Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Do you know what the materialism perspective consider the point of human existence is? Despite what that motivational YouTube video or Instagram quote might have told you, it is not to “find yourself”. The point of life is to survive long enough to pass on your genetic material and have children. That’s where the drive to have sex comes from when we go through puberty. As one rises to adulthood, the drive to have sex increases and most people become extremely horny. This is our biological imperative. On a personal level, sex is extremely pleasurable and can be very positive if you have lots of consensual sex with a partner whom you like. Could I have been more productive in high school, college, and other times in my life if I completely ceased the pursuit of sex with girls? Sure, but I wasn't going to do that. I had the urge to get with chicks and like many other members of the animal kingdom, I did a lot of things (some of them very stupid) to attract female attention in hopes that would lead me to “close the deal”. I lifted weights and got huge, grew a thick full beard to signal virility and maturity, partied a lot, chatted up almost every hot girl I saw, but I'm still not satisfied .and I know that I won't ever be satisfied no matter how much sex I have. Because happens lies completely beyond the animalistic desires of the body .or at least that's my perspective.
  2. Because we lack consciousness to see that it's all perfectly perfect. If everyone was at an advanced enough stage of enlightenment it would be as if the earth was one giant collective consciousness. Think of the ideal family who's values align so perfectly that there is never any issues. Now extend that family to everyone on the planet. At an advanced enough stage of enlightenment, all resistance to what is ceases. The duality between selfishness and selflessness is shattered. The idea of doing anything to harm another person seems ridiculous. The idea of taking from others to suit yourself seems counterproductive, because everyone IS you. Once you realize your groundless nature and your identity becomes completely fluid, it makes more sense to abide as the entire earth rather than as an individual. You don't have to tell someone not to cut off their own arm haha.
  3. But I know as a fact that I'm not getting any sex in less than five years. I have a university degree to finish and I have to find a job with a decent salary to afford for a marriage or serious relationship.
  4. In our modern era today..I think it's important to most people. However I don't think it should be the number one necessity to live a good life or to even live any kind of life . I know that sex is biological need just like food. But we can surpass that need just like on fasting day we fast and still be happy. When one gets higher pleasure he can surpass lower pleasure. We find so many sadhus, saints and great people they are happy and satisfied without having sex. Essentially we are not this body but soul, when soul is in connection with supersoul he is happy just like fish feels comfortable in the association with ocean or water.
  5. @Federico del pueblo I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with my threads on the dating section lately. Its just that I'm a single dude with not much friends who likes to mentally masturbate about all kinds of stuff. And what is better than sex to talk about? Do you got better topic?
  6. When I was in my 16 in puberty age I just loved sex! I would think about sex in the morning, afternoon and evening. I would love to watch porno flicks, I would talk about sex and I would eagerly wait for sexual encounters to happen with girls. In fact, my dream was to have one million girl-friends, be the most desired man and have sex with thousands of women. Alas….how times change. Today, at the age of 25, I constantly ask myself “Were you seriously a playboy or were you lying about it?” Do you know why? Because today sex is no longer important to me. My sexual appetite has decreased to such a level - I only think about for 5 minutes. Yup - 5 minutes and I am done.
  7. @Federico del pueblo i just gotta get rid of my desperate mindest . Someone told me lately that you aren't getting it precisely because you are chasing it so much . It's what's known as the reverse rule . Seek it less..and you will get it more . How do you think about this ?
  8. Its obvious. To have a complete and perfect understanding of the entire Universe. Scintists have been working for a century to fined GREAT UNIFIED THEORY. The importance of unifying the natural forces in one theory is to understand in depth the universe and nature in general.Also it clarifies how the universe is created and what are the properties of this great unified force or field which is the source of finding the universe.It is a big dream of humanity to understand well why this unverse is?and why we are here?these scientific questions are too important to find their answers,of course the real religions which believe in one God they have some information about the creation of the universe specialy in Islam,but still it is too important to find a one theory of everything scientifically, though science cannot in fact understand the full mind of God,it is a red line that human be in God place fully.
