Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Is the notion of "racism being real as a mind independant phenomena" itself mind independent or mind dependent? How deep is the rabbit hole ?
  2. @r0ckyreed this is it right there . Leo tossed you with one sentence 😂. Even science agrees with this. Science tells us that everything is composed of atoms and energy. And when the atoms spin at a certain rate of speed.. this determines what the object is. Science tells us that our eyes see a reflection of light and the reflection of light causes the image to appear before a a a an ocean as the moon etc In other is beginning to see that no thing exists the way it appears to exist. It only exists because you exist. If you weren't around to see it.. there would be no existence. It is only because you are around and you are conscious. Consciousness is absolute and more fundamental than all of your skeptical thoughts.
  3. Nope .your posts only lacked some grammatical structure. Your posts were always masterpieces of wisdom and such a delight to the eye and rest to the soul. Although a bit ambiguous and "coded". By "coded " I mean they require the reader to be at the same level as the writer (you). Which is not always the case .that's all . 🍻
  4. No I did . Scroll up and read what I said here : I take cold showers when it's below 10's gigantic the degree of coldness and suffering I endure . But it works magic on elevating your mood and It also boosts your libido and testosterone..motivation..sleep quality etc has a lot of benefits.
  5. No it doesn't typically get lower than 8 Celsius . Still pretty cold . You'd have to be dipped into squishy blankets from head to toe .
  6. Dude that was dope as hell . BTW Glad you started using proper punctuation instead of these pseudo-poetic idle nuggets of comments that you used to blabber in the past 🤣❤
  7. BTW guys and gals I only take cold ass showers regardless of the season.. Try a cold bath in the midst of the freezing winter ..its like you've injected Cocaine into your dick/pussy.
  8. @shree hello. This topic of solipsism is tricky . If haven't yet ..Watch Leo's deleted video on solipsism. You can find it on YouTube by typing " solipsism ". Especially the 2nd half of it where Leo addresses all the common tricky controversial questions regarding solipsism. What you have to understand is that as long as you still want clarity from "others who have experience " then you are by definition not awake to solipsism because who exactly are you asking for clarity here if there is no one but you ?! This is a trap to turn solipsism into a topic of negotiation and discuss it with "others ". Because the very heart of the issue here is knowing who "others " are . This is a trap I've fallen into plenty of times because I was delusional that I've awakened to solipsism when it was just a conceptual cool nihilistic philosophy to cope with the meaninglessness of existence and the human condition. It does you no good to discuss this topic in a forum . Sit down alone in a room and figure out ..who are "others "? Do not ask others who are others .that's putting the cart before the horse .
  9. You are repeating the same questions. So I will have to answer by providing the same point . No one said objective reality exists. There is no such thing as objective reality . Everything is just a subjective experience. Two things you should contemplate : 1) subjective vs objective reality . 2) relativity. watch Leo's episode on relativism and Leo's video on solipsism. You said there are planets that exist right now but you don't experience right now .. Example question:........ Does planet Mars exist while one is not perceiving it? Check your experience: Nothing exists for you the stuff that is occurring in your direct experience in the NOW. Existence =NOW. Ideas about here and there.. Now and then and back then.. Up there and down here..themselves must occur NOW for them to be just more concepts occurring again NOW. Make sure you get this . It's not that there is an absolute static truth about whether "Mars" "exists".. There is no such thing as "Mars".. For all you know mars could be exploding and getting destroyed now.. So it exists at one point and it doesn't exist in the next moment. Make sure you get this . How about when you are dreaming and completely lost in your dream..mars doesn't exist in the context of your dream world. Just like a flying spaghetti monster does not exist in this world as far as we can tell.. But who knows maybe it exists in some other dimension! You see it's all relative. Identity itself is relative to time and change. Existence itself is relative to a frame of reference and to an observer. So does mars exist? Yes and no without a doubt relative to whatever one imagines this question even "means" lol. But don't go looking for an absolute answer. No idea is absolute.
  10. Same point .so same answer . This ⬆️ applies to itself .this line of reasoning applies to this very line of reasoning as well . So you also have to back up this line of reasoning with further justifications ad infinitum. So you've shot yourself in the foot . This is self-defeating logic . "This statement is false ". Please square this with its own implications.
  11. Not really interested in games . Only serious discussion pls.
  12. @Ulax answer me first and then I'm gonna answer you . This is fair right ? Don't answer my question with a question. Answer my question with an answer .
