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Someone here replied to Xonas Pitfall's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@gettoefl @Breakingthewall you two in love ?🤔 I suggest sitting together in an Arab café and have some Shisha and sort out the heated discussions about mere Dissociations and abstractions (jk ) -
A very close sibling of mine who looks up to me and trusts me as a highly loyal and moral person and such .. has caught me watching porn on my tablet ..he didn't confront me then ..he told me after few days that I saw you watching sex videos .and that he is disappointed by me and that he longer considers me a relative to be proud of . I'm not gonna mention who exactly is this family member . I just feel like garbage rn.
Solipsism specially is going to be brilliant. Because its such a tricky topic . Solipsism is either the highest most radical truth ever ..or the stupidest bullshit ever .
The following topics to discuss : 1-free will . 2- solipsism. 3-god . 4-death . 5-truth . I'm going to mentally masturbate over these things and cum on their faces
You can experience high states of consciousness and verify that you are not the body. You don't need full blown earth shattering awakening to get this . I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening. As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry. The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world. The body is seen as the world.. Not me. A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present. At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done. But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it.So what are you? No not at all .you're welcome brother ♥.
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok i need need some help understanding something . (I know we had this conversation about free will numerous times in the past )but what I'm talking about is not only from the perspective of the absolute. Its from that of a physical body as well . Lets say the body is real and the mind is real and that you are a human (this is how it appears right ?)I'm not gonna start citing the scientific studies that were done in the last century that shows that the brain takes a decision 10 millisecond before your conscious decision. So for example..I decided to take a cigarette..putting it into my mouth and smoke .what happened here ?the brain decides before I have the thought of smoking and then it appears that I made the decision consciously .while in fact it was completely inevitable. Please try this simple experiment: Get a piece of paper and pen..and write down the first movie that comes to mind . no deliberation. Notice how the content of whatever movie it was was completely unanticipated and random? It just happened..perhaps it was related to a recent memory or experience you had today. Notice how that was also out of control. Right ? Now extend the realization of this experience of happening of thinking of a movie to your entire existence. So whichever way you want to think about ..there is no choice neither to the body mind nor to the absolute. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The body is not yourself. The mind is not yourself. They're only temporary conditionings. They're there for a while then they're gone. Like bubbles on the ocean. Bubbles come bubbles go every second. Yet the ocean always remains the same. And so it is with life on this planet. People come people go. things come..things go everything changes.. changes..changes but you are the ocean of bliss. You have absolutely nothing to do with these changes whatsoever. This is the key realisation to freedom or liberation. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ishanga I appreciate you but I don't think you are helping him by putting the responsibility on his shoulders. Choice is illusory. Just take five minutes to investigate your life ..turn within and you will come to realize that your whole life has been mapped out for you before you came on this earth. Everything is predestined. However..if you look at it in the right way..it's beautiful and freeing..because it means that you are not responsible for anything in your life at all. If your life has been mapped out what have you got to do? Whatever has to be done will be done by itself. Wherever you have to be you will be. With whom you will have to be you will be with that person. Etc. The work you have to do will be done. It's wonderful when you think about this. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course this world is not perfect . There are limitations . But imagine playing a video game on God-mode. Imagine playing GTA on God mode when you have unlimited money an unlimited health and you can't die and fire doesn't affect you and you can bust through walls or fly etc ..then isn't the fun gone ? Don't you enjoy playing a challenging video game? Same with life my friend. Its bittersweet. The challenges are what make it beautiful and exciting. Millionaires kill themselves because life is boring for them. Labor worker and farmers here in India are one of the most happy people I ever knew . Because they earn every piece of bread they get .maybe you need to work or engage in something exciting. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You're welcome dear! OK let's save some time and cut to the chase ..what exactly Is going on in your personal life that makes it a constant struggle? Because I'm honestly not convinced about your compliance about the suffering of the world and the fact that you don't know what happens when you die . There are 8 billion humans alive on this earth ..all of them know they will die one day and that death is a mystery..yet they don't lose sleep over this fact . Emil Cioran was a nihilistic author ..he said that when he was 18 he almost lost his mind because he suddenly realized "oh my fucking god ..I'm gonna die one day " ..but he didn't kill himself..he died at 95 years old . Ramana Maharshi awakend when he realized that death exists . Buddha as well . Why not leverage this death anxiety that you have to actually make your life extraordinary 👽?how ? AWAKENING! -
@manuel bon also keep in mind these are pure spontaneous expressions..I write what comes to me in the moment..what I feel..so there is no aim for consistency or order to this journal. It's just to spit out whatever comes to my mind instead of making endless threads on the forums .