  9. It gets tricky here because the way you are framing it . you see ..the bottom line is that Solipsism can't be proved or disproved. And I know this very well. However,If you understand how consciousness works (it’s fundamental) and how reality works in idealism, you will possibly reach the conclusion that we are all solipsists in superposition. What is the problem with solipsism? It seems you are looking for a solution without a problem. Philosophically, I am a solipsist and a panpsychist. My position is that we are all solipsists in superposition with each other and so the only mind that exists that we can know for certain is our own. From that standpoint (mine), all the other entities (solipsists) might as well be p-zombies (7.5 billion at least ,from fully fleshed examples fading to abstract conceptual entities. I believe that the others to themselves are fully fledged solipsists in their own right and not p-zombies but from each of our individual existences, the all the others are p-zombies. For example: I am writing these words and from my vantage, I am a sentient being that experiences all the trappings of existence. Qualia and physicality are mine and exist because I consciously/subconsciously create and experience them. To you however I am whatever you conjure as an abstract concept. I am the pixels on a screen that you conceive/perceive as some forum user with the label “Someone here” generated in replies to questions. Your brain translates those pixels into symbols that you perceive as words which point to connotations within your consciousness and cobble their (your) meanings into concepts. What do i mean by this? You are projecting the idea that what you are experiencing right now has a deeper independent reality to it. Which you call the external objective world. You Believe the world exists when you are not perceiving it. recognize it’s a more of convoluted belief system that requires extra mind baggage.. that careful.. objective.. direct study of experience and reality does not need. In fact.. if you studied your direct experience long enough you’d notice all sensory perception has no solidity to it at all.. it’s just a fluid.. spacious.. fluctuating field of is-ness popping into and out of a void. the “objective” reality science thinks is out there is quite literally impossible if they knew what they were actually studying, which is perception. The thoughts that think there’s an objective layer are also popping into and out of this void. This requires an extremely stable...mindful concentration of what is really happening vs what your mind thinks is happening. However your consciousness of the present moment is actual. regardless of whether you deny perception/consciousness, it’s here, it’s primary, it’s completely undeniable. Any extra metaphysical claims about the substance of reality are subject to unfalsifiable skepticism. And again.. It's impossible to prove an objective external world outside of your imagination due to the nature of conscious experience only having the ability to exist as experience. Consciousness is all you have to prove a world. So you are always using consciousness as the actual substance of inquiry and you cannot step outside of consciousness to verify is something outside of consciousness.
  10. @Preety_India You first tell me what you mean by 'evil', 'evil' to me is an intention placed into the act. But then still, killing an ant is the same as killing a baby. The reason society reacts differently to both acts is because in their perception of the subject 'humanity' (themselves) is more important than the other. Good and evil are concerned with human notions of ethics and morality and are both relative and dynamic, in that they differ (sometimes significantly) between different cultures and are subject to periodic change and adaptation. Thus, good and evil are not absolute i think it has to depend on your meaning of evil . does eating meat count as evil? you have to realize reality is neutral. evil and good are projections .they are assigned by your mind. so ironically to be enlightened is to realize that everything is perfect already. but then of course undoubtedly if all people are "enlightened" there will be less relative evil .
  11. @michaelcycle00 You experience your own mind every waking second, but you can only infer the existence of other minds through indirect means. Other people seem to possess conscious perceptions, emotions, memories, intentions, just as you do, but you cannot be sure they do. You can guess how the world looks to me based on my behavior and utterances, including these words you are reading, but you have no firsthand access to my inner life. For all you know, I might be a mindless bot.
  12. What you guys have to understand is that solipsism doesn't change the practicality of everyday life . You still gotta go to work and pay the bills and feed yourself. Solipsism is like a little layer of gloss you can put on your perception of reality that doesn’t really have a set effect. Some people like it, it makes them feel safe, other people don’t like it a lot, they prefer something else. It doesn’t actually affect reality one way or another. The explanation for one’s perception is usually developed after the fact, and this is one case where that applies. Some people think solipsism is a good reason to be selfish or apathetic. But just like how reality comes before explanation, those emotions appear before solipsism too. They would probably do it anyway. Basically, solipsism is a truth that asserts nothing practical. Therefore, its truth has no practical effect one way or the other.
