often misinterpreted by people. When the subject requires further explanation..he just give you one liners like "death is Imaginary ".and the likes . And this shouldn't be tolerated because it can be dangerous when newbies hear this they might do something dangerous. We have two cases of suicide in this forum for God's sake . I didn't want to bring that up but come on. Leo should definitely work on how he communicates in the forum.
  11. I don't think this justifies Leo's arrogance sometimes. I've noticed it over the years when he locks a thread he always leave a harsh comment to the OP and its completely unnecessary. Arrogant people want admiration and respect from others. They want to be appreciated for the great things they’ve done and for their special qualities and abilities. In many cases, a person becomes arrogant when they achieve things their peers couldn’t achieve. Doing something extraordinary that no one else could do gives a tremendous boost to your self-worth. It’s because our subconscious mind is always comparing our life with our peers to measure our progress in the things that matter to us. Know that just because you did something great doesn’t mean you’re a superhuman. You have some weak points too, and you know it. Know that others aren’t less worthy just because they never did what you could do.
  12. Create models and maps that help us understand the world.
  13. Yeah that was a huge fuck up ..l learned the lesson the hard way, I guess ?
  14. Look..dudes ..I'm just in a horny idiot these days,okay? ..I browsed tons of dating apps looking for one night deal ..also in my "one girl per day challenge " I failed two times with two girls. I guess it was because I was too straightforward in showing my only interest which is sexual interest. I simply asked the girls if they wanna fuck. And I immediately got a big no , and the girls completely lost their interest in me . Basically I want to know how to not come off as needy desperate horny boy who can't control his sexual energy and act like a gentleman? Is that something I can get better at ? Any suggestions? Books ?vidos ?etc . Thanks.
  15. @thisintegrated I think The environment you are in shapes your personality in a certain way, forcing you to develop traits and habits that might be foreign to your type. For instance, if you are naturally casual and spontaneous (Prospecting), but your work schedule is very structured and your manager is obsessive about schedules, your preferences are likely to change. However, you will probably switch back to being a Prospecting individual as soon as you leave that job. The same rule applies to other traits as well. Do you mean your basic personality type cannot change ?however, you can (and should!) change the aspects of your personality that you are unhappy with. By doing this you will strengthen your shadow traits and become a more well-rounded individual, even though your dominant traits will still remain the same. Such a change could be triggered by either the environment you are in or your own will . to each his own.
  16. And what do you classify yourself now ? Why not ?The desire to alter personality is not uncommon. Shy people might wish they were more outgoing and talkative. Hot-tempered individuals might wish they could keep their cool in emotionally charged situations. I think it's possible to change your personality, its not like our basic personality patterns fixed throughout life? But what if you want to change your personality? Can the right approach and hard work lead to real personality change, or are we stuck with undesirable traits that hold us back from achieving our goals. I think anyone can change his /her personality The constant interaction between genetics and the environment can help shape how personality is expressed. For example, you might be genetically predisposed to being friendly and laid back, but working in a high-stress environment might lead you to be more short-tempered and uptight than you might be in a different setting.
  17. Yeah all of these for Leo perfectly. He is overly analytical and judgmental Dislikes talking about emotions Sometimes seems callous or insensitive. Those are some of the characteristics I found when I Googled this personality type . I'm a bit new to this model ..but can a person actually change his personality type According to this model and gain or lose new characteristics?
  18. I didn't know what that is .so I just googled it . What are the main characteristics of this personality type? Does it involve the person being blunt and bold and careless and lacks compassion and emotional intelligence? Because these are the characteristics that I'm critical of leo here.
  19. He's being doing YouTube videos for more than 10 years now . He is definitely got used to it and became second nature to do. And you can compare his old videos and his new videos and see the difference in confidence and coherence etc. He literally have over 30k posts. How can you say he has no time for the forum ? He participate almost every day. and No... he sometimes straight our insult people. Calling them imbeciles and whatnot .this happend with the user @Gesundheit2 when he disagreed with him about "love" . I know that Some people here show arrogance but maybe a communication can have value beyond the individual that is doing it, regardless of how it sounds. People confuse the person with the communication, and think that since they dislike the person, then the communication is false or unworthy. That includes believing in him because you like the teacher or how the communication sounds. The point is to watch out for Leo's self-bias and to be open. It’s more about getting yourself (your biases, preferences, etc.) out of the equation as much as possible.
  20. Don't worry..I have become an expert in what turns Leo off .so I can avoid my posts being locked in the future
  21. @puporing again like I said im not against locking threads. It's his forum after all and he can lock whatever he finds distracting from the"real work". But my main objection is the Insults that always follow a lock. So instead of saying "stop your mental masturbation or I'm gonna kick your ass outta here '. ....he can say "this is distracting from the real work. Please make more decent posts in the future " You see the difference?
  22. So he is punishing me for starting so many threads ? Is there a rule in the guidelines about how many threads you could start in a week ? I don't think so Yes I do post a lot but I always try to make sure that my posts are decent enough and high quality. The last post Leo locked of mine was "can a man made computer become conscious?". The thread was awesome and people were sharing so many interesting views on the subjects and it continued for 9 or 10 pages .and then all the sudden leo came in and started "solipsizing " and repeat "only you can become conscious, nobody else " and then when I disagreed with him he locked the thread and accused me of spreading nonsense and wasting his time . I mean I'm OK with locking threads . This place needs moderation. But I disagree with the insult that always follows locking a thread. That is completely unnecessary and just hurts the user's feeling and make him feel like shit . Why does Leo not work on changing that ?