  13. Is that ⬆️ known? If its known then you just contradicted yourself. If its not known then its wrong .
  14. @r0ckyreed I know EXACTLY what you're asking. I'm telling you there is no answer other than direct experience. And since there is nothing else but direct experience then your question is automatically obsolete. It's like asking where does the universe exist ? Or where is this present moment happening? It's just here and there is no outside to it since there is nothing else but it . So the answer would be It's just here .and here is all there is and it doesn't have an external location or position. We exist in the middle of nowhere. Similarly.."how do we know that this experience here is reliable or definitive knowledge "? The answer is you have no alternative to accepting this . Go ahead and doubt it for a sextillion years and see if it changes anything .
  15. @r0ckyreed only direct experience is true . If you doubt your direct experience then can you doubt that you doubt ? If yes ..then can you doubt that you doubt that you doubt ? the mind is infinite .I'm normally accused of being the biggest mental masturbator on this forum but im glad ive found a competition 😂 ❤ what does an answer to this question change in your experience? Buddha himself may answer you with X (the truth)..but jumping to a conclusion or believing in it would do more harm than good as it gets in the way of your own questioning. But Buddha might be full of shit . Right ? Of course everyone that speaks of anything that is not based on experience (either directly or indirectly ) is a blatant liar .'s the truth: banana. Now what?
  16. No precisely because dreams and life are made of the same substance. So you can't tell which is which .
  17. @Keryo Koffa it's in his blog . Go back to his blog posts from's somewhere there. It was a blog video .he said he tripped on some psychs and rewired the babies inside every single woman's womb to be born highly conscious ,selfless & loving . Then later on now in this thread and his interview with Curt he said he did no miraculous things with his superhuman states of consciousness. Contradiction.
  18. How is it already done ? Apparently its not. The world only got more mad . Peeps are slitting each other's throats in the middle east 24/7 and we are heading towards a WWIII.
  19. @Sho fio hi. The best thing to do regarding attracting and manifesting is using a vision you know what that is ? I'm seeing a great results since making my dreamboard few months ago .although I would say it's NOT the perfect finley made "vision board" . Its just a plain typical board that they use In schools . And I wrote a bunch of stuff on it and the results are great so far . add to it daily read it every day . the secret of making it work is Like when I write let's say I want to move to America and live there..and I wrote that then have to take the actions of actually getting your green card.. Like the ticket to America won't just land on your lab out of nowhere 😂 If you want to understand the mechanism of how using the dreamboard works watch Joe Dispenza on YouTube.
  20. Whatever happened to re-coding the DNA of every fetus inside all of humanity's wombs to be more aligned with Love that you've talked about back in 2018 (I don't remember accurately the time)? Was that just you being delusional?
  21. Yes because the brain releases DMT during REM phase which results in hallucinations . That's what dreams are .
  22. Yeah.."the whole time " is the keyword here's the thing in case you didn't notice.. The universe is a tricky fucking devil.. Sometimes life is amazing.. Other times you wanna blow up the whole universe.. Yin and yang.. Leela.. Maya.. Tricky stuff.. I just want one true stable THING. Infinity is hidden by the experience its appearing as . This experience is finite .if it was infinite you couldn't string together a single coherent sentence .to write this reply your mind must be fixated and limited .
  23. this is childish wisful thinking. really thats the only description. This can only fit into a kid's mind . Because he didn't see suffering and the ugly face of life yet . Once you become an adult and gain some life experience (which can only happen when life spits in your face with its endless proplems) then you can only laugh on this paragraph. There is no quitting suffering as long as you are stuck in a body . The end .
  24. @Javfly33 weird . I don't know why you didnt follow up on this thread .is it because all the comments are disagreeing with you ? well..i want to say that i don't agree with you in the logical deduction of jumping from : A) nothing external will ever make you happy . B) therefore only accepting solipsism will make you happy!🥴 Like the two things are completely not related. Although I do agree that solipsism is true .but let's set something straight're not awake to solipsism because if you are you should have a life shattering existential crisis of knowing :"holy fucking shit ! Nobody exists but me and everything is a dream in my head "😵‍💫 for me personally..I know solipsism is true and no one is reading this right now except me ..but I'm playing games because well...there is nothing else to do . So be dead honest ..are you actually awake to solipsism? Yes or no ?(with Sadhguru voice).