  13. I think we all agree that Leo on YouTube is not Leo in the forum. He doesn't show more than 10% of his actual potential and intelligence and intellectual capacity as you see him on YouTube talking for 3 hours straight about the most complicated topics. I want to understand why? Why Leo doesn't put much effort in his replies instead of these shorts nuggets that he throw here and there. Its rare to find Leo replying in more than 5 lines . also his somewhat arrogant an non- compassionate style. I hate it when Leo locks a thread and then leave the last post an insult to the OP and say something along the lines " watch out or I will kick you out of here ". Like why use this tone with your followers and supporters (almost everyone here loves and supports Leo and his work ,otherwise they wouldn't be here). I don't resonate with Leo's content on his forum . He doesn't engage people in the forum other than a short message and in most times its about pick up . It seems he doesn't embody his own teachings and is more so intellectualizing them. He's a genius in my view, but doesn't embody nor engage his questioners on a level that Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira would. @Leo Gura I hope you can clarify a bit your attitude towards this forum and your fans. thank you
  14. @Preety_India @Leo Gura Imo If you are talking about human Imagination(thoughts and mental images) then it is not limitless. Our perceptional knowledge sets the limit on our ability to imagine. We just cannot imagine anything whose basic component parts were not perceived through senses. Imagination is actually a ‘diffusion’ of two or more mind images into one. For example imagine a ‘golden mountain’. Here two separate images i.e. ‘golden’ and ‘mountain’ have been merged into one. Imagination does not imply impossibility. It is not impossible to make a toy golden mountain. If a rich government takes this challenge, a real golden mountain also can be built. Whatever can be imagined can be drawn on drawing board or can be made into man made product (at least toy) as well. So there is no factor of impossibility in this . Imagination does have limits. And yet, imagination is infinitely flexible. The building blocks of imagination are experience, so if you haven't experienced something, you can't use that as the basis of imagination. Imagination is also constrained by experience, so the more you know as a fact that cannot be disproven the more limited imagination may become. Maybe you are talking about some lofty metaphysical imagination that is beyond the capacity of human imagination. Idk
  15. @Benton @Preety_India So are you saying “all possibilities exist”? Let’s agree, shall we, that “all possibilities” is a much smaller set than “all things that could be imagined or conceived”. In other words, things that might happen are constrained by what is possible within the local rules. The rules might differ elsewhere, but they still need to be constrained enough for “elsewhere” (other universes?) to hold together and function within themselves. The way I’ve heard / read it is “In an infinite universe, or an infinity of universes, anything that is possible will happen.” The same could be said about “infinite time”. depends on what you mean by ‘impossible’. I would argue that the safe bet is ‘no’. The impossible is not possible in a parallel universe because in order for it to be possible it could never be impossible. Are you going to spontaneously sprout a giant squid from your lower half that will then turn around and eat you? That’s impossible, and it ain’t going to happen in any parallel universe either, unless there’s one where you were tricked into ingesting some microscopic squid that then would develop inside you and do that. So may be it’s not impossible but highly unlikely, even in a parallel universe.
  16. @Breakingthewall @Maka I didn't arrive at that conclusion through armchair speculation. It all started with watching Leo's solipsism video over and over again and I contemplated it deeply for myself for days with no end .and that was my conclusion: in principle, “existence” means for me my existence and that of my mental states. Existence is everything that I experience..physical objects, other people, events and processes..anything that would commonly be regarded as a constituent of the space and time in which I coexist with others and is necessarily construed by me as part of the content of my consciousness. For me, it is not merely the case that i believe that my thoughts, experiences, and emotions are, as a matter of contingent fact, the only thoughts, experiences, and emotions. Rather, i can attach no meaning to the supposition that there could be thoughts, experiences, and emotions other than my own. In short, the true solipsist understands the word “pain,” for example, to mean “my pain.” He cannot accordingly conceive how this word is to be applied in any sense other than this exclusively egocentric one.