@manuel bon then we agree to disagree No worries. If i need to use a proper word I will use a limitation as you said .that's what I actually mean . The constant need to take care of the body. To eat..shit..and piss and shower etc.. isn't that such a curse ? Why do you think all enlightened masters are trying to detach from the body ? Is carrying a body a burden or a bliss? You are identified with an imaginary temporary physical avatar.. For a while. Not for long time but for a while. The more I recognize my true nature and then compare it to the body.. The more I see the body as a burden. A burden that I have to carry on for my whole life. Babysitting this body. Task after task. Feed me. Please Me. Rest me. Move me. Clean me. Over and over again. A chore after a chore. Until I fall dead after reaching the limit of exhaustion. A house of diseases. A house of desires. The never-ending desire that doesn't amount to anything other than the multiplication of itself and the expansion of disappointment. A house of needs. A house of lacking and constant aiming. The mind can be at ease. The soul can just be content in the now. The body has to perform effort and chase after it's "needs". There seems to be a conflict between the body and the soul. The nature of limitation VS unlimitedness. What is your relationship with your body?
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Spiritual Warfare if I can go back in time and give myself advice when I was going through something similar to you it's would be don't worry about anything..everything is OK as it is .love is real.god is good . is there anything available to you right now that you would like to do..that you enjoy? Watching the sky..yoga..basking in the sun..watching birds and butterflies outside or in the park.. drinking a glass of water.. eating something.. sleeping.. working out.. jog. walk. .....? There's always something I can come up with..just do that.. if you can. You're not productive being negative anyways..so you may as well do what you want to do.. it makes you positive for production and you're doing what you want. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm you 😇 -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are confusing the relative level with the absolute level ..at the relative level you can definitely understand partial truths like why does the earth rotate around the sun or why does objects fall down into the floor if you throw them up ..the explanation is gravity . On the absolute level existence is absolute infinity ..which means it will never be understood fully by definition since any understanding is part of infinity itself . You need not understand everything to live a happy life .you need to just set your priorities straight . Don't be sad please. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Life is not a video game dude. I hope I will reincarnate into a dinosaur and bite you in the arch. -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your body will decompose and get distributed into the soil and then turn into plants then to animal then some human will eat you up then some sperms will fertilise some egg then you will be born as me ... -
Someone here replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are still young ..you still have a lot to experience in life which might twist your perspective on existence upside down. Don't be quick to judge something you don't fully understand..by your own admission. Live your life first before you make such conclusions. And between me and you..as the wise @Thought Art have said ...we are indeed blessed . Practice gratitude. Meditation in nature .look at the sea..the sun..the birds ..life is literally a miracle. You just need a clear mind to see this . Life is not as hellish as you might think ..and the punchline is that at least you are incarnated into a human in the 21st century with Internet and technology etc..maybe if you kill yourself you will incarnate as a cow in a slaughter shop..then you will know what hell really is . -
Baby don't hurt me ..no more 😂
Solipsism is the highest form of awakening.
I mean isn't life disgusting? Look at our bodies.. we stink ..we shit ..we piss ..we sweat ..we get runny nose ..we fart ..its gross . The body is like a prison .you constantly need to babysit your body . Feed it ..clean it ..please it .etc we are trapped inside this meat suit and we are only absolved from it by death . Its dense and burdensome. Our bodies are made of flesh and bones .it's gross. Why are we attached to our stinky disgusting bodies? Isn't it better to drop them and awaken to pure fucking being without form?
To awaken you must be disgusted by the world. If you feel happy then you are not ready to awaken. As long as you feel good you are light years away from awakening . You must develop a disgust from life.
Someone here replied to Will1125's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Bertrand Russell was once asked "why is there something rather than nothing?"..he replied "even if there was nothing you'd still complain "🤣 -
@manuel bon I hear ya .actually most people (me included) can philosophize on the Internet about life being purposeless yet in their practical lives they want to eat and fuck and acquire money and cars and houses etc . What I'm actually saying though is it doesn't matter whether you have a purpose or not ..because purposelessness includes purpose. You see? If life is truly purposeless then might as well have a purpose..cuz ..why not? 😂
@manuel bon hi . Sorry I disagree. This isn't jiving with the "spirit " of this journal. I'm talking about radical levels of liberation. It might sound like nihilism or spiritual bypassing or whatever ..but I'm just spitting raw truth .a purpose to life will actually make your life worse. Because you will be stressed out until you finally achieve your goal. And when you finally achieve it ..you will be disillusioned. Its a lose-lose deal .