  17. @Breakingthewall psychedelics are illegal in my country. Plus ..I have verified some of things I mentioned here for myself through direct experience. I know that I'm the only conscious being in the entire Universe and everything and everyone are my sock puppets. Enlightenment is conscious death. Full blown enlightenment is total conscious death on all levels. To fear death and seek enlightenment is the cosmic giggle. Don't seek enlightenment, seek to remove all limitations in your way right now. You can't climb a mountain with a broken ankle. Ego work may be necessary at some parts and you may dissociate at others. No right or wrong. Ultimately were all just going deeper into ourselves. Ego is just a thought, then silence, then another thought and so on.
  18. I think Infinite possibilities does not mean everything is possible. Infinite possibilities refers to combinations and permutations. Impossible combinations are impossible. Possible combinations, however, are infinite. Words can be confusing, but the statement essentially means “everything possible is possible, and everything impossible could never occur. But then again what's possible is infinite. If one can rap oneself around the concept of FOREVER without melting his brain, it really puts things into perspective, especially if you can think about multiverses. Anything you can conceivably imagine has happened, is happening, and will happen an infinite amount of times. So, you name it you got it .that's pretty scary and depressing tbh .infinity is the most scary shit ever .
  19. I don't understand in what sense are you defining imagining here. Is it in a sense of law of attraction that what you think a lot creates your reality ? For example, if you regularly engage with the thought that you’re a failure and feed more attention to it, you’ll start to feel down, worthless, discouraged and perhaps even depressed. But if you engage with more empowering thoughts, they would boost your confidence and thus trigger a more positive emotional state which will then be reflected in how your body reacts: standing up straight, upbeat and energized. Or are you meaning as in what me as the godhead imagining? Who controls this imagining? And why would I imagine hell for myself If I have enough consciousness? And who gets to decide what I'm imagining? Me or me (ego self or God self )?
  20. I'm not telling leo how he should act . Its his forum after all and he could run it whichever way appeals to him. I was just giving my thoughts on areas where he can improve his communication with members and not degrade them so much .There are structural reasons teachers have too much work to do, and not enough time to do it. Districts do not prioritize work or collaboration time and continuously pile on more responsibilities. But today I’m not writing about what districts and administrators can and should do .I'm only suggesting.
  21. Did you experience any hell Realms in one of your psychedelic trips ? I remember one of the members here had a hellish experience on salvia before where he said that the trip ripped him apart . He said (I'm quoting him here): "It showed me worlds that are so beyond this one that describing even the tiniest part could fill 500 books and not get even remotely close. It showed me all levels of existence, and then threw me out of them as if they're nothing. It's simply unimaginable, no words could come close, or touch this experience in any way imaginable. If you've ever done some psychedelic and broken through, multiply that by a million and it's still a tame experience in comparison. It breaks reality. This experience happened more than a decade ago and I'm still collecting the pieces. I honestly have no idea what the fuck happened. It's hard to talk about because while I faintly remember the experience, I just know I can't English it because it would be like trying to stick a fork into the moon. I know this doesn't help much but I literally can't share the experience not because I don't want to but because it was out of this world and as such, unable to be mapped to any concept from this world. If you ask me, it was beyond even death. I was infinity, forever. How I ever found a way back to my body is a mystery. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me by a factor of one trillion. This should go without saying but please do NOT take Salvia. I haven't benefited much from this experience, other than being shown that everyone is completely full of shit and nobody actually knows what's going on. If you're going to do psychedelics, take any "lesser" psychedelic, they are far easier to integrate. Even DMT, while I haven't done it, doesn't sound like it has the potency of Salvia. I've read hundreds of trip reports from DMT and not a single one mentioned being stuck in infinity or experiencing months or years in another world. Salvia CAN take you there. So can Datura. Stay away from those " Please Leo tell me that hell doesn't exist ?